Cara yanked the covers away, hurriedly pulling on a coat over her robe.
Adonis had woken up? God! That felt like the best news she’d received all her life.
Her heart had nearly stopped in joy and relief until Luca’s next words followed as did the increasing sound of metal clanging in the background.
He sounded so urgent…
“Talk to me, what’s going on?” She hissed, rushing out of the room. “I’m on my way and will be there as quickly as I can. And what is that awful noise?”
Luca kissed his teeth, “That would be the sound of your husband’s tantrum. He’s refusing treatment when he can barely stand on his own.”
Cara would’ve laughed if it hadn’t been for the seriousness of the situation.
Luca sounded more like himself than he had in weeks, and if she had any doubts about Adonis being awake, that had just cleared it up.
The violence said more than enough…
“We kind of delivered the news to him when he walked in on me and Tina in his study.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I know! But things escalated. He even threatened to kill us all with a gun-
An involuntary snort escaped her lips this time. It finally felt like someone giving the right reaction to the absurd takeover.
-thankfully, he is weak and couldn’t follow through on that.” Luca breathed. “He passed out giving Doctor Bruno a little time to check him over as soon as he arrived. The issue is that he’s awake again; Adonis is refusing to see reason and be calm. This is dangerous, Cara. Our actions are being watched. One slip and everything goes to waste. He’ll lose not only the throne but the mafia itself, and maybe a few important lives too, including yours.”
Cara pursed her lips together in understanding.
A part of her wanted Adonis to follow through with his threat. Wipe away Tina and his mother, bring down everything and everyone necessary for things to return to how they were, but she knew it wasn’t that simple.
Wasn’t it better to end it all once and for all?
She sighed, signalling to one of the guards standing idly at the door as she reached the ground floor.
“Get the car ready. I need to visit the Bernardi mansion.” Then back to Luca, who was still on the phone, she said. “Just find a way to hold him down. I’ll be there.”
Hours flew by, and by the time they got to the estate she’d come to know as home, it was evening. Nostalgia ate away at her mind as her eyes took in the beautiful sights they were accustomed to, even though they hadn’t seen them in a while.
Arriving at the front porch of the mansion, Cara dashed in, heading towards the third floor, not even waiting to acknowledge the men who were eagerly waiting with surprised looks on their faces at her visit.
The moment she walked in, she could feel the cackle of unspoken tension in the air, confirming Luca’s worries. Different objects were littered across the room; some crashed, and all the doors thrown open-only one seemed to be occupied.
She didn’t need to guess as to why and, with quick anxious steps, moved towards the room.
A sad voice that sounded like hers, echoed.
Wait, it was hers, but why did it sound so vulnerable?
Her hands trembled. She took small steps towards him, tears welling up in her eyes as they met his tired figure sitting on the bed.
The sound of his laboured breath echoed through the room as his chest rose and fell slowly. Even with his eyes shut and head against the bedboard, the gun clasped tightly in his hand by his side told her he wasn’t asleep.
She glanced at Luca’s rigid form leaning against the wall; any more clenching of his jaw, she was sure he’d lose a tooth or two.
He looked almost as tired as Adonis did; like a mother who was frustrated because her children had decided to be naughty all day.
Turning back to Adonis, she spoke again.
“I can just leave if you don’t want to see me.”
He still didn’t open his eyes.
Cara frowned.
That was unlike him. Adonis was usually alert at the slightest movement. She threw a questioning look at Luca who encouraged her to walk closer to him.
Closing the gap between them, Cara carefully walked, stopping just three feet before the bed.
His eyes flew open.
Her eyes slanted in suspicion.
Something was wrong.
Ignoring the weakness and small aches he felt, Adonis immediately sat up, taking in the appearance of the woman in front of him. The more he stared, the more it felt like the heavy feeling in his chest, was reduced.
How was it that just one look at her could take away his pain?
His chest tightened, “You look…”
“I know. Don’t say it.”
“No. You look so beautiful. I can’t believe I’ve been out for so long. Your bump. It’s showing.” He gave her a once-over. “How far gone are you?”
The last time he saw her, her bulge was just becoming prominent; now it was triple its size, and she looked more chubby… He’d heard about the wonders of pregnancy on women, and how different they’d usually turn out, but if it meant he’d get to see her this pretty every time, he didn’t mind getting her pregnant every year.
Cara’s lips tilted up in response to his fascination.
“A little over five months… Wait till you hear how many.
“How many?” Luca butted in, stalking over to them. “You never told me how many.”
“That’s because you said not to reach you.” She pointed, taking a seat on the bed.
Adonis narrowed his eyes.
“You said what? The hell is your problem, Luca?”
“Not the problem you have, that’s for sure. You almost killed an unknowing doctor with your infusion stand.”
“That’s because I was upset. Anyone would be if they woke up to the news you delivered-
“You know it’s for the best!”
“Guys!” Cara snapped. “Mature men, remember? We can figure this out.”
The two men stared each other down, each releasing a deep exhale in surrender on mutual ground, and she took that as a sign to continue.
“Luca, can you give us a minute? I’d like to speak to Adonis alone.”
He nodded.
“I’ll be out in the living room… not too long though. You guys have to be out before dawn.”
“How dare you speak to me-
“Oh fuck off, Adonis.” He flipped his friend off as he walked out, leaving the couple to themselves.
The second Luca stepped out of the room, the mask on Adonis’s face cracked. He jerked Cara into a hug, trying his best to relate his emotions in the tight embrace.
Words could not describe how he felt, but she understood clearly, relaxing in the only hold that felt like home.
Adonis’s rapid heartbeat against her chest made her know he was just as worried as she was. The external calm demeanour was a facade.
The tears she’d been holding back flowed freely. At that moment, it finally felt like everything would be fine.
They had each other again. That was all that mattered.
“I’m sorry.” Adonis croaked out. “I’m sorry I left you by yourself. I should’ve been there for you. You’re… it… with your condition, you shouldn’t be going through this kind of stress.” He stuttered, short of words.
“It’s not your fault. You did it to save our lives. I’m just grateful that you’re alive, but Adonis, we need to leave. At least for now.”
He stiffened, “You too?”
Cara caught his hand in hers as be pulled away, gently intertwining their fingers.
“Do you trust me?”
For the first time, he didn’t even have to think about it, his brows shot up at the statement.
“Is that supposed to be a trick question? With my everything.”
“And I’m sure you trust Luca too. Even with everything he had said to you.”
“He’s a fool.” He grumbled.
“Yet you trust his foolish decisions. We can discuss this later at my home… well, my father’s home. Come with me.”
The man placed his hand on her bump in a soft caress.
Many things had indeed happened.
“Yes… I heard you’ve found your father.
She let out a soft chuckle.
“Believe me, there’s more than that.”
“Like what?”
Cara giggled.
“The fact that we’re having triplets?”