“Do you think they’re going to like me?” Emily asked in a worried tone, from where she was seated next to Theodore on his private jet.
“I wish I could say they will like you,” he said on a tired sigh. “But what matters the most, mate, is that I love you.”
“Yeah,” she blushed at that. “You’re right.”
For Emily who had never been on a plane before, mind less a jet, the new experience seemed to be exhilarating, and Theodore enjoyed watching her.
He loved seeing her content, excited, happy. He also loved her blushes and the stars in the depths of her green eyes whenever she looked at him.
He vowed to make it his mission to make her the happiest woman on earth.
Despite the fact that they had mated nearly 2 weeks ago, she had yet to change into a dragon. According to her, she hadn’t had any kind of change happen. He reasoned that the changes might not be noticeable yet, that was all.
Whether she remained a frail human or became one of his kind, he didn’t really care – save for her safety maybe. It was harder to finish off a dragon than it was to finish off a human being.
He contemplated telling her some harsh truths about the court, about the protocol, and all that came with being a royal, but then thought better of it. He didn’t want to ruin her good mood. He didn’t want to scare her off. Not yet. Not when she was just coming around. Not when she had only admitted loving him a day prior.
It was quite ironic really for him, Theodore King, Theos, to be scared of a little girl’s reaction.
He who fears nothing, has nothing to lose, he thought to himself.
But now that he had found his mate, he didn’t care about his title or his reputation. He only cared for his sweet little mate’s wellbeing…
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
As if the flight wasn’t enough, Emily and Theodore now had to travel by car to the neighboring town where their family’s palace was.
The driver waiting for them next to the limo looked almost too bulky to be merely a simple driver.
Emily reasoned they could need protection. After the threats Theodore had received which had compelled him to make her stay at the estate, she could now believe that he did have many enemies – troublesome ones too.
The driver’s eyes had flashed red slightly upon seeing her… and he almost looked angry for a brief moment. And then, a growl from Theodore was all he needed to start doing his job and stop acting like a jilted lover.
“Your highness, we have been expecting you, alone,” he said politely and yet stiffly somehow.
“What kind of man would I be if I left my mate behind?” Theodore replied in an icy tone.
The man’s eyes bulged almost comically at that… but he uttered no other word.
He opened the door of the limo and Theodore ushered Emily inside.
Emily was too excited to doze off despite Theodore’s pleas for her to just rest. An hour of driving later, and the car stopped in the middle of nowhere.
The driver turned to her mate and said, “We’re here, your highness.”
“Thank you,” Theodore nodded in acknowledgment.
“But there’s nothing here,” Emily said, confused more than she could put it into words.
“I forgot to tell you that the palace is hidden by a cloak – a veil of sorts – that prevents outsiders from going in.”
She let out a stunned “oh” at that. “Sounds like fun.”
“Fun?” The driver echoed after her incredulously, and sounding slightly irked. “We do everything in our power to ensure the safety of the crown.”
“Know your place,” Theodore’s tone was deadly cold.
And yet, his assertiveness as always made Emily squirm in her seat.
His gray eyes looked her way, mirth dancing in their depths, having no doubt sensed her arousal. She blushed a deep crimson at that, and averted her eyes.
At that moment, she would do anything to avoid his prying eyes.
“Let’s get out of the car already. I can’t wait to see the palace,” she announced.
“Let’s, dorogaya,” he told her softly, no hint of amusement in his tone – like the gentleman he could be.
A moment later, they were outside the car, the driver trailing behind them, dragging the few suitcases they had brought along.
They followed a hidden path in the dense forest. And it wasn’t long before Theodore stopped in front of a tree.
He put his hand on its trunk and muttered a few words in a foreign language.
Emily stood in awe as the trunk of the tree opened up and a narrow passage was formed.
“Just follow me,” Theodore told her softly and she nodded her agreement.
They walked inside in a single file for a few minutes until the passage became wider, or rather wide enough to fit two people walking side by side.
A minute or so more and they emerged out of the dark passage.
They found themselves in the middle of a beautiful clearing, and in front of them stood an imposing palace, all white.
“It’s beautiful,” Emily said in awe.
“No more beautiful than you are,” Theodore whispered lovingly, making her blush.
“Stop teasing me,” she softly reprimanded him.
“Even though I love teasing you, I was only saying the truth,” he retorted sweetly.
And then, he leaned forward and crushed her lips under his.
They had to part when the driver cleared his throat awkwardly.
Theodore turned to glare at the man, and Emily just tugged at his sleeve. “Who’s that at the door?”
The man was elegantly clad and looked nearly as strict as the housekeeper they had left in charge of the estate.
Was that his dad?
“That’s Conrad, our butler,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Don’t let his cold exterior fool you. He’s the kindest dragon I have ever known.”
They took a few steps forward, and it wasn’t long before they were in front of the butler.
“Your highness,” Conrad bowed respectfully. “Your parents are waiting for you at the ceremony hall.”
“No long time no see? No how have you been? You wound me, Conrad,” Theodore clicked his tongue.
The butler blushed slightly at that, regarded the prince with eyes that just pleaded with him not to torment him.
“I hope you’re well, your highness, and have been well since the last time I have seen you,” he said with deference.
“I am better than well,” Theodore exclaimed merrily. “I am now a mated dragon.”
“I am happy for you, your highness,” he said, a soft smile gracing his lips when his eyes settled on Emily who greeted him with a smile and timid hello. He nodded at her curtly. And then his eyes focused back on Theodore and he said, “your parents are…”
“Waiting for me, I know,” Theodore cut in in a more earnest tone, and his hand squeezed Emily’s slightly.
As they got in the palace, she could have sworn she heard the butler murmur something along the lines of, “Kindly watch your back, your highness.”
But seeing as Theodore didn’t acknowledge that whisper at all, she figured she must be imagining things now.