
Book:Revenge: Submitting To The Mafia King Published:2025-2-8

Leaving the mansion with Adonis was a bit more difficult than planned. Not the action itself but the ‘convincing the rest of the people’.
He was recuperating, and his grumbles were far more subtle than Cara expected, yet he didn’t object to leaving. Not once.
The problem, however, was the questions and scowls on his men’s faces as they wondered why their Capo, who had only awakened a few hours ago, would be leaving his home with his wife, who had also left without a word a month back.
After the surprising news from his wife, Adonis had quietly agreed with her. Cleaning up and packing all his necessary things. He didn’t speak another word. Not to her or anyone else.
Not even to his men, who lined up side by side on the ground floor, waiting to greet him with happy expressions until they realised he was leaving.
Then it fell.
The obvious confusion on their faces twined the chaos happening in the family; still, there was no one to give answers-no one had them.
At least no one but Tina, who stood with her arms around Luca and a mocking smirk on her face as they got into the car. Sarah, on the other hand, watched her son leave with an unreadable expression.
Hadn’t she come with so much confidence to claim the throne? What was up with the change of attitude?
But Cara didn’t have the time to dwell on that. Her heart was heavy with worry.
Whatever Luca was shouldering on his own… what was coming… must be more terrifying than she had thought, if he wanted Adonis out of the mansion. Then there’s Adonis. Not that she was going to voice it out but he looked worse than she expected and would need a lot of rest.
Her one job was to keep him away from all the action which seemed practically impossible. Moreover, he’d be meeting her father for the first time. How would Miguel react?
They were all problems she didn’t have answers to…
So with one last look at the entourage that had come to see them off, she instructed the driver to take off, heaving a deep sigh.
The enormous white building was beginning to blend with the trees when Adonis suddenly spoke in a low voice,
“I’ll be back.”
Cara turned towards him.
“I won’t go down this way. God! I feel so pathetic.”
She didn’t have the right words to say in comfort, so she just squeezed his clenched fist.
If there was one thing she’d learnt about Adonis, it was that whenever he voiced his emotions, it was better to let him do so quietly. Any slight shift could get him to close off.
He didn’t say more and silence settled in the car, causing Cara to believe he was asleep.
But as they reached the estate gates, he blurted out again.
“I just need to know the truth.”
He closed his hand around hers in a firm grip.
“I can’t keep living this way. Fighting battles all through my reign. No. I’m going to find out the truth.”
She stared at his calm figure beside her. However, one look at his stormy eyes told her he felt the opposite.
“Yes. You would. And I’ll be right beside you. Me-“Cara took his large palm and placed it on her bump. “-and the boys.”
That caused a slight tilt of his lips, he rubbed small circles on the soft surface.
“Our three terrors. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, Bel. You’ve done so well. You would never have to live without me for so long again.”
His words of assurance made her feel secure.
Ever since the scan, the fear of doing it all alone, of the struggles and stress she’d have to face by herself, or, worse, losing her babies in this prolonged battle, had pressed her heart into a tight grip.
She placed a grateful kiss on his rough stubble, left from the quick shave she’d given him before they headed out.
“It’s going to be quite the journey. Why don’t you take a quick nap? You’d feel better after you wake up.”
Lifting her hand to his lips, he placed a soft kiss on it, with a hum, her words already drifting to the back of his mind.
The next time Adonis’s eyes opened, the car had just come to a halt in front of Miguel’s home, and although he didn’t want to admit it, the nap he took did more wonders than he felt was possible.
Gone was the ache and heaviness of his body. He was beginning to feel like his old self once again.
“We should go in. I think my father’s back.” Cara said, calling his attention as she overlooked the extra cars parked in front of the home.
They weren’t there when she left, and knowing Miguel, he was probably watching through a window, waiting for them to come in.
“Or we could go to one of my apartments. I’m not completely financially crippled you know.” Adonis suggested, trying to hide the fact that he was anxious.
Meeting Cara’s father was a huge deal. He’d never met any of her family, especially one that he’d heard so much about and had come to respect based on those testimonies.
What would he think?
He should be protecting Cara, but he was, relying on her protection. More embarrassing, he was easily kidnapped by his men. A man who was supposed to be the leader of-
“I think…”
Cara interrupted his thoughts. “I think I like living with him. It gives us a chance to bond, except you think… wait. Adonis, are you scared?”
“He’s not just your father, Bel. He’s a well-respected man in our world. I feel some kind of uncomfortable feeling towards-
“That’s just another way of saying you’re scared.”
He gave her a bored look that said, ‘I am not, but whatever.’
“Come on. Let’s go in. We have so much to discuss.”
“Hi, Dad.”
Miguel smiled, pulling Cara in for a hug as she walked up to him.
“Mi corazon (my dear). I was worried when I got back and you weren’t home. Especially when the men said you went back to the Bernardis. Is everything alright?” He asked, ignoring the tall figure standing right in front of him.
“Adonis is awake.”
The subject of discussion stepped forward, extending his hand for a handshake.
“Mr. Miguel. I am Adonis Bernardi, Cara’s husband.”
The elderly man cocked his head, eyeing the outstretched hand.
For some reason, his actions elicited a sense of familiarity from Adonis.
Was this how others felt when he conversed with them? Like they were beneath his feet?
It seemed Miguel was a proud man just like him. He felt like he was reading a book about himself. The realization that the interaction might go more smoothly than expected, made him relax a little.
Adonis straightened up, a smile threatening to break out on his face.
They hadn’t even exchanged formal greetings yet he already liked the man… not that he was going to show it.
“No ‘nice to meet you’? Is that how you were taught by your grandfather?”
“Why should I pretend and say what I do not mean? We both know there’s nothing nice about this meeting. You will do whatever you want either way.”
“Adonis!” Cara hissed, giving him a pinch by the side. “Be nice.”
“Hmm.” Her father pursed his lips. “It’s good to know you’re not stupid. There’s no use wasting my time then.”
“No use. My reply will be the same no matter what.”
Another pinch.
“Fire away.” The elderly man’s voice boomed, and immediately, over ten guns were aimed at him, yet Adonis stood still, unmoving.
Cara wore the worried expression in his stead.
“Dad, what is going on? This is my husband. The father of my-
One look from her father, the next words instantly died down.
“Be still, Corazon (dear). Let me speak to him. You!” He took a step towards an indifferent Adonis. “I don’t know how Dimitri trained you, but can’t you do a better job? I have heard of all the pains you put my daughter through just to achieve your silly goals, and look where it landed you-
“It didn’t get me here. I achieved them all.” The stubborn man chimed in.
-I do not care about your achievements. Then you pass out after knocking her up? Do you know the emotional stress you made her experience? She’s been crying every night since she got here. Every night!”
Cara flinched,
She didn’t think anyone would’ve heard.
“In my defence, I think it’s the hormones.”
“That makes you cry every night, at the same time, before bed, calling out your husband’s name?”
“Dad!” She pleaded.
“Nope. Don’t ‘dad’ me. He deserves to know. I won’t let a man who isn’t capable of keeping you safe take you away from me. I’ve only known you for what? Five minutes?” Miguel argued.
If Adonis wanted his daughter, then he had to prove he was capable of protecting her.
“I’ll give you a free pass. You get two bullets.”
The father and daughter duo blinked at him. His face had lost all humour since Miguel’s last revelation.
Adonis hadn’t thought about the impact of his actions on people. It wasn’t by choice, but the strain his previous state might have caused on his men, his mafia, and Cara… never occurred to him.
Miguel eyed him suspiciously.
“What did you just say?”
“Shoot me twice. It’s the least I can pay for what she went through.”
“Adonis, are you crazy? Enough of this! You’re both crazy.”
-I would’ve given you more,” he continued. “But I am afraid I can’t take any for now. I want to be alive when my babies are born.”
“You’re toying with me, boy? You think I won’t do it?”
His hard gaze met Miguel’s curious one.
“The last toy I had broke when I was five. I do not relapse.”
Cara helplessly watched them stand in a face-off, neither refusing to back out.
Was Adonis serious about being shot? Surely her father won’t follow it through, right?
She glanced around, hoping there was someone around to step in if it came to that. Only her father’s men were present; Adonis wasn’t allowed to leave with protection, so that was a no-no.
“I’m waiting. I’m not as weak as you believe me to be.” He spoke again. “Apart from being pronounced deaf in one ear, I am perfectly healthy.”
Cara nearly stumbled as she whipped her face towards him, even Miguel’s hard expression faltered for a second,
“You married a deaf man, Corazon (dear)?”