I watched the movie with an absent mind, distracted as I was by my plans for the night, and way too aware for my liking of his stares. Jonathan’s eyes had not leaved me from where he was sitting, four rows behind me yes, I had managed to discreetly locate him or so I hoped.
Sometime during the movie, Tim awkwardly dropped his arm on the back of my seat, and I had to repress the ridiculous urge to giggle. I was sure, however, we would have been able to hear a barely contained, throaty growl if it weren’t for the fusillade roaring on the screen at the time. The guys had chosen an action movie. I would have preferred a romantic one, thus I would have been able to cuddle with my date and irk that damned alpha mate a little bit more I had no such luck.
We take what we can, I mused, a stupid smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth. I allowed it to appear since no one would see it or question it anyway.
There wasn’t much I planned to do really. I was just going to push his buttons with all my might.
I wanted him blind with jealousy and rage. I wanted him to snap and lose that iron-like control of his, which shouldn’t be too hard considering his anger issues and all. If I achieved that, I could point out the things I wanted to get through that thick head of his we were not compatible, not at all.
As Tim’s hand came to rest conveniently upon my arm and he held me to him, we could hear a distinct creak barely seconds later. That loud cry of complain must have come from his chair. We were at one of those rare movie theatres which seats had armchairs to them.
Poor thing, a mental giggle erupted in my mind. My lips itched to let out a real one but that would not and could not do. I gently bit on my lower lip, efficiently containing the offending sound that had been seconds away from betraying me.
Soon enough, the movie ended, and we were heading out of there. I didn’t need to turn around to see if he was following us, I knew he would be. I made sure to let my hand brush against Tim’s as we moved at a leisurely slow pace towards his parked car that was, then, at no more than five feet away.
Tim unceremoniously engulfed my hand with his, not needing further encouragement from my part. Just as I slid in the car and the door snapped shut with a soft clack, I heard a car’s flats screeching as it hurriedly left the parking lot.
My jaw clenched briefly, thinking that he might have gotten too angry to come to the restaurant as well, but before Tim could even get to his door, I was certain he must have known where we were going to be at next.
Don’t take it on the car, mate, I allowed a little giggle out as I thought that, overcome with satisfaction.
Tim got in the car, a moment later, to find me grinning foolishly to myself.
“Enjoying ourselves, are we?” his tone was playful, his eyes twinkling with amusement. His voice was deep but not as deep as Jonathan’s.
I inwardly admonished myself for comparing the guys again when I definitely shouldn’t.
“You have no idea!” My grin grew broader if it was even possible. I then had to turn my head, so as not to face his affectionately smiling face, when a pang of guilt hit me hard, I might add.
Even though I was in the company of someone as wonderful as Tim, having him all to myself, all over me, all I ever thought about was HIM and how I would make him see things from my point of view. Dare I think it?
Was I using Tim?
Suddenly, it seemed too stuffy inside and I could no longer stand the closed window.
As the fresh air of the evening hit me, I felt myself cool down and relax a little bit. I was not using Tim; I was genuinely interested in him, way before that damned alpha-ultra came to town. It’s not like I was planning to accept Jonathan for a mate anytime soon. I was not leading Tim on. I was just killing two birds with one single stone getting closer to my crush and my mate further away from me. My shoulders slumped, no longer tense with worry, as I convinced myself that I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
As we reached the restaurant that was no more than ten minutes away, I realized, aghast, that Tim had been talking to me. Seeing his seemingly smiling eyes, I silently sighed, feeling reassured. I had somehow managed to let out all along some sort of response that wasn’t completely off the beam.
We had arrived before the others therefore we agreed on waiting for them. It was not long before they were coming our way, Carla as radiant as ever.
They must have been making out, I reasoned, my face unmistakably breaking into a knowing smirk that made Seth blush ever so slightly we knew each other way too well.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
The entrees had been served. I had picked at my food, distractedly nibbled on a salad before losing complete interest. I had pretexted I didn’t like it when it was, I was sure, nothing short of delicious… I just didn’t seem to appreciate it. It had been nearly twenty minutes since we had entered the restaurant and HE was nowhere in sight. Where had he gone to? Didn’t he know where we were supposed to eat? Damned alpha!
I made sure to smile and let out some “hmm” now and then when it seemed fit. The act was thankfully convincing to all except Seth of course, who seemed to see right through me. He knew something was wrong.
My eyes darted to the door when I heard the jingle bell announcing someone’s arrival. It slowly opened to reveal the raven-haired, blue-eyed guy haunting my every thought. I didn’t have the time to enjoy the little feeling of triumph because my eyes caught the slim, bare arm clinging to his clad-in-a-black-dress-shirt one.
I had to bite back the cry of frustration when I saw the brunette that was hanging onto him like a vine would a balcony. She had beautiful, big green eyes and wore fragile-like look on. Her heavy make-up and red dress however said it all. It was way too short it barely covered her bottom and it revealed way too much cleavage to be considered as decent clothing.
I thought he didn’t know I knew he was within the movie theatre earlier. He had unexpectedly figured out though. I snapped my head around as I felt my eyes narrow in annoyance. I would not let him have the satisfaction of seeing such a reaction.
Why was I even bothered? He could bang every god-damned tramp in the city if he wanted to… I couldn’t help but feel angry at myself for the unexpected emotions he had stirred up within me.
I angrily stabbed a French-fried potato just as the waiter put the plate on the table. As I raised the fork to my mouth, my eyes settled on the couple that was now occupying the table just next ours. Her back was to me, but he was facing my way, his eyes challenging, daring, his lips stretched into a devilish smirk… the bastard!
As I forced a smile on my lips and Tim smiled back at me, I could see from the corner of my eye Seth who was sitting just next to my date, across me narrow his eyes at me in warning. He had finally found the missing piece of the puzzle. He had figured out what had been bothering me. Knowing me like he did, he had no troubles guessing I had things planned in mind. He didn’t look all that thrilled by them though.
Well, tough! There was no stopping me. Hell, Jonathan was even taking the bait and taunting me in return and yes, I did say taunting me; I couldn’t deny the obvious, some part of me did care… but I would force it not to.
We’ll see who shall snap first. I raised the juice-filled glass to my lips, my eyes trained on Tim as I slowly sipped the fresh drink. A droplet remained on the corner of my mouth, refusing to go in; I seductively let my tongue out to catch it in the most sensual manner I could muster. I could swear I saw lust flash in Tim’s eyes, and it made me pleasantly warm inside. I needn’t raise my stare to see whether Jonathan had been watching or not since I heard, seconds later, the sound of a glass breaking. Was he the one to break? There was no doubt about it.
I felt almost too excited to remain seated. I might have been up to no good from the beginning but, then again, so was he.
This was a push and pull kind of game and I intended to win it. I had to.