62: Meeting My Parents

Book:Married To The Ceo I Hate Published:2025-2-8

It was Sunday morning, and I could hear the creeping sound my door made as Tristan tried to walk into my room. I raised my head, sighted him, and went right back to my sleep.
“What’s going on? And why are you being sneaky?” I grumbled immediately and turned on the light in my room, causing me to cast my eyes away, cause of how bright it was.
“It’s not even morning yet,” I told him in a sad tone, using the duvet to cover my eyes.
“It’s 5 am technically morning already,” He responded and walked towards me, pulling the duvet away from my face.
“Tristan,” I mumbled, hitting the bed with my hands frustrated.
“Muffin,” he said in almost the same tone I used in calling his name.
“What do you want?” I started to flutter my eyes open.
“We are going to see your parents today,” He sounded excited and immediately my eyes opened, and I was completely awake now.
“What?” I breathe out.
“You didn’t run that by me,” I sat up immediately and turned to look at him.
“Good you’re up, get ready,” he was already walking out.
What does he mean by that? Going to see my parents without running it by me? That’s completely crazy. And who said he could leave yet, I wasn’t done talking to him.
“You make decisions out of the blue now? For the both of us?” I walked up to him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Muffin,” he held my hands in the air before I hit his shoulder.
“Tristan, you need to talk to me about this before you make a decision,” I spoke more calmly now.
“But I did, you said okay,” He responded, holding my hands but I pulled away.
“That was then, you literally planned a trip without my consent,” I explained to him.
“You just don’t wake up one morning and decide what my day is going to look like. I have plans, I made plans for the saloon and spa,” I lied about the spa and I didn’t understand why I brought that up, it was completely irrelevant.
“They are my parents,” I sighed, and he looked at me downcasted immediately.
“I’m sorry,” he said sadly and I swear I could feel a sharp pain in my chest.
“I’m sorry to have imposed this on you muffin. I won’t do it again. So get some rest,” He said so sweetly and turned around to leave when I suddenly called his name, causing him to halt immediately.
“Yes,” He responded and turned around staring at me.
“We can go,” I said silently, like I was being forced.
“Well maybe I was, by his sad face I guess,” I thought to myself.
“What,” He was smiling already, but quickly hid it.
“We can go see them,” I repeated, more audible this time, and immediately he pulled me in for a quick kiss on the lips, before kissing all over my face completely joyful.
“Thank you, muffin,” he said and I smiled feeling happy to see him smile.
“I booked a flight for 9:30 am,” He said already outside my room door.
“Then why are we getting up now?” I groaned asking him.
“Because we are going shopping first,” He said excitedly.
“What?” My face looked dreadful immediately when he said that. I was tired from all the shopping with the girls yesterday, and now he wants to drag me on another round. No way. He could have all the fun by himself, but I didn’t care.
“Yes,” He said and walked to me pushing me gently to the bathroom.
“Just get ready, okay,” He kissed my forehead and left my room. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my closet looking for a bag to pack for this trip.
“How long are we even staying for?” I asked myself.
“Two days? Three?” I thought and pushed my hair backward because I wasn’t interested in overpacking. I grabbed a duffle bag and started to put my necessities first. I started with my skincare, and underwear, and then grabbed two nightgowns. I put it in the bag, and pack a little makeup, mostly mascara and a gloss. I put in two pants and a shirt, then a denim dress, before packing my shoes. I was done with my duffle bag, then I packed my phone, iPad all my gadgets, and its charger into my white puffer tote bag, then headed to have my shower.
“Hey,” Tristan said to me dressed in beige trousers, a brown slim-fit collar necklace zipper knit wear T-shirt, brown shoes, and a watch in his left hand which he placed in his pocket. He looked like old money, just like he was.
“Hey,” I responded with a blush
“Aren’t we having breakfast first?” I asked him, it was 8 am already.
“No, we are going to shop for gifts for your family,” He said.
“What? Is this what this is about,” I smiled, and walked up to him, wrapping my hands around his neck.
“Yes, and don’t try to discourage me, I want to impress them, so just help me,” He said sternly, and I sighed and just agreed with him.
We got out of the house, and he drove to the shopping mall himself without his driver, and the whole time, his hands were on my thighs, giving them a lit squeeze.
“Tristan,” I smiled staring at him, so he could take them off, but he didn’t listen, and just kept driving till we got to the mall.
“For my mom, she would like a scented candle, she loves those a lot,” I told him as we walked around the mall. We looked for the candles sections, and I helped him choose the perfect one, while he chose another one.
“For El, she likes trendy things. Makeup, latest dress, a new phone too,” I laughed recalling.
“Let’s get all of it,” He said and I stopped him immediately.
“Just get her the makeup and a cute dress,” I told him, as I also helped him select.
“Get Gerald the latest tech gadget. He loves those a lot,” I smiled, and he asked while they gave him a variety, then he chose a vision problems gadget I think.
“And your dad?” Damn, Tristan looked really nervous, and it only means he cared about me enough time to worry about impressing them.
“My dad is a tough one. If you get him something too big, he’s going to reject it,” I sighed trying to think.
“What does he like?” Tristan asked me.
“Cars? He literally owns a garage,” I responded and shrugged my shoulders wondering how that would be of any help.
“Good, I think I know what time to give to him,” He seemed excited.
“What’s that?” I asked him curious, and wondered if he knew my dad better than I do.
“I have something at home, let’s go,” He held my hands and we walked to the counter made our payment, and left the mall.
We got home and it was already 9:00 am. We completed our packing, and I immediately texted my mom telling her I was coming with a friend.
“Tristan? I’m hungry,” I said sincerely, while he smiled.
“Let’s go, we will have breakfast on the plane, and you could rest,” He said and I looked at him confused. He sent our duffle bags to the driver who kept them in the boot. I held my puffer bag, while Tristan kept all the gifts carefully in a bag too as we sat in the car.
I wore a hoodie and joggers, so immediately the car started I brought the hoodie cap to cover my face, while Tristan held my hand.
We arrived at what didn’t seem like an airport and I looked at Tristan confused.
“What? I can’t show you one of my private jets?” He said it so unbothered and I just chuckle.
“Of course, you can, “I laughed and stood on my tiptoe to give him a kiss on his cheeks taking him by surprise.
“Thank you, “I said and ran to the plane excited as I got in.
“This is huge,” I exclaimed while Tristan chuckled.
“Did that make you so happy?” Tristan asked, looking at me so sensually like he was intrigued by me alone over again.
“Yes, it does,” I sat on the comfortable seat, and immediately the hostess appeared with a tray of food. My mouth watered immediately, I looked at Tristan and squealed while he just smiled and gave me the go-ahead to eat.
An hour plus later we arrived at San Francisco, and we were already standing on the front porch of the house. Tristan squeezed my hands, while I smiled before knocking on the door.
“Bells,” I heard mom voice before she had opened the door.
“It’s bells,” I heard her say as she pulled the door open, and I immediately engulfed her in a hug.
“Mom,” I almost cried out as I felt her scent hover around me.
“Welcome baby,” She smiled brightly at me and picked up my duffle bag. “Come in,” She added and Tristan followed me as he grabbed his bag and followed me inside.
“Gerald,” She called and immediately he collected Tristan’s bag looking at me a bit suspicious.
“Good morning ma’am,” I swear I have never heard those words come out of Tristan’s mouth in my life, and he even said it and did a little bow to my Mom, leaving me awestruck.
“How are you child,” Mom patted his back and smiled at him, when we walked to the living room, to see Ella and Dad already sitting and waiting for us.
“My baby girl,” He said and rose on his feet, while I jumped on him like a child.
“I miss you, Dad,” I told him, while he smiled and rubbed my back gently.
“And who’s your friend?” He asked giving Tristan a quizzical look.
“Good morning sir,” He greeted respectfully again.
“Oh this is Tristan,” I smiled and held his hands while my entire family stared at each other confused.
“He’s my boyfriend,” I told the half-truth and immediately Ella and Gerald laughed in disbelief.
“Yeah, nice prank,” Ella said and chuckled and I looked at her with a glare.
“I’m not joking, Ella,” I said.
“Tristan is my boyfriend,” I locked my fingers with him and they both looked taken aback while Dad’s face had barely any expression.
“What!” Gerald whispered in shock…