Chapter 55

Book:The Mafia Don's Woman Published:2025-2-8

Zoey p. o. v
My brain was clogged when I regained consciousness, my sight foggy.
“You took your sweet time waking up, Bambi.” I heard the voice of the man that took us, I still don’t know his name or who he is.
But of course, he’s one of Marco’s enemies.
His words made me snap out of the foggy state, hastily look around for Camila and Isabella they were both chained against a chair on each side of me.
Both of them are wide awake, I assume they were waiting for me to wake.
I noticed the chains on my hands but I wasn’t chained against the chair, the same way they chained my legs together.
I glare at him, he was calmly sitting before us. He smiled viciously at me when he felt my glare on him.
“No need to glare at me my love.” He teased, that only intensifies my glare. “Stubborn Woman.” He shook his head at me but made no move, he simply took a gulp from the glass of alcohol in his hand.
Silence stretch upon us, nobody said anything. It was as if they were silently mocking us or they were waiting for an outburst from us.
Expecting us to he wailing and crying, begging them to let us go. That is never going to happen, that’s a show I won’t be giving them the privilege of watching.
I’m almost at my limit, they can’t bring us here just to be watching their disgusting faces. I held myself back, taking couple deep breaths to calm myself.
It took another painful moment of silence before he managed to break the silence.
“Admirable, excellent patience, it’s no wonder you were able to handle that brat.” He said. “That’s a first.” He nodded.
I still didn’t respond.
“Well, you should know I didn’t hold you captive for show now did I?”
I know that dumbass, just say what your problem with Marco is.
“Story time…. I have a story to entertain you.” If he have a story to tell, then he had the wrong audience. I don’t care about his story, I just want him to go straight to the point.
“You don’t have a choice but to listen, do you?” He most have guessed my disinterest from my expression.
I rolled my eyes and look elsewhere.
“Christian O’Brien, does that name ring a bell?”
I wasn’t interested in his story but this name caught my attention, it was the same name that guy gave me on a sheet of paper at the cafe.
“I told you to ask that Alfonso about the bearer of this name, but you didn’t, did you?”
I intentionally didn’t ask Marco about the name, I knew asking him would bring disaster.
“Oh well, since we are all here today, I can do the honors of tell you who he is.” He smirk, knowing whatever he has to say might change my view of Marco and his family forever.

“Christian O’Brien is a rare talent, a high skilled man. Both in brain and fist, he is on of the Alfonso business tycoon. He did their dirty businesses with a clean slate, leaving no trace for investigation. Indeed the world has lost a rare talent by the hands of the Alfonso’s.”
“That’s bullshit.” Camila cut in angrily, she balled her fist. “My family won’t hurt an innocent person.”
Calm down baby girl, we all know that.
“You’re of no importance to me, I could end your life and won’t give a fuck. Don’t cut me off again.” He snarled.
“Hurt her and get the whole Alfonso coming for you.” I butt in.
He ached an eyebrow at me.
“Oh really? And you think I’m scared of them?” His arrogance is becoming annoying.
“You should be, haven’t you heard if their brutality?” I hissed.
He chuckle in response.
“You really do not know who I am?” He laughed.
I don’t care who you are, I retorted inwardly.
“Anyway, let’s go back to the story, shall we?” He didn’t wait for a response though. “They killed Christian O’Brien and his entire family, being merciful as they claimed to be, they spared his three years old daughter.”
“And you know this information because?” it’s was my turn to interrupt him, but this time he chooses to ignore me.
“Do you know who the daughter is?” He asked.
How would I know, I’m just hearing this story for the first time.
He stared at me continuously, as if waiting for me to realize something….
But I can’t.
Who is he referring to? Is it someone I know? like my friends? Lucy? No her father just died three years ago but her mother is still alive.
Not Maya either, of all my friends Sophie is the only orphan.
Could it be…. No, I don’t think so, I refuse to think of it.
“They mercifully took the daughter to a married couple after killing her biological parents. Am I right? Mr. Harrison Ramsay.” He finish.
I freeze, Dad?
One of his men brought dad, and forced him to his knees.
“Dad?” I couldn’t surpress the tears as the flow down my cheeks.
It’s over six years since I last saw my Dad, and seeing him now is in this kind of situation. I can’t even hug him, I want to hug him to feel his warmth again.
To feel his protective arms around me.
“Am I right?” The bastard ask again.
“Yes.” Dad answered looking me straight in the eyes.
Dad also know this story, who are they talking about.
“Do you want to tell her yourself? Or I should do the honors too.”
I waited as dad took his time, he broke the stare and cast his eyes on the floor. He was hesitant to say whatever he had to say, I don’t think he ever want to say it out loud.
“Christian O’Brien is…. Your biological father.” Dad voice waves as he spoke, I could hear the cracks in his voice.
My whole world freeze, time stopped as the the words dawn on me.
Christian O’Brien is your biological father.
That can’t be…. My whole life has been a lie? No.. No.. this isn’t happening.
My heart rate changed, the beating of my heart became the only sound I can hear. I was slipping into unconscious state.
Until I faintly heard the voice that makes my heart rate low down.
“You missed some important part of the story, Pierre Jacques. Heir to the French Mafia throne, 26 years old, unmarried due to the fact that you had the reputation of a rapist. Should I continue?” Marco bold voice echoes across the room.
The silence that follows was deafening.