GAVIN CAUGHT THE LOOK of bewilderment immediately the word left his mouth. It was the same look he had when he’d read the words of the paper Avery had given him.
He knew Avery made his sleep with her despite her alignment to punish him for what he’d done to her as a teenager.
His father had warned him Karma was a terrible b**tch but he’d been too in love with Sydney to give a damn.
Look who’s regretting it now!
Sydney opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She looked ahead and leaned into the chair, her eyes slightly widened.
When her ability to speak finally came through, she uttered savagely, ” I hope you had a share of her virus.”
Was he just finding out about it? Wait, was that the reason he used protection the last time he slept with her?
Various questions plagued Sydney’s mind. Although she wanted Gavin to pay for what he did, she didn’t want him to get infected.
” I’m not sure, I went for a test yesterday. The result isn’t out yet.”
Running a test was just to be a hundred percent sure he was clean or not but deep down, he knew he was infected.
” You don’t need to pretend to worry about me; Gabriel is perfectly virus-free.” She hoped.
Gavin’s brows furrowed at her, ” So you’ve slept with him before?”
He sounded so pure she wanted to believe actually cared about her.
” No, Gavin if you desperately want to know. I haven’t.” She thundered.
Gavin sighed inwardly. She hadn’t cheated despite what he had done to her? He felt like a fool for all he’d done. For believing someone else over his wife.
For letting his jealousy kill his mother-in-law.
There was no way he would let go of her this time. Seeing her again made him want to cling to her and hold her forever.
Soon, the Spelling contest reached its final round. Even Sydney had begun to feel intimidated by the boy in braces and glasses.
God knows if he had a chip implanted in his head somewhere.
Emily had at least progressed to the final five when she spelled concordant incorrectly and settled for fourth position.
Nevertheless, she was contented with her 4th place medal and chuckled happily showing it off to her fellow contestant.
Sydney was proud of her. She wondered where Emily got her intelligence from. When Sydney was six she couldn’t think she could spell sniff.
With Emily off the contest, Gavin thought it was time to talk somewhere quiet with his ex-wife.
” I want to speak to you, could we go outside?” Gavin asked in a pleading tone.
Sydney gave a quick response, ” I’m not in the mood to listen to what you have to say. If it’s important say it here.”
She didn’t want them to be alone before he’d pull any fast move on her.
Gavin felt silent for a while before he said, ” I know you think I don’t care about you anymore, and I don’t still feel anything for you, but I do Sydney, I still do.”
Sydney shook her head quickly. This was exactly what she was running away from. She didn’t want to hear anything that would awaken her love for him.
” Please don’t start, Gavin; I don’t want to hear it. ”
He wasn’t listening. ” I’m sorry for everything I did to you from the very day I took advantage of your vulnerability, I’m sorry. If this is the way God is punishing me for my sins, it’s fine; I deserve a disease worse than this.”
” Please stop Gavin.” Sydney held her ears.
His eyes sparkled with regret, ” I should have been there for you; I should have asked you what was bothering you; I should have cared for you. I should have put you first, sweetheart, I should have trusted you. I’m sorry for cheating on you. I don’t expect you to love me again, but I won’t live in peace till you forgive me.”
Then he made a statement that made her lose it, ” I’m sorry about your mother.”
Sydney looked at him through glistening eyes, ” No you are not sorry. I’m tired of this, I’m tired of you.”
She got up and pushed her way out of the bleacher. Emily and Ethan saw her leaving and Gavin sitting.
He’d made the mistake of not chasing after her before. Each time he’d let her go, she’d run into danger or the hands of Gabriel.
Not this time.
He got up and ran after her.
Gavin’s words played constantly in her mind as she ran. There was no way she could ever forgive him. He’d ruined her life. He killed her mother! He destroyed the love they shared! He cheated on her! He broke her heart countless times!
” Stop following me, please. You never did before so why now!” She barked, tears running down her cheek.
She hated that he had control of her tears. Loving him hurts so much.
” I wish I had before, please listen to me.”
He gained up to her and grabbed her by the arm. She struggled to disengage herself from his grip.
” You are hurting me, let go.” She cried out.
” Please listen to me Sydney, if it’s just this once.” He begged, his heart shattering every second.
She stopped struggling and stared at him coldly in the eyes. ” If I listen, you’ll only hurt me again. My life is far better without you in it, why can’t you see I don’t want you anymore? Leave me alone before I’d make you regret it.”
” Syd-”
She didn’t wait for him to finish speaking before kicking him hard in the balls.
As soon as he got off her to weep over his probably deformed balls, she took off.
She turned to the corner, heading towards the parking lot when suddenly, she got held by her mouth and yanked away.
Sydney felt the hand of the person who captured her when trying to free herself from the person’s grip. Her eyes widened when she realized it was Gavin.
The capturer brought out a knife and put it on her throat.
” Don’t make a fuss or I’d slit your throat.” He whispered threateningly.
If she didn’t make a fuss, she’d be kidnapped, but Gavin was close by; if she made a fuss, he’d come to save her.
She bit the man’s hand on her mouth and kicked him hard.
He immediately let go of her and groaned in pain; she used the opportunity to run away and shout for help.
As soon as Gavin’s name left her mouth, the knife sliced her leg. She fell to the ground and continued shouting.
Gavin heard her voice, making his heart leap; he followed the source and saw a man in all black with his face covered, holding Sydney at gunpoint.
His eyes widened, and he stretched out a hand, ” Pe- please, don’t shoot.”
Gavin saw the blood oozing from Sydney’s leg and anger surged in him immediately.
The capturer was mad with anger at the stunt Sydney pulled. Infuriated, he smacked her hard across the face with the gun making blood gush out over her mouth instantly.
Gavin forgot the capturer had the upper hand and charged at him like a mad bull. When the man saw him coming, before he could raise the gun, Gavin had sent his foot to his face.
Gavin couldn’t think straight. He’d lost his senses. He kicked and stepped on the man without mercy. When he tried to get a hold of Gavin’s leg, Gavin matched him hard in the balls and kicked him hard in the torso.
It was when he heard Sydney crying, Gavin stopped. He ran to her and bent down to have a good look at her.
He grabbed her face with his shaky hands. ” F**k!! Don’t worry; I’ll take you to the hospital; stop crying.”
Sydney’s bloody hand held his. She tried to peel his hand away from her face but to no avail.
” Don’t touch me.” She shoved him weakly by his chest.
Amid her struggles, she saw by the corner of her eyes, the man picking up the gun.
She hit Gavin’s chest harder, trying to push him away. ” He’s holding a gun, let go.” She cried.
Gavin’s eyes flung to the man, and in a second, he grabbed Sydney’s body into his, shielding her.
One. Two.