Chapter 36

Book:A Deal With The CEO Published:2025-2-8

Chapter 36
Claire’s POV
“You are five weeks pregnant.” The doctor announced, handing the test results to me. With shaky hands, I received the piece of paper, thanked him and walked home tentatively.
I trekked home, thinking about my next move. Should I contact Damian and tell him about the baby? Or should I inform Jack about it? There are possibilities of Jack being my baby’s father because we had been intimate some days after I was with Damian.
I was so confused and I had no one to talk to about it. I made up my mind to tell Damian. I unblocked his lines and called him but it was not reachable. I loathed the idea of visiting him again not after what happened the last time.
I called Ethan to ask about Damian. Hopefully, his line went through.
“Hey, Longest time buddy. How you’doing?” He enthused.
“I’m good. How is life over there?” I asked, hiding away any trace of anxiety from my voice.
“Life is good, my dearest friend.”
“I was wondering, have you heard from Damian ever since? It’s been months since we last spoke.”
“Damian is very much fine. We speak on phone most times. Is there a problem between the both of you?” He asked.
“Nothing like that. We are both probably busy. I must pay him a visit later. It’s been quite a while.” I said reproachfully.
“A visit? You have not heard?”
“Heard about what exactly?” I enquired, my heart beating faster.
“Damian travelled last week. To Australia. He obviously has not plans of returning any time soon. It is quite surprising that he did not inform you.” The shattering news came as a big shock to me. I was bewildered and I could short of words.
“Travelled…I…Oh! It must have escaped my memory. I have been very much occupied these days.” I said, covering up with lies. In a bid to avoid any further questions from a suspecting Ethan.
“I should hang up now. We’ll definitely keep in touch, okay? Take good care of yourself, Buddy.” I said almost dismissively which he did not seem to notice, hopefully.
The call ended and I could not still believe my ears. Damian had travelled. I have no other means of reaching him, I don’t even know his family house. Even if I do, I can’t go there and tell them about the baby.
It would be outrageous and they would see it as a desperate act of a young girl, looking for whom to blame for her pregnancy.
Three days later, a disturbing call came in as early as four a. m. in the morning. Jack was involved in a ghastly car accident and died at the spot. He went to a party with his friends, was returning home drunk by midnight.
He was the one driving and unfortunately he had collided with a truck that was in ahead of him. Their vehicle went ablaze, Jack and his friends had no means of escaping and they were burnt. It was a dreadful sight, I was told, but I could do nothing but weep and mourn.
The weeks that followed were distressing. I had lost my boyfriend of two years and the possible father of my baby. Damian on the other hand, blocked me out of his life like I was some sort of pest. Life is indeed unfair.
I was so confused and I had no one to confide in. I had some cash with me so I packed up few of my stuff and left.
I called my boss at work, informing her about an urgent need for me to travel but not revealing anything about the baby. Infact no one knew about it. I simply carried my cross bravely.
I lived in a little cottage, very close to the beach at the outskirts of the city. It was very peaceful and I was glad to stay away from the people I had known for years.
It was a little village and the inhabitants were very friendly. An old man brought newspapers to me every morning and I spent most of the evenings strolling or sun basking at the beach.
I lived like a monk, not going out much except for weekends when I went into the market to buy groceries and foodstuffs.
The midwife was exceptionally nice to me. I would go for check ups’ at her clinic every first and last Friday of the month. When I was nearing my last trimester, she volunteered to send one of her workers to assist me at home, which I remained grateful for.
The young lass was very energetic and chatted every now and then. I never felt bored or alone with her around.
I neither spoke with Damian nor Ethan or anyone infact from my past. The very day I went into labour, it was completely awful and I have always loathed the memory.
I had my baby boy at the midwifes’ clinic in the early hours of the morning. There were no complications whatsoever and the baby was quite strong.
I knew that I had no plans of keeping the baby, because I lacked the resources to take proper care of him. I confided in the midwife and she suggested giving him away to a foster home. I had no choice but to give my consent and we set a date for when they would come and carry the baby.
When they finally came, it was a couple; Mr Drummond Elliot and Josephine Drummond in their mid forties, apparently. I could see the joy on their faces when they looked at the baby from his crib.
“His name is Anthony Smurf.” I said, only that I don’t know which surname to attach to it. So, I had to use mine instead.
I carried him up, bringing him to my chest and staring at his closed eyes. I knew it may as well be my last time of seeing him, of holding him this close.
As I handed him over to his foster parents, I felt like a part of me was being torn away, as though I was giving away something that belonged to me.
I cleaned my tears and signed the papers. This is something I must do, no doubt, but it was difficult to believe. I will be allowed to visit the baby often, but he could only decide if he wants to return to me when he must have come of age.
I handed his belongings over to them, rest assured that my little boy would be taken good care of. That was the bravest thing I had ever done, but it was for the best.
I moved on like nothing ever happened, starting up a new life with the money I realized from giving the baby away. I travelled to Los Angeles, set up my boutique and fashion designs shop. It was also here that I met Valerie. It took me some years to establish this but it was by no means a small feat.
All these happened six years ago, but reminiscing and narrating the events in a detailed manner, made it feel just like yesterday. How time flies.
(Today; back to reality)
After my narration, everyone was glued to their seats and there was not a single sound. I stared at the faces, one after each other, waiting for reactions but there was none. They all seemed enchanted.
“That is the end of my story. That is all that happened. Thank you all for listening.” I said, taking my seat.
“Damian, what do you have to say about this?” His father questioned calmly.
“Everything she said is true, Father. We had an affair back then in school days but I never knew that it resulted in a baby. I…I never took responsibility for it.”he stammered.
“You had no idea of the baby because you blocked me off. I felt used. I felt dumped! I had to struggle on my own to make a life out of the mess you put me in.” I shouted back.
“Enough! Stop that noise you two are making. Stop bickering like children!” Mrs Richardson said, raising her voice for the very first time.
“So what is the next move now?” She asked calmly, not directing the question at anyone. It was a rhetorical question obviously because the silence that followed was deafening.