Throwing the blanket off my body, I sit up and drop my feet over the side of the bed. Glancing at my phone, I see there’s a few important messages that I’ll need to reply to while at work. At first, it was hard going back into the office after everything that happened, but as the days have passed, I’ve been grateful for the distraction.
It’s been months since my child was taken from me. I can’t believe how time flies. A part of me is grateful for how quickly it’s passed because it makes it less painful that it’s been a month since I last saw Beau. His mother made sure the day we found out about his amnesia was the last time I stepped foot in that hospital. Not even Yennefer could help me.
Not being able to be there for him at such a critical point in his life breaks my heart. I bet he still doesn’t even know who I am. I’m certain his mother has made sure of that.
Tears sting the back of my eyes, and I throw my head back, trying to blink them away. My heart breaks every time I think about Beau and his mother’s cruelty toward me. Eventually, the tears subside. Gathering my strength for the day, I walk to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for work.
I smile and nod at the security guard who greets me as I walk into my office building. I’m about to enter the elevator when someone calls my name. Turning, I see Camila’s secretary hurrying toward me.
“Good morning, ma’am,” she says.
“Morning. Has Camila arrived?” I walk into the elevator.
She follows me and replies, “Yes, and she asked me to inform you to meet her in boardroom five.”
I punch the button for our office floor. “Why?” I don’t recall any meetings with clients being on our schedule this morning.
“I’m not sure. She just called me and told me to inform you once I saw you.”
“Alright, thank you for telling me.” Questions whirl in my head, but it’s clear Camila didn’t tell her secretary much.
Once the elevator reaches our floor, I step out and head straight to boardroom five.
Camila and members of our staff are there, seated across from some other people. The backs of their chairs are facing the door, so I can’t tell who they are. My brow scrunches. What’s going on?
“Camila, why have you asked me to meet you here?” I ask as the door shuts behind me.
“Lilah, thank God you’re here.” Camila stands and begins to walk towards me. She looks upset.
I’m immediately concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nice of you to finally join us, Miss Stephen,” a familiar voice says, and my steps halt.
It’s not possible, I tell myself. There is no way I just heard that voice. I look at Camila, who stopped walking at the same moment I did. I stare at her, and even though no words come out of my mouth, she answers the question I’m asking inside my head by nodding. Slowly, I turn and face the person who spoke.
A gasp escapes my lips as my suspicion is confirmed. Tears of joy form in my eyes, and I begin to take little steps toward him. I can’t believe it. After so many days and nights without seeing him, he’s finally right here in front of me. And not only is he here, but he’s healthy. I go to him.
“Beau, my love.” I place my hand on his cheek, not even caring where we are or why he’s here or who’s watching. My happiness at seeing him in front of me consumes all my thoughts.
Beau moves away. “Please don’t touch me, Miss Stephen.” He wipes his cheek, like he wants to erase my touch.
My brows pull together in confusion once again. Something is wrong. Glancing around the room, I see my colleagues are watching the interaction with interest. And Camila has pity in her eyes. This isn’t good. I need to regain control of the situation. Of myself.
Quickly, I take a step back and smooth my skirt while clearing my throat. “What’s this all about, Mr. Williams?” I’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on with him once we can be alone. But for now, I need to play his game.
“I’m here to discuss my investment in your company.” His tone is clipped, cold.
“What about it?” I don’t understand why he’s talking to me so professionally.
“The past month’s records show that this company hasn’t made good use of my investment. I demand a reasonable explanation as to why this has happened, and if I don’t get one, your company will face charges.”
“What sort of charges?” I ask, bewildered.
His answer is quick. “Misappropriation of funds.”
“Misappropriation of funds…are you kidding me? Where the hell is this coming from?” I can’t believe what Beau is saying right now. It’s like the man standing before me is a different person. How can he accuse me of this? Does he really not know what happened a month ago? “If anyone knows why the project involving your investments was put on hold, it’s you.”
“I don’t know why. That’s why I’m demanding an explanation.”
“You don’t know why?” I lock gazes with him and stare. His eyes don’t hint that he’s lying. What the hell is going on?
“No, Miss Stephen, I don’t know why.” He stares back at me with contempt.
I shake my head in disbelief. Beau would never look at me like that, never. This man before me is a stranger. Even though he might look like Beau, he’s not. He is a totally different person because there is no way in hell Beau would fucking say he doesn’t know what happened to us a month ago.
“That’s a lie. You do know, and why do you keep calling me Miss Stephen?” Something is telling me it’s not because he wants to be professional.
“What else should I call you?”
“Delilah, cher, mon amour.” I wave a hand. “Those are the names you call me, not Miss Stephen. Beau, is something wrong?”
He ignores my question to ask his own. “Why would I call you any of those things?”
“Because I’m the love of your life.”
“I’m sorry, but you are not.”
Beau’s words cause my heart to squeeze in my chest. I look into his eyes, and I can tell he means it. I’m so confused. If he truly doesn’t remember me, then why the hell is he here?
“Beau.” My voice cracks as I speak.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, and I expect an explanation. Good day.” Beau turns and begins to walk out of the room. I stand, frozen in place, trying to understand what just happened.
“Lilah?” Camila says, shaking my shoulders.
Blinking my eyes, I regain focus. “I’ll be back in a sec.” It’s all I can manage to say before I rush out the door to catch Beau before he leaves. He’s standing by the elevator, talking on the phone. I quickly rush over, and he gives me a questioning look, but I say nothing and wait for him to finish his call.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, I examine him from head to toe. The Givenchy suit he’s wearing hugs his body well and fails to mask all the muscles hiding underneath his professional exterior. His biceps flex a little as he holds the phone to his ear. That’s good. He must be fully recovered. The broken man I saw in the hospital has been replaced by the one I’ve always known and loved. A twinge of happiness grips me.
Beau ends his call and turns to face me, arching a brow.
“How are you doing?” I ask, looking into his eyes. “I can see you’re fully recovered, but I still want to know how you’re truly faring.”
“How I’m doing is none of your concern, Miss Stephen,” Beau answers, avoiding eye contact with me.
“You don’t have to be formal with me. There’s no one else here,” I whisper, placing a hand on his arm.
“I said to not touch me, Miss Stephen,” Beau says, sounding irritated. He forces my hand off his arm.
“Why are you speaking to me like this? Don’t you know who I am?” I haven’t forgotten that he lost his memory, but it’s been a month. When I first saw him, I had assumed he’d recovered his memory and came to see me because he knows who I am now.
“I know who you are, Miss Stephen.”
A breath of relief escapes my lips. My greatest fear has been that he wouldn’t remember me. I’m so happy his memory came back to him, but why is he acting like I’m a stranger?
“I have missed you, my love. I was worried you would never remember me,” I say, placing my palm on his face and staring into his eyes. My brows pull together in confusion as the look in Beau’s eyes surprises me. The joy I expected to see isn’t there; instead, he seems annoyed. This isn’t right.
“Miss Stephen!” Beau says, grabbing my hand and tossing it away like it’s trash. His tone makes me flinch. Beau has never spoken to me like that before.
His eyes darken as he steps closer to me, staring intensely into my eyes. I back up, a bit of fear filtering in. I halt as my back hits something solid. There’s nowhere to go. What the hell is going on?
He slams his hand against the wall close to where my head is. I jump, a little frightened. “If you think seducing me will save you, then you don’t know me at all. I want an explanation regarding how my investment has been spent by tomorrow, and you will give me one.” He bends down to my ear and says in a deadly whisper, “Am I clear?”
I quickly nod.
“Words, Miss Stephen,” he demands.
“Yes,” I manage. “Crystal clear.”
“Goodbye,” he says, pushing off from the wall and walking away from me. He gets on the elevator without another word.
I stand there in stunned silence. What the hell just happened?