The Stench Of Death I

Book:Revenge: Submitting To The Mafia King Published:2025-2-8

Cara’s POV
I didn’t wait to find out. In a split second, I was sprinting out of the living room and heading towards the door.
I had never been a patient person anyway.
“Mrs. Bernardi.” One of the men called, realising I was no longer with them, but I didn’t stop. My heart was in my throat as I hoped it wasn’t him.
It shouldn’t be. No. It can’t be.
Pulling the door open, I carefully slipped out, taking cover behind one of the grand pillars. My eyes scanned the scene in front of me.
Where was he?
I could barely make out anything but a sea of armed men with raised guns. I stretched my neck forward to get a better view, and then I saw him.
He was safe, but not completely. Adonis and Antonio had their guns pointed at each other as they stood in a face-off. It was dark, and from where I stood, the lawn light did little to help me see clearly, but from their stance, I could tell they were not smiling at each other. Each of their men also had their guns raised at each other, waiting for the ‘go’ signal from their bosses.
A sharp exhale of relief left me, and I felt the tensed muscle in my shoulder relax a bit.
He wasn’t the one who got it. But who did?
My question didn’t stay unanswered for long as the side of my eye caught the sight of a body lying on the ground. I squinted my eyes.
Was that Kane?
I didn’t need to see well to recognize him. After all, I was with him for a specific period in my life.
My heart squeezed in my chest. Sadness spread through all my veins. I shouldn’t be sad. He got what was coming for him. He deserved it after everything he’d done to me, but I just couldn’t.
There was a time when I loved that man dearly. A time when I believed he was my whole world…
I felt pity for him and wondered who fired the shot. There was no way Antonio could have killed his own man, right?
A voice boomed, and I strained my ears to pick up on their conversation.
“… so you killed him after all,” Antonio said in a bored tone.
“He was a dead man walking.”
That was my man. I’d recognize his clipped, monotone voice anywhere.
“But you don’t seem to be fazed about it. You must have sent him here knowing this was how he’d end up.” He continued, and Antonio let out a loud laugh in reply.
“It is for the greater good. Lives would be sacrificed for the throne to fall into the right hands. He should be able to understand that.”
Adonis cocked his head.
“You don’t mean my throne, do you?”
“It doesn’t belong to you! It belongs to any worthy man!” Antonio sneered. “For years the Bernardis have kept the throne for themselves. Ruling like puppies instead of the lion we are. They have made a mockery of the Italian mafia, and we would not have it anymore! I say we will not have it!”
“We will not have it!” His men shouted in reply, and I shuffled a step back behind the pillar as they thundered. If the situation wasn’t dire, I would have laughed; Antonio would make a good mayoral candidate if he wasn’t part of the mafia.
Adonis stood silently, far too relaxed for the scene that was playing out.
“You’re a creatively crazy bastard.” That shut down their hollers. “I’ve been waiting for you to come at me openly.” He said in a levelled voice. “Why do you think I decided to push back the coronation?”
“Because you had no choice.” Antonio spat with a sinister smile.
“No! Because I didn’t want to hide behind the throne to squash flies like you. Flies that should’ve been killed long ago. Even with the treaty, you’re still here raving like a carnivorous animal. Do you think I’m stupid? That I won’t know of your plans? My grandfather should’ve known that you can never be tamed. But not to worry, I’ll put an end to it all.”
My ears perked up.
What treaty was he talking about? Did he know of their plans? Of course, he did; this was Adonis we were talking about, but how much? Up to the point where I was one of the spies?
The smile on Antonio’s face spread into a grin.
“You think you’re on top of it all? You don’t know how many people want you dead!” My heart began to race.
What was Antonio doing? Was he going to reveal the truth? In front of everyone? No. No, please…
I desperately prayed as he continued. “I have my eyes on you, Adonis. The people-
“That is for me to find out.” Adonis cut him off. “Anyone that wants me dead can come at me. Look at you, you’re no different. One of your major spies lay gut open in my torture room, so I don’t think you should worry about me.”
I felt nauseated. Reeling in the atmosphere of my newfound relationship with Adonis, I must have forgotten the kind of man he was. He was unforgiving and ruthless…
What was going to become of me?
I gulped in fear. Maybe it would be better if this confrontation stretched out a bit.
Adonis brought down his gun.
“Moreover, you played right into my hands.”
My brows pulled down in a frown. What was he talking about? I couldn’t ponder on his words for long as Antonio let out a chortle.
“No, you played right into my hands.” And then he turned around and called in a loud voice.
I heard the door to one of his vans slide open, and it took a while for the person to come into my line of view. When he did, it wasn’t a familiar face, not that I could even see his face. But I was sure I hadn’t seen him before.
It was an elderly man. He looked to be Dimitri’s age or less, but I couldn’t be so sure. The thing that stood out to me most was the crutch in his right hand.
He slowly walked towards the confrontation ground and stopped by Antonio’s side.
“You must be shocked, right? Everyone thought he was dead… even I. But he’s here. My father’s alive and back to finish what he started.”
My eyes moved to Adonis just in time to see him stumble on his feet. My muscles became tense once again. If Adonis was that surprised, then the man was someone important.
Something dangerous was about to happen…
My thoughts were confirmed in less than a minute as Dimitri was wheeled out of nowhere.
“I have waited a long while to see you, Sebastian.”