84: Dangerous Zone

Book:Married To The Ceo I Hate Published:2025-2-8

I don’t know what’s happening or going on with Isabella anymore. We left the house happily, everything was going great, things were good and we even had our little banter and romantic moment before we arrived at Aunty Diane’s home. Things were still good, and I could see the sincere gratitude in their eyes when they received her present. But grandfather’s house was different, it had its vibe and though I sincerely wanted to behave indifferently with him, I loved him a lot.
He raised me, took me in, took care of me, and made sure to provide everything I needed, so. I couldn’t bring myself to fight with him. I strongly believe we could settle this out, talk it out over a drink, and maybe sooner or later, he would see Isabella in the ways I see her.
She makes me better, she brings out the best side of me. Heck, I was treating my friends because of her. I saw my aunt, my uncle, because of her. She was so thoughtful that I didn’t know what I would do without her. She was made for me, and I existed for her.
When grandfather sent me off to find his phone which I knew wasn’t in his room, I hid at the stairs and listened to his conversation with Isabella.
When he mentioned the money, I felt my heart hurt. Truthfully I was hoping it wasn’t true, I was praying he had made it up to just make me hate her, or forget about her, but it was true. So immediately I left, unable to bear hearing what her response would be, or what else they would talk about. I went to his room and dried my eyes. I stayed there for a few minutes, and when I felt better I left the room, and their conversation had ended.
The situation that happened in the car, I didn’t understand what happened and I tried not to think that way but that idea kept creeping in my mind. “Maybe she was pretending, maybe nothing is wrong, this is all part of her plan to leave you,” Those were the words that roamed in my head. But I shook it off and got her water.
And after that, she got better, but then she asked me if I trusted her. I couldn’t help but think about those negative words again. I couldn’t help her, I was frozen thinking of what to say, I was hesitant and I felt frustrated before saying yes.
I gave the car keys to her while staring at her intently but she had zoned off, and suddenly I opened my eyes the minute, we were here. At this house, this place. My father’s house.
I looked at her in anger, how dare she? Everyone in the family never mentions the situation of Mr. George and myself. I call him that because his alive.
The man hated me, and I had to make sure the feelings were mutual. I only had nightmares here. He would pick Brett, use him to spite me or he would punish me because of reason known to him.
And she brought me to his house, to someone who I didn’t acknowledge as my father to gift him.
“How much more could I take before I lost it on muffin?” I asked myself staring at her shaken body from the way I yelled at her.
“I’m sorry Tristan, please just trust me,” She responded to me and I scoffed.
“I see this is want you wanted. I have no part in the gift and, I’m not interested in seeing his face, so do your thing alone,” I told her, and took my face away.
“I’ll be quick, thank you love,” She said and kissed my cheeks before rushing out of the car.
Was Isabella clueless or she didn’t care about how I felt? I thought watching her walk into the house.
It was fine if he wasn’t going to come with me. I was happy he didn’t hate me, but I knew he was very pissed with me and I was going to fix that soon. I got to the living room, and there he was sitting doing work his kegs crossed.
“Good afternoon sir,” I smiled at him, and had my seat but he looked at me without responding.
“Ermm, we got this for you,” I said and placed the watch I had picked out for him.
“We? Tristan? Or do you mean yourself?” He laughed.
“I’m glad you picked on that,” I said and he narrowed his gaze at me.
“Won’t you offer a drink to your daughter-in-law,” I crossed my legs too, and he looked shocked by what I did.
“If you insist, but you aren’t scared of being poisoned,” He looked at me when the drink arrived, and I felt a lump in my throat hearing that.
“And who says I didn’t bring my poison,” I looked at the gift bag and took a sip of the drink while he chuckled.
“You don’t fit the description of the damsel in distress,” He said.
“Did you send Brett,” he looked taken aback by my question but quickly composed himself. I didn’t know a lot but I knew he and Brett were always after Tristan’s.
“I wonder what you mean, but please do tell,” He took a sip of his wine.
“Is Tristan’s mom happy with you?” I looked at him.
“Pardon?” He brought his leg down, and I felt shaken by the way his pitch increased. I was treading in a dangerous zone and maybe it might be best I stopped now. But then I fix nothing.
I knew he changed after Tristan’s mother’s death, and that happened to be the same day Tristan was born. He couldn’t be himself to accept that she chose Tristan’s life over here and died for their child. And whenever he looked at Tristan, he remembers, he feels that he took her away too short that he barely spent any years together like he had wished for.
“Do you think she’s happy with how you treat her son?” I started and he looked at me with anger
“Watch your words woman,” he pointed at me with anger.
“Is she happy with you? Does she approve of it?” I increased my voice and he threw the glass of wine towards me, but it fell on the floor and shattered into pieces, causing me to gasp.
“You know nothing,” He said and shook his head.
“I do. I’m barely going to live, and all I can think of is Tristan,” I laughed.
“You don’t hate him, you are struggling to accept your wife’s decision. You’re finding it hard to agree with her, so every opportunity you get, you take it out on him. You make him feel abandoned, you make him hate you, cause you can’t bring yourself to hate him, ” I kept on talking as he walked towards me and grabbed my neck choking me.
“You lie, and you got some gut coming to my house to spit trash,” He said looking at me with anger.
“You love him don’t you?” I was losing my breath, as I said those words…