I hiss in pain and hold my stomach. Stupid Braxton Hicks! I had Dickson check me out to make sure I wasn’t in real but he said it was just Braxton hicks. Ugh… Can’t i have a normal pregnancy? I sit on the sofa until they pass then waddle over to the refrigerator.
Pickles…pickles… pickles… where are the pickles? I shuffle through the stocked fridge that Leo filled with my favorite foods. After practically destroying the fridge, I find my pickles!!! I twist the top but it won’t budge… No! No! This can’t be happening! I need my pickles!
What do I do? I can’t bother Leo with this!
Should I? No!
Well this is an emergency… why the heck not?
My eyes glaze over while I mind link Leo.
‘Leo! I have an emergency!’
‘What’s wrong? Is the baby coming?!’ He sounds beyond worried.
I roll my eyes and sigh… men
‘Even worse!! I can’t open the pickle jar! I need my pickles Leo!’ I scream through the mind link.
He was silent.
‘You called me because you couldn’t open a pickle jar..’ He sounds a little annoyed.
‘Leo! This is serious! I need the pickles right now!’ I yell through the mind link
‘Mira, you’ve gone through three pickle jars this morning. Don’t you think you should lay off the pickles for a while?’
Did he just call me fat?! He just called me fat!
Are you calling me fat?! Your calling me fat aren’t you?! I can’t believe my own mate hates me because I ate three jars of pickles! You’re gonna reject me again aren’t you? Your gonna find a prettier girl and leave me aren’t you? You are! I’m gonna be rejected again! I can’t take another rejection! But you don’t care do you? You’re just gonna leave your mate because you think I’m fat!’ I sob
What? I can’t help that I’m a hormonal pregnant woman.
‘Mira, you know I didn’t mean it like that. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world! How could I ever leave you?’
‘So now your just staying with me because I’m pretty?! You don’t like my personality? You don’t love me? You just love my body?!’ I cry.
‘That’s not what I… ugh.. will it make you fell better if I come back and open your pickle jar?’
I instantly perk up at the sound of pickles. I smile and nod. Then I remember that he can’t see me
‘Yes.’ I whimper.
‘I’ll be there in five minutes. Love you!’
‘Love you too.’
I waddle to the sofa with the pickle jar in hand. I flop down on the soft cushions and sigh. I’m so freakin moody. I feel sorry for Leo . I stare at the pickles as they float around in sour goodness. He’s taking forever! It’s been like… oh… its been thirty seconds. Never Mind.
I sit there staring at my beautiful pickles when I hear the door open. The familiar scent of honeysuckles and rain hits my nose and I instantly relax. Leo… I feel him place a hand in my shoulder from behind and sparks shoot through my body. He bend down and kisses my mark he gave me on my neck. I shiver and my breath hitches in my throat.
He walks over and sits next to me on the sofa. I hold up the pickle jar and he chuckles. He takes the pickle jar from me at easily opens it. Seriously!? I roll my eyes then tears start to fall. Stupid hormones! I cross my arms in frustration and huff.
“Sweetie, what is it?” He strokes my cheek but I turn my face away from him.
“Are you just rubbing it in?! Oh poor me because I can’t open a pickle jar! I’m sorry I can’t open this stupid thing!” I yell.
Tears spill over and I start to sob. Leo pulls my to him and holds me tight.
“I’m sor-sorry….. I don’t know w-what’s wrong with m-me.” I cry in his shirt.
“You don’t need to apologize sweetie. You’re pregnant, there’s nothing wrong with you love.” He strokes my hair and kisses me forehead
He rocks me back and forth until I stop crying my eyes out. I look at his shirt, it’s all wet and snotty.
“I’m sorry about your shirt.” I say shakily.
He chuckles and pushes a few stands of hair out of my face.
“Don’t worry about it sweetie. It’s fine, no harm done.”
I fall back into his chest, wanting to be held forever. We stay like this for who knows how long until he pulls away.
“Do you want your pickles?” He says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes and grab the open pickle jar that it sitting on the coffee table. I shove one in my mouth and give a sly smile.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes'” he says.
He stands up and begins to walk to his bedroom.
“Where are you going?” I ask with a little bit of worry lacing my voice.
He gives a reassuring smile,”I’m just going to change shirts. I’ll be right back.”
I smile back then search for the tv remote. Where is that thing!? I dig under the cushions and finally find it under a dirty sock in the couch. I wonder what’s in here? I don’t really want to find out….
I turn on the tv and watch ‘Lost’. Mmm, sawyer is hot! I made sure I blocked my thoughts off while watching this. I can’t have Leo murdering the male actors from a tv show because I thought they were hot.
I hear a feral growl come from Leo’s room and I jump. What’s going on? I begin to get up but I’m shoved back into my seat. I suddenly feel a cloth go over my mouth and nose. I struggle to rip it off but a hand holds it firmly on my mouth. A muffled cry escapes my lips as I claw at the hand. I start to feel a little beheaded and my eyes begin to droop.