Book:Divorced In Love Published:2025-2-8

The park was noisy, especially at night.
As Christmas drew near, many people began to go out and get themselves into some recreative activities to kill off the tension the year had held.
Businesses have been slow-paced since the beginning of December since most employees have been given a break from work to enjoy the holidays.
The stars bathed the blanket of skies, the moon was full, the snow was falling, the air was chill, and the roller coaster was in full swing. Sydney’s stomach was churning. It was a decoration of twisted spasms of knots.
The night made her sick to the stomach because it held the most romantic view she’d ever seen.
She stared at the rollercoaster and listened to the screams of fear and euphoria.
She remembered riding on the roller coaster. She remembered twelve years ago.
At the top, body pressed against Gavin’s in fear. His hands wrapped around her protectively. The words he whispered in her ear. Sweet words. Avery on the seat behind them. Her tight-lipped smile.
Sydney’s eyes moistened.
” God, can you please stop talking?”
Ethan groaned for the umpteenth time since he’d settled on a chair next to a hot dog and milkshake truck with his family.
Gavin laughed at what Emily had said.
She’d been talking non-stop about school and the Girl Scouts raising money for the less privileged and physically challenged so they could enjoy the festive season approaching.
Gavin looked at Sydney who hadn’t uttered a single word before he looked back at Emily.
” I remember when your mommy was the leader of the Girl Scouts; she spent fifty thousand buying clothes and food for the children at the orphanage.”
Mostly because her father forced her to do it. A promotion to his business, he said. Charity was the best excuse to get off taxes and get more publicity, he growled at her.
Sydney shot him a look.
Emily sat up giggily and looked at her mommy, ” Really? Why didn’t you didn’t tell me before.”
” That’s because you didn’t ask.” Ethan rolled his eyes.
She hadn’t let him say a single word since they saw their Daddy. When he’d try to speak his sister would cut him off. Gavin told him she was just a little girl and he shouldn’t get mad.
Emily ignored him and kept on talking, ” Since you used to be one of them, can you please beg them to let me be a part of their team? I’ve saved a thousand dollars since January, I could tip in the money to help the city.”
There was no use, they would be leaving soon.
Sydney responded raspily, ” Put it in your New Year’s resolution list; they wouldn’t let you join this year since it’s almost over.”
Sydney hadn’t told them they would be moving yet. She didn’t intend to break the news in front of Gavin.
Ethan caught by the corner of his eyes someone looking at him. It was a girl sitting in a wheelchair with a nasal cannula under her nose.
He remembered her quickly.
He’d seen her at the hospital before. What was her name again?

He recalled seeing her in church once. There was a man with her. He seemed to be her Daddy. He was kneeling by the altar, hands clasped together, tears staining his white rumpled shirt. He was praying hard. Really hard.
Ethan heard a whisper from someone that he used to be rolling in dough before Violet had cancer.
Violet’s grey eyes looked away the moment she realized he was looking at her.
She is suffering.
Ethan was still staring till Emily’s voice disturbed his thoughts.
” I’m tired of eating. Let’s ride!”
Sydney was quick to respond. ” You just finished eating, wait for some minutes.”
She was too afraid of being left alone with Gavin again.
Emily whined, ” I only had a milkshake, and I’m not going to ride on the circle of doom; I’ll play on the seesaw.”
” I’ll ride on the swing. I only had one hot dog and a sip of the milkshake.” Ethan added, his buttocks getting sore from sitting too long.
Gavin beat Sydney to a reply.
” All right, fellas, run off; I’ll be keeping an eye on you. Don’t talk to strangers, okay?”
They nodded, got out of their seats, and raced off when they saw their mommy’s mouth opening.
Sydney frowned at Gavin. ” You let them go after what happened at the spelling bee.”
Gavin looked at the roller coaster, ” There are lots of people here, don’t worry.”
” I know you were thinking of our second date as a couple,” Gavin spoke softly.
Sydney folded her arm around her chest and disregarded what he said.
Gavin’s green eyes grazed her features.
He was surprised she took his words and dressed pretty. Too pretty. Almost like she had to when he was around her. Like she was scared to be awkwardly dressed in front of him.
When she stopped putting effort into how she looked, she had seen how Gavin acted and how badly he spoke to her. She was scared he’d talk to her like she was nothing in front of her kids.
Breath. Just three weeks to go.
” Have you ever imagined the old days returning?”
Yes, she did.
” No, stop talking to me.”
” Your eyes say otherwise… sweetheart…” The word hung as soon as it left his mouth.
Sydney stood on impulse. She refused to be smitten by him. Sydney was walking away.
Gavin stood wincing from the pain in his arm. He caught her shoulder and she halted. He walked in front of her, eyes soft like it never held hatred towards her.
” Our babies keep watching us, they want us to ride. Let’s ride.” His eyes gestured to the roller coaster.
Sydney surreptitiously looked at Emily and Ethan, who were staring at them.
” I had a lot to eat, I’ll vomit if I get on the ride.”
” December 17th, 2011, 9: 43 pm. You said the same thing to me.”
Sydney’s cheeks tinted red and she looked away. ” That’s because I meant it.”
The corner of his lips lifted. ” If you try to puke, I’ll do the same thing I did to stop you.”
Sydney’s eyes shot to his right in time to witness it dilating. ” If you dare touch me, I’ll slap you in the face.”
She turned on her heels and walked to the line of people awaiting a ride on the roller coaster.
Gavin laughed and went to her. He was about to stay behind her when a sweaty obese man beat him to it.
Who sweats in a 15-degree weather?
When Sydney reached the front line, Gavin pushed through the sweaty man and stood next to her.
” She’s my um… wife, I’ll ride with her.” He smiled nervously.
” And she’s my girlfriend. Back off, I’m riding with her.” The fat man contorted.
He’d taken a liking to Sydney’s back the moment he saw it five minutes ago.
Gavin shot him a stupid look. ” Girlfriend? Are you kidding me? I was her first and only boyfriend.”
Sydney cut in through their stare battle.
” You two can continue arguing, I’m getting on the ride.” She said feebly.
Gavin tried following after her, but he was held back by the ride operator, making the fat man gain the upper hand and slide into the seat next to Sydney.
” I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t let you get on the ride because of your broken hand. Ride policy.” The boy looked like he was in his teens.
As far as Gavin knew, he was above all policies. He hoicked his arm away. Another wince.
” Look at the poster behind you.”
The boy’s brow furrowed. He looked at the poster and his eyes widened immediately.
” I’m sorry, Mr. Reed, you can get in, but please be careful.”
” Do me a favor and get that away from my wife.”
The boy nodded briskly and ran to speak to the man. Sydney’s brows narrowed, and her eyes moved to Gavin, whose eyes read mirth.
The fat man was fuming. He got out, punched the boy in the nose, and ran away.
Speaking of exaggeration.
Gavin walked to the boy, brought out a bundle of dollars, and handed it to him. ” Fix your broken nose.”
Gavin got in next to Sydney who was staring at him with slightly wide eyes. Had he just transformed into the charismatic teenager she used to be in love with?
” What you did wasn’t necessary.” She fastened her seatbelt.
” Would you prefer to be holding on to a sweaty body instead?”
Anything was better than holding on to him.
” If you touch me, Gavin, I will slap you.” She repeated knowing what he was talking about.
Sydney’s heart leaped as soon as she began to be lifted from the ground. She loved being above the ground but not when it meant she had to be on a rollercoaster.
” My hand is open, hold on to it if you get scared.”
Sydney held onto the cold metal lining in front of her firmly. If he had said that some months back, she would have held him and never let go.
Gabriel stared at the fear in her face as they lifted higher from the ground. A line of regret drew on his face. Regret for not holding onto her when she needed him the most.
Regret for letting her go in the first place.
” I want us to spend Christmas together, as a family. Just you, I, and the kids.” He looked at her cold fingers.
Sydney shut her eyes. ” I was planning on spending Christmas alone.”
That was a lie. She knew Gabriel wouldn’t let her spend it alone.
” Please.”
Sydney thought of how many times she had told him to please.
” I’ll drop the kids off at your place; I’m not going to spend Christmas with you.”
He reached to place his hand on hers. As soon as she felt the heat radiating from his palm, she took her hand away and shot him a warning look.
” If you talk again or touch me, mark my words I’ll push you out of this ride.”
The rest of the ride was eerily silent.