I step out of the conference room where the shareholder’s meeting just ended and collect my phone from my secretary. I frown at her when she tries to avoid my gaze as she walks away. I had told her to notify me if I got any calls from Delilah, but glancing through my notifications I can see she didn’t. My mother must have asked her not to tell me. My secretary is one of the many minions my mother has placed at my side, so it doesn’t surprise me that she would listen to her instructions over mine.
I quickly dial Delilah’s number. She called quite a few times. I hope everything is okay with the baby. I smile as the phone begins to ring. I’m so happy Delilah decided to consider being with me after finding out the truth. I never imagined things going the way they went last night. It was foolish to not tell her the truth sooner. Maybe if I had, she would have already forgiven me by now.
The smile on my face disappears as the call goes to voicemail. I begin to panic, wondering why her phone is switched off. I give up reaching her after dialing her number a few more times and call the hotel to ask them to check on her. My worries increase as the hotel staff tells me Delilah is not in her room and that she had left hours ago. I can’t think of any place Delilah would go to by herself. Where could she have gone? I hope nothing has happened to her or the baby.
I’m about to call my driver and ask that the car be brought around, but I stop as my cousin walks up to me. He looks worried.
“Did something happen to Nana?” I ask.
“No, but something has happened to someone else.” Harvey drops his hand on my shoulder and releases a sigh, his eyes filled with pity. My brows pinch together. Why is he looking at me like that? Then, I put the pieces together, eyes widening.
“What’s happened to Delilah?” I ask, my heart rate increasing.
“I think it’s best if Grandfather tells you himself.”
“What has he done to Delilah?” My hands pull into tight fists as I wait for his answer. The mention of my grandfather doesn’t surprise me. It just makes me angry that he would hurt her even though she is carrying his great-grandchild.
“He will tell you himself once we get home. Let’s go.” Harvey tries to lead me to the elevator, but I don’t move.
“Tell me what he did to Delilah!” I demand angrily.
“To be honest with you, I don’t know, Beau.”
I stare at Harvey to see if he’s lying, but from the look in his eyes, I can tell he’s not. “Let’s go then.” I walk to the elevator with Harvey beside me. The quicker I get answers, the quicker I can get to Delilah.
I don’t waste another second once my driver parks in the driveway of our estate. Walking inside, I go straight to the family living room. Harvey told me in the car that Grandfather would be waiting for me there. Once I enter, I find all my family members seated. Worry and confusion wash over me. I look across the room from my mother and grandmother to my grandfather, wondering why they’re all here, especially Nana. Today must be one of her good days if they were able to bring her downstairs and put her in a wheelchair. Sometimes she seems completely normal, and other times it seems as if she’s on death’s door. For her to be down here, something serious must be going on.
My eyes narrow. “What have you done to Delilah?” I don’t care to sit down before directing the question at my grandfather.
“I think you should take a seat first,” he says.
“What have you done to Delilah?”
“I say again, I think you should sit down.”
“Fucking tell me what you have done to the mother of my child!” I shout, squeezing the couch closest to me in an effort to control my anger. He flinches at my tone but is quick to compose himself.
Grandfather swallows hard before speaking. “I had her kidnapped.”
“You did what?” I freeze as I try to comprehend his words. I knew before I came that he had done something to her, but I didn’t think he would have kidnapped her. That he would put his great-grandchild in harm’s way.
“I had her kidnapped,” he repeats.
I don’t utter a word and begin to pace. My mind is imagining how traumatized Delilah must be and how it’s going to affect my baby. I move towards my grandfather, grabbing him by the collar.
“Where is she? Where is she? Where the fuck is she?” I yell into his face. Fear swims in his eyes and sweat forms on his brow as I glare at him. I’m seething, and my grandfather’s silence only makes me angrier.
“Beau, please calm down.” My mother places her hand on mine, trying to loosen my grip.
I turn to face her with the same deadly glare. “Take your hand off me!” Immediately, she removes her hand from mine. She looks terrified. That’s good. They all should be.
“I’ll tell you where she is,” Grandfather says, “But first I need to tell you something more important.”
“What is it?” I bark.
He flinches and then turns his face away from me, looking toward Nana.
Nana speaks softly. “Beau, honey. Please let go of your grandfather.” The burning rage in my heart lessens somewhat hearing her sweet voice. Besides Delilah, she is the only woman who could ask me to give the world to her, and I would. She’s the reason why I put up with half the bullshit my mother does. Closing my eyes, I sigh, searching for calm. Opening them back up, I squeeze my grandfather’s collar tightly before roughly releasing him.
Grandfather exhales a breath of relief, moving in his seat and straightening out his rumpled collar. Nana puts her hand out and gestures for me to come closer. I don’t take my eyes off Grandfather as I take Nana’s hand. She gives my hand a tight squeeze before nodding her head at Grandfather to speak.
He clears his throat and makes sure to avoid eye contact with me. “I had Delilah kidnapped…”
I’m about to interrupt again and ask him to tell me where Delilah is when my Nana stops me by squeezing my hand once more.
“Let him speak first, honey.” Nana’s eyes are filled with sadness as she speaks. I pat her hand, trying to contain my anger as Grandfather continues.
“As I was saying, I had Delilah kidnapped to scare you into thinking that I’d harm her if you didn’t leave her. I never planned to actually hurt her or the child. I just wanted to scare you the same way I did with Harvey. But unfortunately, the people I hired to do the job didn’t understand that.”
“What do you mean?”
“They…” Grandfather swallows, as if he suddenly finds it hard to speak.
“They what?” I raise my voice.
“I think it’s best I show you.” Grandfather hands me his phone.
I snatch it out of his hand. Unblinking, I stare at the picture in front of me. I try to tell myself the image is fake, but I know it’s not. My eyes widen in terror as I swipe through the rest of the photos. My heart squeezes as I see Delilah in a pool of her own blood. Lifting my eyes up from the phone, I look directly at my grandfather. My hands pull into tight fists as I glare at him. I’m not even aware of letting go of Nana, but the next thing I know my fist is landing on my grandfather’s face. My hand aches, but it’s what he deserves.
Grandfather opens his mouth to say something but stops as I speak.
“The next words out of your mouth better be the address of where she is, or you’ll be the one in the ER after I’m through with you.”
His nose is bloody from the punch, and he flinches at my threat. “I’ll send it to you right away.” Grandfather puts his hand forward to collect his phone which I’m still holding in a tight grip. I slowly hand it over, and he begins to type.
The second my phone pings, I storm out of the living room. Harvey follows and calls my name, asking me to wait for him so we can go together, but I don’t stop. Walking outside the house and collecting the car keys from my driver, I get into the car before Harvey can catch up to me. I drive off as he tries to pull open the door, eventually he lets go, and I speed away. I don’t need any of my family’s help. I don’t even want to see their faces right now. All I want is to get Delilah back, and I pray to God she’s still alive when I find her.