I left for work early and was in the park with Micah. The last four had been amazing, we had gotten on different rides and tried a few snacks too, but in general, it was fun, we were having fun and I was happy.
“Thank you,” I smiled and collected the cup of ice cream from him.
“Let’s sit here,” He pointed at the free bench and immediately we both sat down there. I smiled and lifted my head gazing at the skies.
“They look pretty,” I whispered and sighed softly, before taking a scoop of ice cream.
“You look better than before,” He said and stared at me, while I chuckled at the comment he made.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well you looked kind of down when I came to pick you up, but now you’re back to your fun self,” He joked and we both laughed hard.
“Did something happen at work?” He said in a caring tone.
But the truth was I didn’t want to remember or think about anything that relates to Tristan, even though right now I’m thinking of him, and all through the ride I was thinking of him. Each time I recall the ride my heart kind of aches and then I think maybe I should have been nicer to him.
“Nothing happened, was just tired from work. That’s all,” I lied with a smile on my face, and he didn’t seem to buy it at first but just smiled back.
“But on that note, this is quite fun and I’m wondering why I’ve never done this before,” I said and stared at him questioning myself if I ever did live life at all.
“Well good thing you have me to help you with that,” he said in adoration to himself.
“Oh really, so you’re my hero now?” I joked around.
“Nahh too formal,” He shook his head in disapproval and squeezed his face, while I laughed.
“Oh really, then what’s more suitable for you sir,” I laughed as I said it.
“More like your knight with shining armor,” He winked, and I pulled backward shocked by his utterance.
“Nah, you don’t cut it,” I shook my head and told him.
“Ouch?” He feigns pain and holds his chest.
“So I don’t?” He smiled and turned to stare at me.
“No, you don’t,” I stood on my point, and he brought his face closer to me, and stared at me deeply.
“So what do I need to do to cut it,” He looked serious, as he asked that question staring at my lips and then up to my eyes.
“Hmm,” I said a bit nervous, and unsure of what to say.
“You’ve got to have superpowers,” I told him seriously and immediately he started to laugh.
“Dang! Superpowers?” he asked…
“So I couldn’t even cut for it, or is there a chance that maybe I will,” He asked and I wondered if we were still talking about the same thing or if he was talking about something else.
“Well maybe,” I responded and we both chuckled as we continued to have our ice cream.
“Thank you so much for today,” I meant it, first it was the delicious meal, and then this. The name really knows how to sway a woman’s heart.
“Thank you for having me,” He said and got back into the cab, while I walked to the front door.
“Goodnight,” I waved as the car engine started and they drove to the gate.
“I’m so tired,” I mumbled and turned to the door walking in with my shoes in my hands. Rose came towards me and collected my bag walking towards my room.
“I’m getting your bath ready,” She said as I lay flat on my bed. But I didn’t respond but just nodded my head at her until she left the room.
I sighed and thought about the evening at the park. I didn’t find myself feeling so excited around Micah like before. My mind was completely clouded with my conversation with Tristan especially the last part of it, that I could barely take into notice of how he smiled at me or even complimented me.
I had a good time with him, a wonderful time with Micah, and the truth was I always feel good around him and it was easy just being with him.
I yawned a bit and told myself to forget about it all, and just get soaked in a good bath. I got up and started to strip off my clothes, before walking to the bathroom.
Thirty minutes later, I was out of the shower and fresh and done with my night routine. I breathed out and grabbed my phone from my bag before walking out of my room. I walked downstairs and straight to the kitchen to have dinner.
I sat at the table and waited for my meal to be served.
“Thank you,” I said to the girl before she left. I grabbed my fork and started to dig into the pasta. When I noticed Rose walked to the kitchen.
“Rose,” I called out and she immediately rushed to where I sat.
“Yes ma’am,” She said but I was barely in the mood to drag with her on the name-calling and just went on to ask my question.
“Isn’t he eating?” I stared at his at his seat across the table without calling his name and she knew who I was talking about immediately.
“Oh,” She mouthed and smiled at me before responding.
“He already had dinner and went to bed,” She said.
“Oh,” It was my turn to say it now.
“Sir Tristan looked a bit down today,” she stopped ok her tracks and said to me, before rushing to me.
“Did anything bad happen?” She looked sincerely concerned, and immediately my mind went off to our little argument.
“Ma’am” She called out as I had zoned off.
“No, nothing bad happened,” I told her and went back to my food, and she dismissed herself immediately.
“He didn’t wait up for me?” I thought to myself.
“Why would he do that when he suffocates you,” My subconscious had responded to me and I felt hurt by it.
I ate lightly and then went up to my room trying not to think so much about today. I was going to sleep it off and wake up to a new day tomorrow that’s what I told myself and slowly drifted off to sleep…