The team cleaned up the outside, stacking the bodies in a villa, making the area look as if a fierce battle had never occurred. Lion and Tiger entered the villa, where the first and second bosses were tied up in the center, still unconscious. The villa was spacious and had enough food for everyone. The group ate and took a well-deserved rest until nightfall.
At eight o’clock in the evening, a white van arrived, signaling the shipment they had been waiting for. The group knew that members were already on standby in the area where the items were to be collected, so they remained relaxed, sitting and watching from inside.
The van stopped, and Marco who was on standby, approached to inspect it. The driver stepped out, asking to borrow a lighter from Marco to light a cigarette. As Marco reached into his pocket, he delivered a deadly punch to the driver, knocking him out cold.
Marco opened the van and discovered a large stash of contraband and drugs. On the driver’s seat, he found a document detailing where the items were to be delivered. Smiling, Marco took the document and reported back to Tiger and Lion.
Lion and Tiger examined the document, noting the small hidden businesses similar to those run by the Gallo Familia. Tiger grinned, “An antique shop, but inside are fake products and drugs. They’re quite skilled at hiding their operations.”
Lion added, “And here’s an illegal gun store. So these are the people supplying them with firearms from abroad.”
They continued to discuss the other items listed in the document. “Look at this,” Tiger pointed out, “a supposed art gallery, but it’s just a front for smuggling rare artifacts.”
Lion nodded, “And this one, a bakery that’s actually a cover for laundering money. They’re using flour shipments to hide cash.”
Tiger chuckled, “Ingenious, but now we know their secrets.”
Lion leaned back, contemplating the information. “This intel is incredibly valuable. It gives us the means to dismantle their operations. We can leave this evidence for the police, ensuring these illegal businesses are raided and shut down.”
Tiger nodded in agreement, “Yes, this could help clean up the area and remove these criminal elements.”
Lion concluded, “This information will be crucial for the authorities. It will serve as solid evidence to bring down these operations.”
Tiger nodded once more, acknowledging the significance of their findings and their decision to aid in the crackdown on these illegal activities. He pointed to a location on the document and said, “This is where the package originated. It looks like the main boss is hiding out here.”
Lion nodded, “They’re really making our job easier,” he replied before addressing the group. “Okay, guys, the plan has changed. We won’t be attacking the remaining four locations,” he said with a grin. “We’re heading straight to the boss’s location.”
“Let’s rest here in the villa, and tomorrow morning, we’ll storm the place,” Lion announced.
The group erupted in cheers before finding their spots to rest. Some stood while others sat, sleeping in positions that allowed them to remain alert. This was part of their training-to be vigilant at all times, even while resting.
The next morning, the first and second bosses awoke to find themselves tied back-to-back, speaking in their own language. Despite their earlier cries for help, Lion and Tiger’s crew paid them no attention, knowing full well that no one could hear them in this deep location.
Throughout the night, the crew had focused on resting and regaining their strength, completely ignoring the bosses’ desperate shouts. By morning, the bosses were visibly exhausted, their voices hoarse from the previous night’s futile attempts to call for help.
As the crew began their day, some members took the initiative to prepare breakfast. Soon, a delicious meal was served, and everyone ate heartily. The two bosses watched with envy, their stomachs growling from hunger, as they hadn’t eaten since the last night.
Jose noticed their plight and approached with a mischievous grin. “Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?” he asked, teasingly taking a bite of his spaghetti.
The two bosses nodded eagerly, drool escaping their lips as their stomachs rumbled in response.
Vlad shook his head with amusement as he watched Jose’s plan unfold. Jose’s grin widened at the sight of the two bosses’ desperate, hungry reactions.
“Boss, feed me. I haven’t eaten since last night,” pleaded the second boss in broken Italian.
“Boss, I’m getting weak,” added the first boss, his voice tired and feeble.
Jose nodded and called over two crew members. “Separate them and face them towards each other, leaving a 15-centimeter gap,” he instructed. The crew members quickly complied, positioning the two bosses as directed.
Jose searched for the longest strand of spaghetti he could find and held it up between them. “We’re going to play a game. If you manage to eat this spaghetti all the way to the end without breaking it, I’ll give each of you a bowl of food. But if it breaks, you won’t eat,” he explained with a cold smile. “The rules are simple. You can’t move from your spot, but you can lean forward to avoid breaking the spaghetti. Do your best. Are you ready?” Jose asked playfully.
The two bosses exchanged nervous glances, swallowed hard, and nodded in unison, like eager puppies.
Jose placed the ends of the spaghetti strand in each of their mouths. As they leaned forward, trying to eat the spaghetti without breaking it, the scene turned comical.
Their movements were awkward and hesitant, and in their attempt to reach the middle, they accidentally bumped into each other, resulting in an unexpected and awkward kiss. The crew burst into laughter at the sight, while the two bosses pulled back, embarrassed and flustered.
Jose laughed heartily, “Hey, hey, I said to eat the strand of spaghetti, not each other’s lips,” he teased, shaking his head.
The second boss’s nostrils flared as he cursed the first boss in a foreign language, while the first boss, embarrassed, remained silent.
“You must really be starving, eating each other now,” Jose added, watching the two argue in their incomprehensible language. “Alright, I’ll give you another chance,” he said with a grin, searching for another long strand of spaghetti.
Lion and Tiger watched the spectacle quietly, occasionally smiling at Jose’s stunts.
The two bosses exchanged glances, with the second boss cursing the first in their language before nodding, as if they had devised a plan. Jose smirked, seemingly understanding their unspoken strategy.
Once again, Jose placed the ends of the spaghetti strand in their mouths. The entire crew watched intently, waiting to see what mishap would occur next. The bosses leaned forward cautiously, determined to succeed this time, while the crew smiled with anticipation of the outcome.