As to be expected, the atmosphere was austere and downright suffocating to the eighteen year old still human girl.
Theodore could feel his mate’s unease, and he did his best to show her that he stood by her no matter what, by squeezing her hand many times during the celebratory lunch.
It had been almost a year since he had last stepped foot in the palace, and if he hadn’t been summoned, he would have spent much more before coming back.
He was reminded of the last exchange he had with his mother. It hadn’t been a pleasant one.
They didn’t welcome him and his mate with open arms, hugs, and kisses. That would bring shame upon the royalty. Instead, his parents nodded at them from where they were seated on their respective thrones.
Once greetings were exchanged and his mother inquired about Emily, and he introduced her as his mate, he could almost taste their disdain.
His mother’s angry tirade was thankfully in Russian – her mother tongue. She basically implored him to tell her that he hadn’t mated a foolish frail human girl, before she became more aggressive, and demanded that he cut all ties with her at once.
He let her finish before telling her coolly, “Kindly speak in English, mother. Emily doesn’t understand you.”
His mother humphed but quieted down at once. His mate’s unease increased tenfold if that was possible.
They were standing in front of the table, ready to have lunch, when he saw that Emily almost sat down before the king and the queen – his parents – did.
“Is something wrong?” She asked him timidly as he grabbed her elbow, preventing her from sitting down in the nick of time.
“Do you know nothing about etiquette?” His mother all but spat out disdainfully.
“Eti-what?” His sweet Emily was absurdly cute when confused.
“Etiquette, manners, savoir-vivre,” his mother explained.
Theodore then sensed that Emily was about to respond when he hugged her from behind.
She melted into his touch and said nothing as she leaned back into the safety of his arms.
Talking back to royalty was considered a major faux-pas to nobility and an offense to commoners. And even though his sweet Emily was royalty, since she was his fated mate, she was a commoner by default in his mother’s eyes.
His father’s eyes were slightly narrowed at the soft public display of affection.
Theodore had been brought up strictly. He had been told from a very young age that a prince ought not to show emotions, and that emotions made people weak.
Nowadays, however, he believed he had never been as strong as he became since falling for, and mating with Emily.
Lunch was served, and they ate in silence as was the norm. Unless spoken to by the king or the queen, nobody ought to talk during lunch… it was just one of those silly rules.
He was glad he had told Emily about this one specific rule one day in jest. It seemed to have stuck around, for his usual bubbly mate was silent.
Dessert was soon enough served, and the king announced, “I hope you made arrangements to stay a few days. Your siblings will be arriving today.”
Even though it was worded as a request almost, Theodore had no doubt in his mind that he had just been commanded to stay at the palace.
He had to repress the urge to roll his eyes at his father’s antics.
“Yes, father,” he nodded.
“You have siblings?” Emily asked in a whisper, sounding amazed.
“Yes, I do,” he smiled at her softly. “I’m sure they’ll love you.”
“Be advised that you won’t sleep in the same chambers as my son,” the queen then spoke up, addressing Emily.
His mate’s eyes widened in surprise.
Theodore merely squeezed on her hand softly, and did the talking, “Fear not, mother, I know all about your sensitive hearing. We will try to keep it down.”
His words dripped with sarcasm. And his mother’s eyes narrowed on him, but she thankfully didn’t try to object some more.
He’d much rather leave and face his family’s wrath, than have to sleep alone in his humongous chambers.
Besides, he had had partners visit his bed chambers many times, and never once had she protested. Why must she make things difficult for Emily?
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
They had finished lunch and retired to the bed chambers as the queen called Theodore’s quarters, when Emily finally decided to speak her mind.
“I don’t think she…”
She didn’t have the time to finish before Theodore grabbed her by the shoulder, spun her around and kissed her lips deeply.
When they parted for air, he discreetly shook his head negatively, before telling her, “Tonight, we shall go star seeing. Would you love that?”
“Yes,” she said even though she was slightly confused as to why he wouldn’t allow her to talk.
“The walls have ears my dear,” he then told her jokingly.
She scowled briefly, not understanding the charades, before it finally dawned on her.
She fished out her phone and typed furiously on it.
I don’t think your mom likes me.
Mother doesn’t like anyone. He typed back.
You don’t say?
Emily then announced that she wanted to lay down and Theodore soon enough joined her, his torso bare seeing as he had discarded his shirt.
“I’m trying to sleep here,” she whined at him.
“Did I tell you you couldn’t?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“No, but you… you…”
“I what?” He taunted.
“Oh, you know what you’re doing. The gullible act doesn’t suit you, Theodore King,” she said as she blushed furiously, remembering the carnal activities they had engaged in before coming so far.
“Oh my! Busted!” He chuckled good-humoredly.
It was times like these that Emily wanted to cherish till the end of times. Times when she and her dear Theodore acted, and spoke freely to one another.
She would have to remember that the palace was not a welcoming place for people like her – commoners and humans to top it off. And as Conrad, the butler, had said, she’d have to watch her back as well.