It was nearly six in the evening, Karl and my brothers had gone out god knows where, my father was in the living-room watching TV whereas my mother was keeping me company in the hall as I waited for Tim. He had texted me about ten minutes ago saying he was leaving his house.
He’ll be here soon enough, I inwardly sighed, my eyes darting to the window.
“I understand what you must be feeling, darling,” my mother went on, oblivious to my total lack of interest “but please honey, don’t anger your mate. Nothing good will come out of that…” And the lecture continued.
When she had told me she’d wait with me, I had been surprised but kept silent, trying to convince myself there was nothing to it. How wrong of me! Since when did she like waiting?
As I gave her yet another bored look for I had been hearing the same little speech ever since that fateful evening when he had told them the news and resisted the urge to fake a yawn, knowing she’d be furious with me if I did, I heard a car parking close to the house, a door slamming and soon enough, our door bell ringing.
Finally! I inwardly squealed and let a grin slip on my face.
“Bye mom,” I called out as I opened the door to the smiling face of Tim.
“I was not finished,” she hissed through gritted teeth despite the smile she was putting on display for Tim’s benefit.
“Good evening Mrs. Peterson,” his smile was so bright, it was almost blinding. “Hey Jas.” As his dark brown eyes took in my appearance ever so discreetly, one could clearly see the approval.
We greeted him back, both giving him wide smiles in response.
“I’ve already heard it all mom,” I stated flatly in a whisper when I turned around and hugged her goodbye. “I’m not crazy, okay?” I reassured her with a small smile.
I know what I’m doing, I mentally finished but did not dare to add. She’d probably start asking me what it meant or something like that.
And we wouldn’t want that, now would we? The wicked voice in my mind chuckled evilly.
“Ok,” she sighed, surrendering. “Don’t stay out too late. Tomorrow is a school day.” Did she really have to remind me? I had never missed my curfew for heaven’s sake.
“Yeah, yeah,” was the nonchalant response she got as I allowed myself to be pulled by Tim out of the house.
Like a gentleman, he opened the door for me, and I slid in carefully so as not to flash him any more skin than I was already showing.
The twenty-minute drive to the cinema had been enjoyable. I had a nice chat with him without having to endure the stuffy and overwhelming feelings I got whenever I was within proximity of Jonathan. I was not being pressured into anything. I was not overly aware of the person sitting next to me. I was not feeling tingly all over… it was much simpler than that and much easier.
I could handle it.
I could almost feel myself growing to love him, to appreciate his sweetness. I could imagine our future together. I could picture us a happy couple. Respect, mutual understanding and love would be the secret ingredients… There would be no complications, no drama, no unnerving possessiveness, and no mind-blowing passion. It would be much easier that way.
Would it be enough though? A voice whispered ever so meekly in the back of my mind. I inwardly rolled my eyes at that and shrugged it off.
After he parked the car and we got out of it, we could see in the distance some big gray clouds and I could only hope it would not rain. Despite us witches being friends with the nature, I was not one to like storms not in the least bit.
I smiled at Tim as he took my hand in his and could not help but stare at his handsome face. His hair was the rich color of dark honey and his eyes a beautiful dark brown. He had a fair skin though not sickly so, a square jaw and a dazzlingly bright smile. All in all, he was hot, yet I could only compare him to Jonathan and feel as if somehow all of that wasn’t enough.
I shook my head at that, persuading myself it was my hormones’ doing, and continued to walk at a leisurely slow pace, side by side with him, towards where we could see Seth and Carla standing, waiting for us.
Soon enough, we reached them. I joyfully greeted Seth and then pulled Carla in a hug. Just as I was about to free myself from her friendly embrace, my eyes settled on the oh-so-dear alpha-ultra.
He wasn’t standing particularly close to us but, somehow, his mere presence made it feel like he had invaded my personal space.
There was no need for me to wonder how he came to know where we’d be watching the movie, for I had been expecting it. I was sure he would use his status to get the information out of someone and to my utter and complete delight, he had.
As Carla released me from her tight hold, I could feel a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth, but I would not allow it to appear.
I hope you’re ready, mate. I narrowed my eyes at him ever so slightly in order to let him know I had seen him when his gaze locked mine captive for a couple of seconds.
The eye-contact felt almost too hard to break but I eventually managed to avert my eyes from his alluring blue orbs when they shifted to Tim’s hand that had come to rest on my arm.
If his looks were any indications, I’d say my precious mate didn’t seem to like my date all that much. I could understand that since, admittedly, Tim couldn’t hold a candle to him… Nevertheless, he was the choice I had made, the safe and reasonable one. My rational side couldn’t approve more of Tim. My body, on the other hand, seemed to be of another thought.
We were entering the movie theater, and I could see Tim’s lips moving, forming words that I could not hear. I had not paid attention to what was being said around me, too absorbed as I was in my devilish thoughts, but I was smart enough to smile engagingly when it seemed right.
It was going to be a fun night.