The van comes to a halt after a few minutes on the road. One of the men comes over to the back and opens the door. He lifts and carries me into an abandoned building, placing me on the ground once we get inside and enter a room. They don’t bother untying me and just leave me on the floor. One sits on a couch that’s been placed against the wall while the other walks over to a cooler and pulls out two beers. He walks back to the other one and hands him a bottle. I watch them take a few sips before the one sitting removes something from his pocket, placing it on the small table in front of him. I can’t see exactly what it is from here, but I watch him roll some paper and sniff the substance off the table. It’s white, so I’m guessing it’s cocaine. The other one joins him, both alternating between drinking and snorting for the next few minutes.
I ignore them and look around, trying to find something to help free myself. Fear builds in me as I’m unable to find anything. I turn back to face the men who took me, and my eyes widen as I realize one of them is walking toward me. Once he gets to me, he crouches down to my level, with my phone in his hand. Why does he have it?
“I’m going to remove the duct tape so we can unlock your phone, and you will not scream. Do you understand?” The man sniffles and rubs his nose. The drug must be going to his head. I just hope he’s not violent when he’s high. That won’t be good for the baby or for me. I nod my head in response. He takes off the duct tape, and the second it’s off I scream for help, but it’s cut short when he slaps me.
“You stupid bitch, I told you not to scream.” He slaps me again, twice. The taste of lead floods my mouth, and I know I must have a busted lip. My cheeks burn like they were set on fire. My head drops forward as exhaustion takes hold.
“I should teach you a lesson for disobeying me.” He grabs my hair and pulls my head backward, making my scalp sting.
“Please let me go; I’ll do anything you ask, just please let me go.” Maybe pleading will work better than screaming.
“Do you know something?” His face moves closer to mine. “You are one pretty bitch.” He buries his nose in my neck and sniffs. Tears begin to form in my eyes, my heart rate increasing. This isn’t good for the baby. I need to stay calm, but it’s difficult given the situation. His disgusting hand comes up to my neck, and he traces a finger down my body. My skin crawls with disgust, and I hold back the urge to vomit.
“Please don’t touch me.”
“Why?” He rips my shirt off. My heart drops as cold air touches my bare skin.
“Please, I beg of you, don’t do this.”
“The more you beg, the more I want to, honey.” He buries his head in my neck again and licks my skin. Gathering all of my strength, I push him away. He isn’t expecting it and stumbles backward.
“Did you just fucking push me?” He shouts. “Jonny,” he calls over his shoulder. “Come and hold this bitch while I show her what happens when she plays hard to get.” The other man quickly comes over and grabs my hands, pushing me to the ground and holding them above my head.
The man I pushed away walks back to me and cuts the ropes on my legs. I kick out immediately, but he bends down to slap me hard across the face. My legs freeze as I try to bear the pain racing across my already bruised cheek. Unfortunately, I’m not wearing jeans today, so it’s not hard for him to get my pants off. He rips off my underwear next, and then I’m naked in front of these horrible men. The only fabric left to cover me is my bra, but I can bet it will be taken off soon as well.
Tears flow down my swollen cheeks, and I watch the man licks his lips as he begins to work the fly of his pants. Terror fills me as he pulls his length out of his boxers. He begins to get on top of me, but I refuse to remain still. I kick my legs in the air, hitting him in the crotch. He stands and grabs himself, his nose flaring and his face becoming red.
“You fucking hit my dick,” he growls down at me.
I don’t see it coming, but a burning pain shoots through my body as he kicks me on my left side. The other man-Jonny-is still holding my hands, so even though I see the next kick coming, I’m unable to protect myself. The heels of his boots bite into my skin as he stomps on my stomach. My hands are released as the other man joins in, kicking me relentlessly. I scream for them to stop and try as much as possible to shield my belly. My ribs crack, the pain unbearable. I try to turn over and lie on my stomach to protect the baby, but one kick has me on my back again.
“Please stop. I’m pregnant; please stop; you will kill my baby!” I scream at the top of my lungs, but it doesn’t work. They kick me from all angles. My body hurts like hell, especially my stomach, my baby. I wrap my arms around my midsection, trying to make myself into a ball and shield the life inside me. My screams get louder with every blow.
I don’t know how long this goes on, but they stop once I go quiet. My throat is sore, and I can’t get anything else out. My screams dried up the second I felt the blood between my legs. A feeling of numbness takes over as I lay on the floor, feeling the blood flow down my legs. I don’t even wince as a boot is dug into my belly. My heart’s pain is so much greater than any physical pain could ever be. A part of me dies the minute my baby does. I don’t even fight as darkness begins to welcome me. Instead, I let it guide me so I can join my baby. Closing my eyes, I embrace it.