I had no idea when I nodded my head and said yes to her. It just happened. In a glimpse I found myself entering the cab with her and heading to the gym dressed in a t-shirt and joggers. I had just finished my jogging session, but here I was immediately jumping into the car with Isabel cause I couldn’t make peace with the fact that people were going to stare at her-My wife and find her hot in that gym-fit.
Maybe going isn’t such a bad idea, probably that way I could keep my eyes on her and also watch out for any asshole making fantasies about her, and that is of course myself excluded, because damn it hard not to feel something after staring at that ass.
I sighed as the ride to the gym was short. She looked at me with her flushed cheeks, as if waiting for me to back out. But I followed her in and watched her get situated with her instructor as she started her routine.
I watched her get immersed in it, not caring about her environment when I found a guy pointing in her direction. A man walked towards her, immediately she took a quick break to grab her bottle of water, causing me to sprung up immediately. I rushed towards her when I noticed he smiled at her trying to make conversations with her.
“Muffin” I called out and immediately pulled her to my side. My hands went around her tiny but perfect waist, while she locked eyes with me briefly with a look that questioned what the hell I was doing.
“Muffin?” She repeated staring at me, as she turned the cap of her water before dropping it down.
“Is he bothering you?” I gave a glare to the confused man in front of us, who was smart enough to understand and immediately leave before she could respond.
Call it jealousy, or possessiveness, I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to let someone just have access to my property when she’s concentrating on her gyming.
Even though I could feel that this was much more than that, I wasn’t just ready for it yet.
“Really Mr. Tristan?” She said and stood in Akimbo staring at me.
“Do you think anyone here would believe I’m your husband if you call me Mr. Tristan, muffin?” I said and gave her a small smile, but she wasn’t smiling or finding it funny.
“Muffin? My name isn’t muffin? ” She half yelled and I chuckled at her work-up expression. I was hitting a nerve and seeing how cute she reacted while being riled up excited me a lot.
“I know that” I whispered to her
“Muffin,” I added earning a glare from her, which made me smile.
“I guess you came to scare off that sweet gentleman,” she folded her hands and raised her eyebrows staring at me.
“Sweet?” I said in dread, shocked that she was taking his side instead of saying thank you to me for preventing a forced conversation with him.
“Yes?” She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.
“That’s not true. You should be thanking me, ” I tell her.
“Thank you? For what?” She asked her arms still folded.
“Well from saving you,” I said nervously scratching the bad of my neck, unsure of what else to say.
“Saving me?” She asked while I nodded.
“From what? “It was like everything I said or did was turned around into a question for me to answer.
“From disturbing you with your workout and routine,” I smiled at her brightly, hoping that my answer was enough to end this question cycle.
“Oh really now? You care about my workout, huh?” She sounded almost sarcastic and I couldn’t tell if it was real or she was just joking…
“Yes muffin, anything for you,” I said with a big smile, while she playfully pushed me away.
“Now go, before you become the one distracting me from my workout,” She said and started to walk to the treadmill.
“Well you’re the one in my head muffin, not the other way around,” I told her truthfully, even though every part of me wanted her to see me, notice me maybe just a little like she did for Micah. I thought and started to walk off giving her space.
“Don’t call me a muffin,” I heard her cute voice say, but unfortunately I wasn’t going to listen.
“That was her new name, and she better get used to it,” I thought smiling.
I wish I could say the interruption ended after that one guy, but instead, there were more and even some had the most crazy reason after all. But what else was I even expecting when I invited him here with me? Anything around him turned into chaos. He glared at my instructor so many times, that I had to apologize for his behavior and made up a story starring his behavior.
But one thing I was sure of and had fully decided on was that he wasn’t going to tag along with me to the gym again. It was a one-time thing and experience and that was enough for both of us.
An hour later I was done working out and was ready to go home. I was all sweaty and even stinky too. Mr. Devil familiarized himself with a few workouts, something simple as he kept his eyes fixed on me.
We ordered our ride home, and in a few minutes, we found ourselves home. I breathed out in relief and happiness as I rushed to the stairs to take a shower and finally feel good.
Rose helped me set up my bath, and it was lovely. I quickly had a bath and got ready in a simple hoodie and shorts.
I dressed up and rushed to the dining room to have breakfast cause hell I was starving. I quickly sat in the dining, while Rose helped me dish out my food. I could hear my stomach rumble at the sight of food and felt excited.
I started to eat, and I almost didn’t notice that Tristan had joined me in the dining room and was sitting across the table from me.
We didn’t say a word to each other but just stared and went back to our food. I didn’t blame him, I’m sure he was starving as well. We ate silently and once I was done I sent the plate to the sink, where the cleaner rushed to help with the washing.
“Thank you,” I said and opened the cabinet grabbing a pack of cheesballs I had seen before. I grabbed a bowl, poured a little into it, and started to walk into my room.
I climbed my bed, brought my laptop, and put on a series I was still watching. I covered myself with the duvet about to get cozy when I heard a knock on my head, making me pout my lips.
I opened the door and there he was standing in front of my room, looking ravishing and also smelling so amazing.
“I got you this,” He handed a bag over to me, and I looked at him surprised.
I peeped through, before opening my door wider so he could come in.
“What’s in here?” I asked trying to find the excitement in my voice.
“Check it out,” he smiled and got comfortable on my sofa.
I brought out the box from inside and it looked like it was a shoe, I opened it, and behold it was a black scandal with really cute small heels.
“Oh my gosh! ” I looked at him, and back at the shoes speechless.
“The last one was hurting, so I decided to get something that doesn’t,” He shrugged like it was nothing. But it was so thoughtful that my heart felt greatly moved by it.
“Thank you,” I rushed and engulfed him in a hug, amid my emotions, which I’m sure took him off guard.
“I’m sorry,” I said and immediately pulled away laughing awkwardly at what I did, going ahead to test the shoes.
“It fits,” I smiled as I pulled my legs away from the shoes smiling at him.
“Thank you, Tristan,”
“You’re welcome muffin,” he said and this time I didn’t feel angry at the name like before. It made me smile…
“So what are you doing?” He asked scratching the back of his neck.
“Watching a movie,” I responded simply.
“Can I join you?” He asked leaving me star struck..
“Join me? Like on the bed?” I thought in my head…