Still Valerie’s POV
I couldn’t help shaking my head at her, she is so unbelievable. What is so special about this guy, why are they hell-bent on getting him to notice them. I guess they have no idea that he is a fucking asshole. They must be drawn to him by his good looks and position.
Yes, he is so cute, but I can’t throw myself at him this way, he ain’t worth it. If I’m given the chance to pick, I would pick the blue envelope. That would get me a job now, and that would keep me far away from Mr. grumpy, silly Alpha. I would have even preferred to work in the other buildings that are under construction. But I can’t stay jobless and wait for them to finish building it. I need a job as soon as possible. So while the other girls are praying for a white envelope, I am busy praying for a blue one.
I felt that tingling on my skin once more, and I knew without being told that he is the one, he must be staring at me again. I’m beginning to think that he likes this game he is playing with me, he enjoys being anonymous. I heard his soft chuckle in my head as I turned around once more, trying to look for him, but I couldn’t find him, and the fact that this hall is full doesn’t help matters.
“Searching for someone?” he inquires through our link, making me even more curious than I am already.
“Why are you making this hard for me, why don’t you want to be seen with me, am I not beautiful enough?” I asked him, sounding sad. I heard him sigh deeply and I looked around once more to try to see if my words would hurt him, but I still couldn’t find him. Everyone in the hall seems to be partying and having fun, I couldn’t find anyone around whose mood matched the person I’m searching for.
“You have no idea how stunning you look. It would give me great pleasure to flaunt you around the world and announce to everyone that you are mine.” He let out sadly. I could tell from his tone that he is as sad as I was, I guess he truly meant it when he said that our lives could be in danger if we are caught. I continued looking around the hall, searching for me, to no avail. My eyes wandered to the podium and for a brief moment there, I caught a glimpse of warmth in the Alpha’s eyes, but it disappeared almost immediately. He has not gazed my way since I got here, he has no business looking this way, so I wondered why he is looking at me now, and I wondered if he is the man I’m searching for, but I couldn’t understand why he is glaring daggers at me. I kept gazing back at him, hoping to get a reassuring smile from him, then I felt a pinch on my arm that made me yelp in pain,
“Stop zoning out and move!
You are keeping the Alpha waiting!” Janelle let out furiously, nudging me forward with a light push. It was then that I realized that the Alpha wasn’t gazing at me in admiration or anything of the sort, he was glaring at me because it Is my turn to go up to the podium and get a job offer from him. But I did make any move, I just sat there, gazing at him like a fucking idiot.
Everyone was looking at me in disgust, including Cameron who doesn’t hide the fact that she loathes me. They must all think that I was lusting after their precious Alpha, and that is why I was gazing at him that way.
I must look so stupid!
I wonder what he thinks of me, I’ll be surprised if I get a brown or yellow envelope from him today. With the way I was gawking at him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he calls doctor Dominic and asks him to drag me to the hospital and conduct a mental examination on me to ascertain my mental health. I held my head high with pride, and I sauntered to the podium with confidence, ignoring the weird looks I was getting from everyone around. My confidence did not last, it disappeared the moment he opened his mouth and asked me,
“Are you Hard of hearing?” he asked me arrogantly.
“Excuse me?” I retorted, sounding offended by his choice of words. If I was fantasizing about him, if I had even an ounce of desire for this guy, it always disappears whenever we have an encounter. His words and attitude are a complete turn-off for me. I fucking hate this guy’s attitude, how can anyone love this arrogant bastard, why are they fighting to be recognized by him, it’s just so annoying.
Just wow!
You are excised my love, but I don’t think you would be getting a job here today. I mean, if you can’t hear what I just said right now, it means that you have profound hearing loss, which implies very little or no hearing. How can we give you a job when you can’t hear a thing, how are you going to communicate with your colleagues and superiors, it’s just not possible.
Be rest assured, sweetheart, my team would find a way to create job opportunities for the disabled, but for the time being, you can just enjoy the party and let other people who are not disabled in any way get jobs today.
Have fun and enjoy the party…
Next!” he instructed his Beta, dismissing me with a wave of his hand. I heard a soft cackling sound, and I knew it was Cameron laughing at my misfortune. I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life, I wished the ground would open up and swallow me.
“You are terribly mistaken, Alpha. I am not hard on hearing and I’m certainly not disabled in any way. If you would please reconsider your decision, I promise I won’t disappoint you.” I let out calmly, trying to force out a smile when all I want to do is to scratch out his eyes with my nails. I could hear the sound of hills clinking on the tiled floor, walking towards me, and I realized that the next person has been called forward. I know the next person is my friend Janelle and I do not want to keep her from getting her job offer from the Alpha, but I just can’t leave the podium, not after all I’ve been through today.
“Leave now, I’m done with you!” he let out sternly, ignoring my plea.
“Run along now, bitch!
You ain’t getting a job from my man,” Cameron spat out in disgust.” Making me even more furious than I already am. I could feel Malia struggling to come forward and attack her. For some weird reason, she seems offended by her words as well, and I felt myself losing control. I felt a hand on my arm, and I knew Janelle has gotten to this point and she is trying to comfort me in her own little way, but I shrugged her off as I kept glaring daggers at the Alpha and his whore.
“You are slipping, Val. I can feel your aura from the crowd in the hall, the bad guys may feel it too. They are lycans and they can sense your aura if you let them. Ignore the Alpha and his betrothed, ignore them and control your bear, Val. You’ll get in trouble with the lycans, you may be labeled a witch and you’ll be burnt to death.” He warned me through our mind link. I don’t know where he is, but I can tell that he is looking out for me. I know he is just trying to get me to calm down and think we’ll before I make a decision that would get us in trouble, but his words reminded me of home.
I was reminded of how my adopted parents and siblings kept threatening to expose me and have me burned to death. His words were meant to comfort me and calm me down, but they only infuriated me more. My furious glare was fixed on the Alpha and that made me look very dangerous because it seems like I am about to attack him.
“I asked you to get the hell out of here, what are you still doing standing there?
Do you want me to call the guards to kick you out of this hall?
You had better…”
“Shut the fuck up, Maverick!” I yelled out in anger.
“Valerie, what do you think you are doing?
You can’t talk to the Alpha like that!” he scolded me through our mind link. I scoffed at his words and severed our link, shutting him up for the time being. He is not the only one that can use that privilege, I can shut him up as well. He can’t keep coming to my head to instruct me on what to do and what not to do. Since he has decided to be anonymous, he can as well remain a ghost for all I care. But I won’t have him in my head, controlling me like a fucking freak.
Janelle tried to hold me one more time and get me to calm down, but I shrugged her off one more time. She isn’t the one that just lost her home and her job in one day. She is here to flirt with the Alpha, but I’m here because I need to survive. I need a house and I need a fucking job. Alpha Maverick is the reason why I’m homeless and jobless, and I’ll be dammed if I let him kick me out of here without a job that would pay my bills and get me a nice house. She decided to leave me alone, she took a step back and just gazed at me like everyone in the hall. My angry outburst was heard by everyone in the hall, and so everywhere went silent as everyone gazed at the girl who dares to defy and insult their precious Alpha in their presence. I was not bothered by their glares, I faced the Alpha and I let him see just how furious I was.
“Now you listen to me, Maverick and you listen very good. I am not leaving this podium without a job and a fucking house!” I yelled in his face, earning me a gasp from everyone in the hall, including his slutty girlfriend, Cameron. All the while, he had his hand on his chin as he gazed at me with emotions that I can’t read at the moment because of my anger. His guards wanted to seize me, but he made a hand gesture to stop them as he gazed at me curiously.
I know I have his attention, as well as everyone else in this hall. There is no way that he would treat me badly in the presence of everyone in this hall. I could literally see the fumes oozing out of Cameron as she glares at me angrily, but I couldn’t care less about her, I faced my nemesis and I told him exactly how I fell.
“First, you had me fired from your club because I had a fight with your girlfriend. She attacked means tried to hurt me, but I still got fired from my job which pays my tuition and other bills.
I decided to let it go and I went in search of a new job because I have bills to pay and I have no one to support me. But when I got back home, I was given a few minutes to move my things out of the house because the building has been bought and it is about to be demolished ” I explain sadly, with tears rolling down my cheeks. There were murders in the hall and I heard a few people asking if my story is related to the building from the video.
“Yes everyone, I lived in that building that you just watched as it was being demolished. I am homeless and jobless because of our dear Alpha. So tell me, is it too much for me to come here tonight and try to get a job?” I asked the crowd.
No one responded to my question, but I could see the sympathy in their eyes as they gazed at me with pity. This is not how I intended the night to end, I never came here seeking sympathy from people I don’t know. I only wanted a fucking job. But since it has come to this, I think I’ve done my best. I’ve spoken my mind, and now everyone knows that their Alpha is an arrogant bastard.
“Mission accomplished,” I said to myself as I turned to walk away. But I stilled at his command,