Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

I could have sworn that he was there, my father, my arch nemesis, I could have sworn… it is almost as if he vanished into thin air, Or maybe… nah… he died, I killed him, I killed that monster, it was probably nothing. It has to be nothing I ended that fool years ago, now I have two other fools to end; Desmond Sandals and this bitch that thinks she can just undermine me without any consequence.
I looked over at Valentina, she was staring at me, I could not really decipher her expression. I don’t really care what she is feeling, I just can’t get the image of her with that man out of my head, how could she?! How could she disrespect me like that?! How can she disrespect the reputation… the legacy I have strived to build for myself?!
I tightened my grip on her wrist and turned her so she was facing me.
“Listen to me you little tramp nobody disrespects me and goes scot free! You are going to pay with your blood for this disrespect!” I said through gritted teeth. I watched her face change from its usual color to crimson, I watched the tears starting to fall from her eyes. Nobody is going to save you from me Valentina Sanchez not even those pathetic tears.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I have to kill Valentina Sanchez before she gets stuck on my man’s head like glue. I can’t seem to forget the image from last night, I cannot seem to forget that little bitch on my Raphael, my man, nobody does that! I never let that happen to me not after the first time it did.
I learnt early on that men are like undomesticated pets, they do not have a good sense of loyal, I learnt that I have to keep them entertained, keep the whores away if I want them staying with me. Now there is this whore, Valentina Sanchez, that bastard Diego’s whore who has somehow inserted herself into me and Raphael’s life.
What do I do to her, how do I stop her from destroying what I have struggled so hard to build. I would have to kill her, but how? Do I poison her like I did my godmother Stephanie? Strangle her like I did Cara, that bitch who was getting too close to my Raphael or yes set an ‘accidental’ fire to her house like I did Maliya, that transfer student that did not know how to keep it in her pant. I caught her with my Raphael and immediately went on to planning her demise and with the help of St. Beyonce from the Lemonade album I succeeded. Raphael knew about it, he knows about everything I do in fact he supports me through everything, says that one of the reasons he likes me, he likes how dangerous I can be when I am pushed to be. I like helping him get rid of those leeches. Valentina Sanchez is the next leech on my list.
I really can’t really most of what happened last night, I just remember my roommate or should I say party friend/ best friend kinda sorta or better put my hangover mate since I cannot call her my roommate given that we technically don’t live together even though I see her a lot more than I see my own sister who I live with and I can’t call her my best friend because… well she hasn’t earned that title yet. The only person I have ever called my best friend was Cara, she died, nobody knows how she died strangely enough it seems like nobody else apart from me cares even her parents seem to have moved on, a little too quickly if you ask me, I don’t know, it’s almost as if the mere sound of their daughter’s name terrifies them.
I turn to look at the stranger sleeping close to me, perfectly tanned skin, beautiful face and all. Yesterday was wild but I did not know it would end with Hunter arms wrapped me, my hands deep into his beautiful jet black curly hair, his tongue tangled around me. The way he took his time with me, kissing down my body as his hands found my boobs, he caressed then before slowly taking one of my nipples into his mouth, making circles around it, sucking on it and then he took the other into his mouth as his finger found my already dripping pussy. My clit came alive with every stroke of his finger on its tip, he stroked it lightly but added just enough pressure. The ecstasy continued to build, I wrapped my legs around him as he pounded into my slowly then swiftly, I felt every single inch and width of that big wonderful cock, my fingers dig into his back and he made sure to leave a hickey on my neck.
He continued to thrust into me, those wonderful pleasurable thrust, I couldn’t get enough of it… of him.
Wait did we use a condom??!
Oh shit!
“You are going to be here until I say otherwise. You have to learn that I own you and you cannot do anything unless I permit it. I own you Valentina, I can choose to snap the life out of you if it pleases me.” Diego said.
I have never seen him this enraged, for the first time in a long time I was actually scared.
“But Diego I…” I started but was cut short by a slap that landed on my cheek. I looked from the hefty bodyguard that had slapped me to Diego, the hot tears started to trickle down my cheek.
“Don’t ever forget yourself like that again Valentina or else the repercussion would be a lot more than a trivial slap.” Diego said as he grabbed my throat painfully in his hand, I struggled to breathe, with tears running down my eyes I wrapped my hands around his wrist trying to get his hands off my throat, he did not let go.
“Pl…please.” I struggled to say through the chokehold. He let go. I wheeze, trying to get air back into my lungs, I couldn’t stop sobbing. This… this is not the Diego I know, it is almost as if he morphed into something else, someone else, something completely monstrous.
“It is a shame, I actually really liked you but now I have to let you die. Valentina, my pretty face.” He said. My eyes widened with fear then everything went pitch black.