He once again back hands me across my cheek. I whimper from the pain but look up at him with my glowing eyes and let out a deadly growl. My canines rip through my gums and I lounge at him. The others couldn’t hold me back as I bit into his face. I can taste the metallic blood in my mouth as 1 rip through flesh. He screams out in pain and begs me to release him. That’s what you get when you mess with a pregnant werewolf!
I’m about to snap his neck before someone hits the back of my neck and I release him when I yelp in pain. I’m on all fours holding my hurt neck when I feel a foot connect with my face. I fall on my back and gasp, trying not to scream. He just kicked a pregnant woman! Did his mother ever teach him manners?
I look up to see Ronald punch the guy in the face. I smile and attempt to get up. Ronald turns to me and helps me up from the ground.
“Are you alright?” He asks softly.
I nod and spit out the pooling blood in my mouth.
“Listen Mira, we have to bring you back and it would be easier on you and the baby if we didn’t have to sedate you. Will you come willingly?” His voice is laced with compassion and gentleness.
I look at the ground and reluctantly nod. It’s over. I can’t get away again. The best thing that could happen is them letting my baby live. But that’s a slim possibility.
They lead me to a black car and I climb into the back seat. Ronald sits one my left and the redhead on my right. When the car starts forward, the baby kicks me really hard and it makes me whimper. The redhead leans as far away as possible but Ronald lays his hand in my shoulder and looks at me with worry filled eyes.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Do we need to stop?” He asked, genuinely concerned.
I shake me head and rub my stomach.
“No, I’m okay. The baby just kicked really hard. I’m pretty sure I’ve got a soccer player in here.” I laugh and point to my stomach.
Ronald sighs and relaxes. His gaze drifts to my belly and a frown grows on his face.
“Who’s the father?” He asks.
I flinch and close my eyes. Why does he even care?
I mean, he knows it isn’t Leo’s , isn’t that enough? I’m surprised that Leo hasn’t told him. nonetheless I can’t tell him. I shake my head and stare at my hands. I decide to change the subject.
“What were you doing at that bar? I mean, it’s three hours away from your territory.” I ask
. Ronald chuckles and throws his head back.
“Believe it or not, but we were taking a break from searching for you. What a break…” He groans
“Nice.” I murmur.
We ride in silence before Ronald breaks it.
“If your not going to tell me who the father is, then at least tell me what the baby’s name is.” A smirk touches his lips.
I roll my eyes and look down at my hands that are rubbing my belly. I smile and look up at Ronald.
“Racheal. Rachael.” I can’t help but smile as I imagine her running around playing.
I feel her kicking again and I watch my shirt jump around wildly. Yep, soccer player. Definitely.
“That’s a beautiful name.” He whispers.
He lifts his hand and looks at me.
“May I?”
I nod and he places his hand on my belly. He laughs when she kicks where his hand is really hard.
“Wow…” He whispers to himself.
The car suddenly stops and I look out the window to see the pack house. Fear creeps up my spine as the car door opens. I scoot to the open car door and attempt to get out. The redhead groans then grabs my shoulders and pulls me to my feet.
I follow them inside and hide behind Ronald. I hear a deadly growl come from the other side of Leo’s office door. The memories in there aren’t pleasant at all. My jaw clinches at the most painful memory.
The door bursts open and I see Leo staring at me with blood red eyes. I flinch and hide my face behind Ronald. Then Ronald steps aside and I’m left in the open. I protectively place my hands on my belly and growl. Leo, who is just a few feet away, growls back at me.
I suddenly see William appear as he walks out of the kitchen. His face quickly fills with horror when he sees me. I look away from him and stare at my feet.
“Leave!” A loud voice says.
I try to leave too but Leo grabs my wrist.
“Not you, ” He growls.
What does he want? Is he going to kill me or my baby?
No…I won’t let any harm come to my baby because I will kill him first if he tries anything stupid.
Leo steps closer to me but I back away. he’s not gonna hurt my baby. His face soften even more and his shoulders slump forward in defeat. I cross my arms and stare at the floor.
“What do you want?” I barely whisper.
I wait for his answer but nothing could prepare me for what he says.
“You. I want you.” He attempts to step closer.
I don’t step back this time because my body is frozen in shock.
“I want you back, Mira.”
I shock then turns to anger as I point a finger at him.
“You rejected me once you found out who I really was!” I yell.
A long silence follows and he finally breaks it after a couple minutes of silence.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, not making eyes contact.
I’m beyond angry now! I dig my fingernails in my palms to control my wolf. I can’t shift when I’m this far along with my pregnancy.