58: Crazy About you

Book:Married To The Ceo I Hate Published:2025-2-8

“Thank you so much,” I said to Tristan as we walked out of the store, while the girls helped pack all the items into the car boot.
“Anything for you,” He held my hands, and I smiled.
“But, I’m still going to buy a store,” I said and pointed my fingers at him.
“Of course, muffin,” he smiled at me. I wanted to do it, but when I saw the older lady, I was reminded that I wouldn’t live to run the store at that age she was, so instead I put off the deal…
“Let’s go eat something, I’m sure you’re starving from all that shopping you did with this precious hand of yours,” He joked, and I glared at him. I could almost hear the driver laugh, as he saw Tristan give me a fake massage.
“You think this is funny?” I said to him, smiling and glaring at the same time.
“You’re smiling, so it’s a win,” He responded, and I just groaned and went back to resting on the seat.
“If I entertained him anymore, he’s just going to be annoying,” I thought to myself.
We arrived at the restaurant and made our orders.
“Aren’t we going to work today?” I asked him, and he sighed staring at me.
“We launched the product, so I have some free time to spend with you,” He said and I just looked at him, unable to utter a word.
“Don’t think too much and just eat,” He said and the waitress immediately served our food.
I took my eyes away from him and just ate my food silently. I could feel his gaze on me a few times, but didn’t say anything and just ate.
“Do you want dessert?” He asked me, and I shook my head negativity, while I drank a glass of water.
Lunch was simple, but either way, Tristan ordered dessert, even though I told him he shouldn’t bother. It was a strawberry ice cream, and he knew that it would be hard for me to resist.
“You want one?” He asked me but I shook my head, refusing to give in to him.
“So,” He started
“You want to tell me about your family,” He asked.
“Really now,” I felt uncomfortable talking about deep stuff.
“Yes, or you prefer I do a background check on you,” I snickered at him, not shocked. I guess he was used to always having his way, as I watched him lick a big scoop.
“Mom, Dad, big brother, and little sister,” I listed out and he laughed.
“You sound displeased muffin,” He said calmly. I wasn’t comfortable being open up about myself yet.
” I want to meet them, “he said and I almost choked on my saliva.
“Why?” I said between my coughing.
“Well you met mine, and I think it’s time I meet yours too,” He responded simply.
“They don’t know that I’m married and I do not plan on explaining how it happened to them,” I told him truthfully, making it clear.
“Well, I could be introduced as your boyfriend, fiancee. Sounds good?”
“Why are you so keen to meet them?” I fold my hands and stare at him.
“Well they are your family, that means they are important people in your life and I want to know them,” He looked genuine.
“Okay,” I said simply.
“That easy?” Be looked baffled.
“Do you want me to change my mind?” I frown at him.
“No. Okay sounds good,” He quickly responded and then the waiter gave him a takeaway.
“Let’s go?, ” I asked him, and he nodded as we started to leave the restaurant.
“I have a surprise for you?” He said to me. I got into the car thrilled upon hearing out. But somehow as I watched the path we followed, it looked like we were driving back to the house.
“We are going home?” I asked in confusion.
“Yes, you need to rest. It’s been a long day,” He smiled at me. I didn’t feel pleased to hear that, but I didn’t say anything either. I quickly got down from the car without his help and rushed into the house, while I heard him order the maids to take the shopping bags and boxes into his room.
“What the hell?” I was pissed up and immediately climbed the stairs angrily and got into my room. I opened the door and everywhere was dark which was weird cause it wasn’t nighttime yet. So I turned on the lights, and behold, my room was filled with tulips.
“Oh my gosh,” I gasped and my eyes started to water.
“Muffin,” was the words written on the balloon which was hung up against the bed headboard.
“You are Irresistibly cute muffin,” I heard his voice from behind me. Before I could turn around I felt his hands on my shoulders making me instantly shiver.
“Tristan,” I called out, tears brimming from my eyes. While he brought out a necklace made out of diamond.
“Is that..?” I caught my breath immediately he responded with a “yes.”
“My wife,” He breathed in my ear and I shudder…
“Isabella,” He called out and kissed my right shoulder taking my breath away.
“Mrs. Tristan Dominic,” he kissed my left shoulder and my breathing hitched once more.
“Mine,” He said it so possessively, I felt him kiss my back against the fabric…
“Muffin,” he called out and gently turned me around to stare at him.
“Hey,” He said calmly and touched my jaw, lifting my head as my eyes met with his.
“I am crazy about you, “he breathed out as if wanting to have said that to me for a while.
“And maybe you don’t feel the same way I do now, but this is me officially asking you to let me date you, properly,” I chuckled on hearing that.
“We are married,” indeed amidst my laughter.
“Yes, and it’s going to remain that way, but I want to do it right,” He said, and I smiled as his hands moved from my shoulders to my palms, holding them.
“I want to hold you, adore you, be all over you, and worship you,” He said raspy and I felt all those emotions swine all over me.
I was overwhelmed, and right now this feels like a roller coaster of emotions for me. The way he stared at me, the way he helped me, how he spoke to me. I was completely intoxicated by him. I felt utterly consumed by his being.
“Yes,” I finally breathe out.
“Yes?” His eyes gleamed as he repeated while I nodded my head rapidly.
“Damn. I’m over the moon right now,” He said and moved closer pulling me into his warm embrace.
“Thank you,” He breathed out
“There you, muffin,” he said relieved…