Chapter 42
-Mr. Thomas has sent me to tell you that the meeting will take a little longer than expected and he wants me to bring him something to eat.
-Oh, that’s fine. Could you do me a favor and tell him I’ve left and that I’ll see him later?
She smiles.
-The Lord said you should wait here, no matter how long it takes, so I have very specific orders not to let you leave. He mentioned something about being under his care, or at least that’s what I understood.
I feel my cheeks flush because I know that today Liam is playing doctor with me. I adjust myself on the sofa, and the emotions emanating from my body are too overwhelming for me.
-That’s fine, could you please bring me toast with chocolate and a glass of water?
-Of course, I’ll bring it right away. Anything else?
-No, nothing else. Thank you.
The girl leaves, leaving me alone again with my overwhelming thoughts. This gives me plenty of time to walk around the office and discover a hidden door that leads to an extremely luxurious bathroom, with everything I need, except a jacuzzi. I look at myself in the mirror and see my flushed cheeks, my eyes shining. I know that look very well: I am falling fast and hard for Liam Thomas, and I have only known him for a couple of weeks. Is he feeling the same way about me? He should, right? Why does he want to introduce me to his mother and father? He has also brought me to his workplace, and we have held hands. I think we are taking a step in the right direction. I touch up my makeup, step out of the bathroom, and sit on the sofa just as the door opens and the girl brings my breakfast. I thank her as she places the tray on the coffee table in front of me. She nods and leaves again, and of course, I dive into my chocolate toast. I enjoy it so much that, surprisingly, I don’t vomit at all and I drink a ginger-flavored tea that she brought me. I really appreciate her gesture, and I know this has a lot to do with Liam. My stomach is quite grateful for the drink, which helps prevent me from vomiting everything I have eaten.
I lean back on the sofa, lying down completely, and I start playing a game on my phone. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I do, and when I wake up, it’s to the sound of typing coming from somewhere. I lazily open my eyes and see Liam frowning behind his desk as he types quickly on his computer keyboard. I watch him inhale deeply, and then he raises his dark gaze, the almost nonexistent blue, filled with such an intense and overwhelming feeling that I can feel it pierce my soul.
-Did you sleep well?
-Like a baby. I’m sorry I fell asleep.
-Don’t worry, I like having you here. I’ve noticed I can concentrate better on work if you’re in front of me. -My heart leaps with excitement at that confession. His words sound as intense as his gaze.
-How long did I sleep? -I ask as I sit up, looking for my phone-. Where’s my phone?
-I put it to charge and then I put it in your bag. It’s 2 PM.
-What?! Have I slept that long?! -I jump up and, doing so so quickly, I feel a bit dizzy, so I hold onto the wall. In a blink, I have Liam by my side supporting me.
-I’m fine, I’m fine. I just got up too fast. I need to go to the bathroom… -before he can say anything, I rush to the bathroom because I urgently need to pee. As I go to lock the door, Liam’s hand rests on it, preventing me from closing it. I look at him urgently-: I need to pee!
-Are you sure?
He looks at me with that “I don’t believe you at all” expression.
-Ugh, do what you want. -I ignore the fact that the most handsome man in the world is standing at the door watching me rush to the toilet. I pull down my pants desperately and sit down to pee-: I would say I’m mortified, but no. It feels so ordinary that I love that you see me.
-Always a pleasure. -He replies with amusement and a cheeky smile.
-Get out, Mr. Thomas!
I hear him laugh as he closes the door. I shake my head, laughing at the situation. When I’m ready, I get dressed again, then I flush the toilet and wash my hands before stepping back out.
-I called my mother to tell her we will be having lunch with them.
-Did you tell her I’m going?
-No. I specifically said I would bring someone. I want it to be a surprise.
-Oh my God, we better leave it for another day.
-No. -I look at him from the center of the office where I’m standing and he is behind his desk, sitting and looking like the Nordic god I know he is-: My little wolf is a self-assured female, so I don’t understand why you’re so nervous.
-Shut up and don’t call me little wolf. I’m not in the mood for that. -I say, somewhat hysterically, as I pace back and forth thinking about what I’m going to do-: I’ve never had a relationship serious enough to meet anyone’s parents. I know I sound pathetic, considering I’m a 24-year-old woman.
-I’m glad to be the first. So put the nerves aside. There’s nothing pathetic about having waited for me -He says as he stands up and grabs his jacket from behind the chair. His smug tone annoys me a little. Or am I the one wanting to ruin everything? Yes, it’s me.
-What, now?
-Yes, now.
-No, wait. -I ask as he grabs my bag with one hand and takes my hand with the other. He leads me out of the office, where we meet Gigit. Liam nods at her.
-Ready? -Gigit asks cheerfully.
-Are you coming too? -Now I’m really panicking. We will have more audience than usual.
-Of course. I’m part of the family and I hardly ever separate from his hairy butt.