His hands were on his head, as he stared at her body. He touched her forehead to check if she was heating up, but she wasn’t. He immediately picked her up from the bed, and placed her back rightly, before covering her body with the duvet and keeping the book she was reading beside her.
A few minutes later, the doctor arrived and walked into her room. He checked on her vitals and asked Tristan to narrate everything that transpired before she fainted. He did it, but he was nervous.
“She’s fine, just a little rest would do,” He stood up and told Tristan who didn’t seem to be buying what he said.
“What? But she fainted. It must be serious,” He rubbed his jaw.
“I think this happened because she had a trigger,” He smiled and explained to him.
“What? A trigger!” His eyes glisten upon hearing that.
“Yes, probably you did something or said something that triggered her,” The doctor added and he nodded in acknowledgment.
“But would this always happen whenever she’s triggered?” He asked a bit scared, staring at his wife who was sleeping peacefully at the moment.
“Not really, it could be different or maybe the same,” Upon hearing that he was worried. He recollected how much pain she was in when the trigger happened, and the thought of putting her through that pain all the time just to have her by his side, made his heart wreck. He didn’t want to ever see her in pain, and now maybe he was going to be the course of that pain. The thought alone made him so sad that he exhaled deeply as he escorted the doctor out.
“Call me if anything happens, ” The doctor smiled and left, while Tristan nodded in understanding, going back into the mansion, to bathe and spend the rest of his time watching Isabella.
*Day two attempt two*
Tristan says on his bed sighing. He cracked his head thinking of the next move to make on Isabella. “What would be a good memory to recreate?” He questioned himself, rubbing his hair frustrated as nothing popped into his head. He walked into the shower and had his bath getting ready for work, while his mind was clouded with his wife. He got ready and walked out of the room, to find her door open, he walked in that direction and peeped through, to know what she was up to.
“What’s going on?” He said stunned to see that her clothes were scattered all over the place.
“It’s you,” She hissed and continued throwing off clothes all over the place.
“Muf..” He stopped himself from saying it. She wasn’t even pleased to see him, and calling her that name would only piss her off even more, and he couldn’t do that.
“Isabella, what is going on?” He said calmly.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” She didn’t look at him but kept searching amongst the pile of clothes.
“Could you please answer me?” He said instead.
“Fine,” She groaned and stomped her feet in frustration, as she walked towards the door where he stood.
“If toy must know, I have nothing to wear?” She folded her hands, staring at him. And his heart gladden.
“Why? Where are you going to?” He was curious, cause the doctor said she needed rest.
“Micah is taking me out, “she sighed and turned to leave when he grabbed her wrist.
“That’s not happening,” he said to her. It felt like his brain was going to explode over the information she just heard.
“And you have a say in my business because,” She pulled from his hold, glaring at him.
“Because I’m your husband,” he was stern.
“Oh please, like it changes anything,” She scoffed and turned around while he felt frustrated.
“We are done with this conversation, get going already,” She said staring over her shoulder.
“Go on a date with me,” He blurted out.
“Pardon,” she halted.
“Go out on a date with me,” He repeated.
“No,” She turned around and said to his face.
“Yes,” He replied.
“No,” She said again. “Yes,” He responded as they went back bad forth.
“You know I could do tips all day without getting tired,” He smirked at her.
“Fine,” She squeezed her face.
“Yes,” He said thinking they were still on it.
“What?” His eyes widened in shock as he realized what she had said.
Tristan booked the entire place, as they set on their date. Isabella barely tried to glance or pay attention to him throughout the supposed date and it got Tristan even more frustrated.
“What do I do to make you look at me?” He dropped his fork and asked her.
“Nothing,” She sat simply.
“God Isabella, do you even care about how I feel? I’m here sitting down beside you and I can’t hold your hands, I can’t hug you and you won’t even look at me,” He exhales.
“I didn’t want to be here remember? You dragged me into this, so don’t blame me,” She glanced at him and took her eyes away almost immediately.
“Please just look at me, at least when I’m talking to you, ” He pleaded and she lifted her head to look at him.
“I don’t want to be here,” She said, staring at him.
“Then what do you want?” He asked her, a sigh escaping his lips.
“I want my friends, my family, I want to be with everyone else except you,” She said.
“Why? I’m your husband muffin,” his voice was sad, he looked at her with pain in his eyes, but his voice hurt her, so deeply that he didn’t know if he could unhear them.
“I don’t like you, I’m not comfortable with you,” She yelled and rose to her feet.
“And I’m not a muffin,” She picked a glass of wine, and threw it on his face.
That name he called her made her angry, she felt something because of that name, it made her mad, but sane then she could feel things because of it. Fuzzy feeling in her stomach, it was like each time he mentioned it, he ignited something in her, and whenever she tried to find out what it meant or remember, she was hit with this pang of pain in her gear, that made her weak.
“Muffin,” He slowly opened his eyes and pulled a napkin to clean his face.
“Stay away from me,” She banged the table, bending down to glare at him.
“You’re staring at me,” He smiled.
“You’re a psycho,” She looked at him disgusted.
“One you were in love with,” He smiled, pleased at their closeness. Their faces were inches apart from each other. She looked at him, noticing every feature about him, while staring deeply into his eyes.
“Why can’t you leave me?” She was calmer now.
“Because I promise not to,” He said.
“I don’t care, I’m asking you to let me go right now?” She said…
“I can’t,” He replied.
“Well good luck trying to make me remember,” She said and walked away while he sighed.
“Unsuccessful,” He mumbled and cleaned his face, running after her.