Zoey p. o. v
“Enjoy your meal.” I smile politely at the customers after dropping their orders on the table. I huff out a gush of air, relieved, I’m about to have my first moment of a break since I had resumed work this morning.
I slumped on a seat in front of the counter, dropping the tray I used in serving customers on the counter. The restaurant has been packed with customers since morning, and the workload is killing me.
Since we are only three waiters today, two other of my colleagues had called in sick. Luckily, my boss is reasonable as he offered us cool energy drinks every hour.
My gaze scanned the restaurant, resting on the man at the far end of the restaurant. Sitting on his own in a corner, looking as creepy and scary as he looked when he first came here. That was an hour ago.
I shrugged, deciding not to dwell on it. I glance at the wall clock, it’s a few minutes left for a lunch break.
“Camilla and Isabella will be here any minute,” I muttered to myself. Those two haven’t failed in visiting me every day, since I started this job, a week now.
It became a routine for us to have lunch together. The entrance door swung open, I was expecting to see Camilla and Isabella as usual. But instead, it was Lucy, Maya, and Sophie who stomped their way inside the restaurant.
Oh my God! I gasped, realizing that I had shut them out. I couldn’t blame myself for ditching them, the situation was too overwhelming to think of anything else.
I threw them a smile, but the smile faltered from the deadly glare they threw at me.
“Glad to know you’re still alive.” Sophie sneered. They occupied the table close to me.
“Hi, guys.” I smiled nervously as I approached them.
“What happened to you, the last time we heard from you was when you bumped into our mysterious boss,” Maya said, her brows furrowed in concern.
I took my seat since it was lunchtime and my boss won’t come to me.
“I’m sorry, I should have reached out to you guys.” I apologize, for giving them my best puppy face. Sophie scoffed, her gaze swept the place and she frowned.
“And how come you are here.” It was Lucy that spoke this time, she has been quiet since they got here.
I sighed, I should them what has been going on in my life. They deserve an explanation for just disappearing.
“I resigned from my job at the company.” It wasn’t a total lie, I would rather not leave the job since it has good pay. The best pay even. But I can’t continue sitting in his office like a China doll and not doing anything.
It makes me feel useless.
“What?” This got Sophie to snap her attention back at me. “Why? They offer the best to all of us.” Their mouths hung open, staring at me like I just changed into an alien.
“I know, but I had to.”
“But why?” They screamed at me. I jumped, startled by their outburst.
I remained quiet for a moment, I didn’t if I should tell and if Marco will be OK with it. Wait! Since when do I care about what he wants or not, I’m telling them everything?
They are my friends and they deserve to know.
“Remember the ex-boyfriend thing, I told you guys about?” They nodded eagerly, wanting me to get to the point. “Our mysterious boss is my ex-boyfriend, Marco,” I told them and watched as different expressions flashed through their faces.
I ended up telling them everything, skipping the part where Marco had pleasured me.
They went silent after my story, I’m getting impatient waiting for their response. Will do even believe me?
I mean, Marco and I are on extremely diverse levels now. His at the very top, while I’m still struggling to climb the ladder.
Who would believe that someone like him will be interested in someone like me?
It’s delusional. Because they will be expecting to be dating celebrities.
“Was that why you quit?” Sophie uttered. “I will be thrilled if I were you.” She is squeaky.
I scowled at her.
“What’s with that look, you are practically throwing away what every girl dreams of.” Maya hissed at me. “I mean, the man dropped his wealth in your lap and you are here doing this shitty job? If I were you, I will be travelling the world and doing loads of shopping.” She added, staring at me with disappointment masking her face.
“Really? I should just accept him back because he’s throwing his money at me? What about the past? The breakup, the hurt, and leaving with no explanation.” I breathe out heavily.
“I should welcome him back with open arms, for what? His money? What about my feelings? And what if he hurt me again.” I stated at the edge of breaking down.
Because someone part of me still wants to stay with him, I still love him. But the rational part of me had to think for myself and my well-being.
“I’m sorry, Zoey, we didn’t mean to upset you.” Sophie apologizes for my breakdown. “We were just overwhelmed, I guess”
“Yeah Zoey, we are sorry. However, from the look of things, this man still loves you.” Maya purred. I rolled my eyes at her, but chose not to comment.
“Zoey, I think the solution right now is confrontation,” Lucy said, she observed me closely. She is the one among my friends that is mature in this matter, and considers my feelings.
I shrugged, not to sure that will be the best thing to do because Marco, I know, will not say anything if he doesn’t want to. So, it will be useless.
“I’m not certain,” I murmured.
“You have to confront him, ask him he did what he did in the past and why he suddenly came back into your life.” Sophie expressed.
“Yes, like why he’s calling you his wife,” Maya added.
I thought about it for a moment, checking my options. It could turn out in a good way or a bad way, either I am entitled to know.
“I will give it a shot,” I answered, which brought gigantic grins to their faces, we ended up chatting about the company.
And the rumours around the company, saying I was having a secret affair with our boss. I couldn’t help but laugh, it wasn’t a false rumour.
“We should leave, lunch break ends in five minutes.” We stood, I received a hug from each other and we bid farewell.
I sat back down, processing their advice and how I was going to approach the issue with Marco.
My gaze shifted to the side from the movement, and I watched the creepy guy stand up from his seat. And made his way over to where I sat, each step he took was intimidating and bringing me close to anxiety.
He approached me, stopping by my side.
“Hi.” He whispered, bending down to my level. I held my breath as I felt his strong grip on my shoulder, he forced something into my hands and whispered to me. “Read it when you are alone.” He tapped twice on my shoulder, and he walked out of the restaurant.
I continued watching him, even after he has disappeared. It is safe to say, I am paralysed with fear. I suddenly realized how open I was to danger, that man could have easily harmed me if he wanted to.
One thing is certain, I’m not safe any more.