Book:Rekindling Old Flames Published:2025-2-8

I stare at myself in the mirror and blow out my cheeks. Beau’s getting married today. I don’t know what I thought would happen, but I didn’t think it would ever get to this point. Looking at my dress in the mirror, tears fill my eyes as it’s not the dress I had hoped to wear on Beau’s wedding day. It was foolish for me to have agreed to stay when he asked me. I must have been possessed because only a fool would stay and watch the love of their life marry someone else.
Using my hands, I fan myself and take deep breaths to calm down. I don’t want to ruin my makeup. Since I already agreed to stay, I might as well see this to the end. I’m picking up my purse to leave when someone knocks on my door. I go to open it, wondering if Tamara changed her mind about meeting me downstairs and needs something before we go. But Tamara isn’t who’s standing in the hall.
“Beau?” I say, shocked.
“Can I come in?” he asks, smiling.
Why is he smiling? And most importantly what the hell is he doing here? Isn’t he supposed to be at the altar in a few minutes? He needs to explain what exactly is going on. “Yes, but first-”
Beau cuts me off. “Hannah and I are no longer getting married.”
“Can we talk inside?”
“Sure, I guess.” Moving out of the way, I let him in. I’m so confused right now.
“Mon amour,” Beau starts.
A gasp escapes my lips as my eyes widen. “W-what did y-you just ca-call me?” I stutter out, turning around after closing the door.
“I called you my love, cher.” Beau smiles again as he takes hold of my hand.
“Oh my God!” Tears fill my eyes as I stare at him. “You got your memories back?” I pull my hand out of his and cover my open mouth. I can’t believe it.
“I never lost them.” He pulls my hand away from my mouth and squeezes it.
“You’re joking.” If it’s possible, my eyes widen even more. I can’t believe he’s been pretending all this time, but why?
“I’m not.” He continues to smile at me. I can’t even remember the last time I saw him smile. Pulling my hand out of his again, I touch his face, pinching his cheeks to make sure he’s real. He grabs my hand and places a kiss on my palm before dropping it. Butterflies fill my stomach from the little display of affection.
“Why did you pretend to lose your memories?” I can’t believe all those times he behaved as if he was getting his memories back, he actually had them. But something doesn’t make sense. If he had his memory all along, why did he behave the way he did? Why did he almost marry Hannah?
“I only pretended to lose my memory so I could keep my family away from you. I needed them to believe there was no risk of us being together, while I found evidence tying them to you and Tamara’s kidnapping. I haven’t used what I found to send my mother and grandfather to prison, but I threatened to if they don’t allow us to be together.”
“Wow, I can’t believe this. Somebody, please pinch me.” Taking a step away from him, I try to absorb his words.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, and I understand if you’re angry with me for lying to you about losing my memories and for how I’ve behaved. I never wanted to hurt you, cher, but I had to so that my family wouldn’t suspect I was lying. I’m truly sorry for the pain I caused you. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you, and now we can finally be together.”
“I don’t know what to say. All of this is overwhelming.” I’m happy Beau has his memory, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. I can’t believe he won’t be marrying Hannah today. This feels like a fantastic dream.
The conversation I overheard him having at the bar three nights ago makes sense now. That man must have been his PI and was helping him find the evidence he needed against Jenny and Edward. It also makes sense why Beau asked me to stay. He wanted to be able to tell me the truth the second he dealt with his mother and grandfather.
“I’m sorry, mon amour. I am deeply sorry for all the pain and heartbreak you have had to deal with. Please forgive me.”
I stare at him and consider whether or not to forgive him. He had said some hurtful things to me, but if he hadn’t, I would’ve seen through his pretense, and his plan would’ve failed.
If I hadn’t been heartbroken or trying to get him back, his family would’ve known something was off and possibly tried to harm me again. I can’t hold what he did against him. He did it because he loved me. All I’ve wanted has been to be with him, and now I finally can, so why shouldn’t I forgive him?
With a smile, I say, “Okay. As much as what you’ve said and done these past few weeks has hurt me, you did it because you love me. And that’s enough for me to forgive you.”
“Thank you so much, mon amour; I love you.” Beau wraps his arms around my waist.
“You’re welcome, and I love you too,” I reply, circling my arms around his neck as Beau seals our lips together. He tightens his arms around my waist as he deepens the kiss. I melt into him, and my heart finds the peace it has been missing all these weeks.
My broken heart is finally going to heal. Words can’t even describe the joy I’m feeling right now. I’m so happy Beau and I can finally be together. He only releases my lips once we’re out of breath.
As soon as we can, we leave the hotel and drive to the Williams’ estate. Beau goes up to his room to gather his things, so we can fly back to Texas. His grandfather doesn’t want us around. I’m not surprised about that at all. I would have been shocked if he hadn’t asked Beau to leave. As I wait at the foot of the stairs, Jenny walks up to me.
“Just because you think you’ve won doesn’t mean it’s over,” she says, glaring.
I roll my eyes. “I think it does, Jenny.”
“No! It doesn’t!” she yells, seething. “I will find a way to keep you away from my son.”
“Are you sure you want to do that? Prison is a dangerous place.” It’s nice to be the one giving out threats for a change.
“They should’ve killed you along with that bastard you were carrying!”
Jenny doesn’t see it coming, but she sure as hell feels it when I slap her. Her left cheek becomes red with my handprint.
Now, I’m the one who’s angry. “Call my child a bastard again, and I will beat you to a pulp,” I threaten.
“How could you slap me?” she asks.
I frown, wondering if she really just asked me that stupid question.
“Insult our child again, and I believe you might faint from the next strike,” Beau says, stepping down the stairs with his suitcase in hand. He stops beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pecking my forehead.
“I can’t believe you are taking her side!” Jenny screams. “She slapped your mother!”
Beau ignores her, looking at me. “I’m done here. We can go.”
I nod in agreement, and we leave without sparing another glance a Jenny