Book:Rekindling Old Flames Published:2025-2-8

I took a few days off from work, deciding to take both the doctor’s and dad’s advice and get some rest. I’ve also decided that I won’t be visiting any building sites during my first trimester. I don’t want to over work myself or risk running into Beau.
The time off was nice, but I’m ready for life to get back to normal. Stepping off the elevator, I walk to my office with a thermos of tea and my handbag. I really miss coffee. It’s so difficult to function during the day without it, and the fact that being pregnant makes you sleepy doesn’t help. The tea almost slips out of my hands when I open the door to my office.
“Beau?” I say, shocked to see him here. How did he get pass security? “Who let you in?” I ask, walking towards my desk and placing my things on its surface.
“You’d be surprised by what a few hundred bucks can do.”
“Get out,” I snap, sitting in my chair and turning on my computer so I can send a very strongly worded email to my so-called security.
Beau ignores my clipped tone. “I need to speak with you.”
“Does it look like I want to listen to anything you have to say?” I fetch my phone out of my purse and dial my assistant’s number. She needs to get security in here so they can kick Beau out.
“I need to speak with you, and you will listen to me.” Beau grabs the phone out of my hand. I look at him, shocked at his behavior.
“Give me back my phone.” I stand, trying to reach for it, but it’s impossible with our height difference.
“Are you keeping the baby or not?” he asks, continuing to hold the phone out of reach.
“I am not keeping it.” My hands drop to my sides.
“Why?” Beau sounds disappointed, maybe even a little angry.
“Are you really asking me that? I didn’t plan to have a baby right now. You’ve completely upended my life, on purpose.” I might have agreed to keep the baby, but some things haven’t changed. This is Beau’s fault, and now I have to deal with the consequences of his choices. Regardless of the fact that I’m keeping the baby, I’m angry with Beau for what he did.
“You are keeping the baby,” Beau says through gritted teeth.
I scoff. “I am not.”
“You are.”
My jaw clenches. ” I said, I am not.”
“You are fucking keeping the baby!” Beau roars. I step back and look at Beau, confused by his sudden outburst. He rubs a palm across his face and takes a deep breath. Is something wrong?
“Do you know how important this baby is?” He asks after several moments.
“To you, yes. That’s why I’m not keeping it.”
“You see that’s where you’re wrong Delilah. This baby, our baby, is important to both of us.” He walks back over to me and places his hands on my arms. I stare up at him. Could I have been wrong about the reason he got me pregnant?
Beau is about to speak but is cut off by his phone ringing. He retrieves it from his pocket and his whole demeanor changes once he answers. I tune out Beau’s voice as he speaks, walking over to the window I look down at the city below. My head spins with thoughts about the past few weeks. I’m starting to doubt why Beau got me pregnant in the first place. I snap out of it once I hear Beau saying goodbye to whoever had called him. Turning away from the window, I face him. He really needs to explain things, because I have no clue what’s going on.
“Delilah, unfortunately, I’ll have to explain myself another time. I just got a call that Nana isn’t doing so well. I need to fly home to see her immediately.” Beau turns toward the door.
“Nana is sick?” I ask, worried. Victoria is a lovely old lady. I only met her once, but we bonded immediately. Sometimes I still wonder how someone as amazing as her is Jenny’s mother. They’re complete opposites.
“Yes.” Beau doesn’t elaborate, but I can tell he’s worried.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, is it serious?”
Beau releases a sigh before speaking “Unfortunately…” It seems as if he’s having a hard time getting the words out. I look at his eyes and see tears swimming in them. Oh my God! I can’t even imagine how he feels right now. His grandmother means the world to him. Without thinking, I pull him into a hug. Beau wraps his arms tightly around my waist and buries his face in my neck.
“If you need anything, I’m here for you,” I say, rubbing his back. The next words that leave Beau’s mouth stun me.
“Come with me.”
“Huh?” I pull away to look up at him.
“Come with me to see her. If her days are truly numbered, I’ll need you beside me if that happens while I’m there.”
“You want me to come with you to your hometown?” I’m shocked he asked me to come with him. Beau and I’s relationship isn’t exactly a stable one. I won’t lie, I do care for him-as much as I hate to admit it-but I don’t think it’s a good idea to go with him.
“Please, Delilah,” he whispers. “I beg of you.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Please, I need your support,” he pleads.
I open my mouth to refuse again but one look at him has me quickly closing it. I can see how worried he is about Nana. She means a lot to Beau. I even believe she is the real reason he puts up with his mother.
“I want to come with you,” I admit. “But your grandfather and mother will be there. And they will definitely not be happy to see me.”
“If you can handle my mother, then you can handle my grandfather. Trust me.”
“You really think so? The man kidnapped Tamara.”
“I do.”
“What about me being pregnant? Have you thought about how they will react to that?”
“You’re not showing, and I doubt they will say anything you wouldn’t already expect.”
“I can see your mom offering me money to give you full custody of the baby or worse dragging me to court.”
“I could see her doing that, too,” Beau chuckles softly. “But at the end of the day, this child is half mine. And nothing matters more to my family than their own blood, so they’ll have no choice but to accept it.”
I consider his words. “I guess so,” I say, still not completely convinced. I’d learned Jenny was capable of anything.
“So, will you come with me?” Beau asks, taking my hand and gently rubbing it. He looks at me, trying to win me over by using those beautiful gray eyes of his.
I still have my doubts about going, but I know how important this is to Beau. And despite my better judgement, a part of me wants to be there for him during this time as well. “Okay, fine,” I say, reluctantly. “I’ll come with you.” Hopefully his confidence in my ability to handle his family isn’t misplaced.
Beau’s face lights up, and he pulls me into a hug. “Thank you so much, mon amour.” He places a kiss on my forehead.
“You’re welcome,” I say with a forced smile, praying this isn’t a huge mistake.