Zoey’s p. o. v
Camila and I arrived at the mall, doing some shopping might help ease the tension in her heart. It’s weekend and Adriano is with his grandparents, so I have all the time to myself.
“How do I look.” Camila chirped, her love for shopping is beyond me. I guess I did the right thing by bringing here, she looked more relaxed and worry free.
I scan the dress she was trying out, it was a blue floral print dress, bra cups hugging her boobs, with that, there’s no need for a bra. It’s an off shoulder short sleeve dress, the neckline having a little slit between the breast area, exposing a bit of cleavage.
“Absolutely beautiful.” I commented, the dress fits her so perfectly. This is the first dress that is to my liking, Camila seem to agree me as she was smiling in approval.
“I know right, it’s my perfect fit.” She did a swirl around in front of the full-length mirror, checking the back side.
“I should go try the others out.” She hurried back inside the dress room. I chuckled at her reaction, I
I felt like I’m being watch, I’ve been feeling this way since we left the house. I tried looking around, but I didn’t find anyone acting suspensions, I did a double take again and there he was.
I faltered as I saw the man again, I’ve seen this man many times when we are in the Mall, but still didn’t think anything of it.
Our eyes have met a few times, and then he would disappear when I blink, it seems to me that it was just my imagination, but now I believe I’m not imaging this. He gave me a sadistic grin when he caught my stare again, my throat went dry when I got a glimpse of a long scar that went down the side of his face.
I should have known better than to brush off my instincts, I might have prevented whatever that’s going to happen in the next minute.
“Donna.” John appeared from nowhere, Marco, and his men are good at staying hidden or else they want to make their presence known. He’s the one Marco left in charge of our protection.
“Donna, we need to take you home now.” He was trying not to scare me with the possible danger waiting to emerge.
“I should get Camila.” He nods impatiently.
“Camila?” I went inside the dressing room. “We have to leave now, there’s an ambush.”
Camila instantly understood as she hurriedly took off the dress she was trying on. In a world of ours, surrounded with violence and death, we certainly have to be careful and not draw their suspension.
“If we leave quickly, they would be alerted.” I told Camila as we step out of the room.
I gave a curt nod at John, which he understands, and followed us closely to the cashier to make payments.
We pay for the dresses Camila tried out, they package it and we left. John led us to the car, the driver has already brought the car to the entrance of the mall.
“They are here.” the driver spoke to John seating next to him, glaring at the rearview mirror, he step on the gas pedal and increase the speed.
I heard john speaking furiously into what seemed to be a….. walkie-talkie?
I glanced behind us, four cars hot on my trail, just as the driver has said. It’s going to get bloody soon, as much as I have adapted to Marco’s world, there are some things I’m not used to yet.
Like right now, being chased down with guns, a stray bullet could hit you and boom, you’re dead the next second. Death, something I’m still very much scared of.
I go on simple missions with Marco, my tasks are always easy and simple. Lure out the enemy, and I’m out of the scene, Marco doesn’t allow me to watch any dirty action. Or rather I’m can’t stand to watch it.
“Donna, I’d advise you bend over.” I did as told, not exactly wanting to see the next scene.
The driver took a quick turn to another road, narrowly missed a bullet hit from our chasers.
The people chasing us must have noticed that we lead them to a trap, they made to revise but bullets flies from the cars in front of us hitting their tires. Seeing as they were trapped, they emerge from their cars, as well as those in front of us.
I closed my eyes, bullets starts flying around. Groans and loud thuds were heard before everything went silent, I slowly when front door open.
“Everything is fine now, Donna.” John informs.
“What are the casualties.” Camila asks, since we were unable to look behind to see the terrible scene.
“Don doesn’t permit us to….”
“I want to know.” I interrupted his rejection.
“Four injured, they have been taking to the infirmary for treatment. No death from both sides, we are able to get five into custody.”
Marco had a private hospital where his men get treatments, I am just thankful there was no death.
“Home, ma?” The driver asked, I nod curtly.