Camila POV
I couldn’t shake off the feeling of Matthew’s fingers on my skin as we drove away from the school. We didn’t speak, the silence between us thick with tension.
I stared out the window in attempt to distract myself, but I kept having flashes of our little moment.
Does it mean he has feelings for me? Because clearly he was carried away by the hit of the moment. I screamed inwardly, frustrated. Every time I tried or thought I have figured him out, he comes up with a new and heart wrecking behavior.
Matthew’s phone buzzed, breaking their silence. He glanced at the screen, then quickly answered the call through the Bluetooth in his ear.
“Don.” His voice firm.
I turned to him, curious. I wondered what he’s going to report back to Marco.
“Yes, I’ve got her.” Matthew said, his eyes flicking to me before returning to the road. “Yes, Don.”
Immediately, he hanged up the call, he turned on a different direction that is clearly not heading home.
“Where are we going?” I asked curious.
Matthew has never diverted on the way when taking me home from school. This is new and strange.
What’s not strange was Matthew’s lack of response, instead his jaw clenched as if my question has angered him. The silence between us grew thicker, I rolled my eyes and focused my gaze outside the window once again.
My eyes went around the classic restaurant we stepped into. The place is dim lit and extravagant with its decor, and colour blending is aesthetically pleasing.
There were men and women in formal attires having their lunch. I felt out of place as I was just in a casual outfit, but then the feeling immediately disappeared. I have been on more important places and sometimes underdressed too.
“I have something to take care of, sat here and wait for me.” And he left, that too without waiting for my response.
I scoffed, stomping my feet on the ground like a kid, and grumpily sat down. I was murmuring to myself, when a waitress approach my table and hands me a menu.
I mouthed a quick thanks after placing my order, since I’m here waiting, I might as well have something in my stomach.
I grab the glass in front of me and bring it to my mouth, only to find out that it hasn’t been filled with water. I place it back on the table.
My food arrived, just in time to stop my stomach from growling. I didn’t waste a second in devouring the entire contents on the table in less than ten minutes.
Time passes. When I glance at my wristwatch, I realize it’s only been twenty minutes.
I took my time to observes the people here longer, I noticed that most of them might be here for business luncheon.
They are not many people here, but they all look professional. I scroll through my phone to kill time.
I broke away from my phone to take a gulp of water again, and that’s when I saw a man who seems to be in his forties approaching me. Just like the other men here, he’s wearing a formal suit jacket too.
He takes the seat next to me and that startled me.
“Hi.” He started, but I didn’t reply instead swallowing the remaining water in my mouth. He eyes me like I’m the most interesting thing in this place. Not a good sign.
“You look young. I don’t see girls like you around here that often.” I didn’t reply to that, obviously he’s hinting towards something.
His eyes focused on my handbag.
“Did your daddy bought that bag for you?” He asks. His voice suddenly turned low.
My eyebrows shoot up, I stare at the handbag it’s my favorite. An expensive Dior bag, it’s classy and elegant.
And no, it’s a gift from mom for my birthday, of course I won’t tell him that.
“Yes, he did.” I simply said, deciding to play along with him.
“I can give you more.” His eyes glinting with mischief and sinister motive.
“Oh really?” I forged excitement, smiling widely.
“Yes, and anything else that you want.” He offers.
“No, thanks.” I brutally declined, the smile wiping off my face. I thought that would give him a hint, that I’m not interested, but it didn’t.
“Your daddy,” he started again, “how many are they.” He tilted his head and went to a position that was meant to make him look cool.
I giggled, out loud.
How foolish, does he really thinks I follow daddies to afford my lifestyle. If only he knew the men in my life, he would be running the other way.
“I can be your daddy too.”
“That’s not possible.” I say.
“Why?” He squints, there’s humor in his tone. His presence is getting on my nerves now. “I’ve been watching you for a while, and I don’t see your daddy around. He might have left you_”
“I am her daddy.” Matthew’s icy voice echoes slowly and clearly. I look up to find Matthew glaring at the man. He looks like he wouldn’t hesitate to break the man’s neck if he say anything more.
“Scram.” Matthew’s voice is so low that even I felt the chills.
The man doesn’t need to be told twice as he jumps on his feet and ran off, if he had waste another second I’m sure Matthew would have broken a few limbs.
“We are leaving.” Matthew gripped my arms and dragged me after him.
“Daddy.” I teased as we left the restaurant.