Cara’s POV
“So where are we going to?” I asked Adonis feeling all giddy. I couldn’t believe it.
A real date. Me and this hunk of junk.
It feels so good to be able to call him mine without any restrictions. Although there was still a lingering voice in my head that I was cheating him by not being completely truthful but things have been going so well, that I don’t want to ruin it.
I plan to tell him the truth when the time is right. Telling him now would only make Antonio know that I’ve betrayed him and I wanted to avoid vast consequences.
He still communicated through his spy. It had become so frequent. At least once a week. He’d ask for random things and I only gave them because I don’t think they can be used against Adonis.
What coup can he stage with a file of Adonis’s last month’s dealings?
I was going to tell him before the month runs out.
We both agreed not to let the past define us and judging from how sweet he had been recently, I knew they were more than just words. My hand subconsciously went to the necklace on my neck, and a smile broke out on my face.
These days, it’s like all I ever do is smile.
It was a tiny heart-shaped necklace he had personally made for me.
My man got it made.
My heart skipped a bit at the words ‘my man’. My man was a heavy lover. My man loves to show me off. My man was clingy.
My brain kept on pointing out the things ‘my man’ does so well, and I flushed in embarrassment as my eyes moved to peek at him. A small disapproving pout replaced my giddiness.
My man had been neglecting me since we stepped out of the mansion.
What was so important that he couldn’t wait till we got back?
I huffed.
“I think you have a date with your phone. Would you rather I stay back?”
He slowly raised his head to stare at me.
“Sorry, Bel. Luca has to take care of some important stuff, and I need to be on top of it. But you know what?” He pulled me closer and threw an arm around my neck. “You get all of me, starting from now!”
I squealed in delight as his arm swallowed me up.
It was a good thing that I decided to start training, or I would’ve looked like a pea next to an orange.
Not that it really made a difference but I didn’t look like a child next to him. I was loving my new body.
“So tell me, Where’s my man taking me to tonight?” I dragged out sweetly.
He raised an eyebrow. “Your man?”
“Yes, my man.” I grinned, giving him a quick peck.
“I like the sound of that. Well, your man noticed that you’ve barely left the mansion since you moved and decided to show you around. It’s the quickest I could put together, but I promise you a real date soon.”
“We can order KFC and talk about the weather for all I care. As long as you’re with me.” I sincerely said, and the tips of his ears turned red.
That was another thing I noticed. Adonis was a secret attention seeker. I blame it on him growing up unloved, so I try my best to make him feel wanted at every chance I get.
He took my hand in his.
“Let’s get going then, my woman.”
I broke into a fit of laughter.
“Just call me Bel like always.”
Okay, tell me why I haven’t toured the estate yet.
Tell me.
I thought I’d seen it all. The mansion, the vineyard, the factory branch, the coronation hall-but I haven’t seen half of it. There was a lot more to see. An outdoor pool. A gallery where they stored important possessions of the past. I knew there was a pond beneath the bridge; we had the wedding there, but I never knew there was a spring, too.
An actual spring on the estate. A freaking spring!
Finally deciding to stop gawking like a lunatic before I made myself look less pretty to my newly found man, I turned back to look at Adonis, who was sitting on the grass with his long legs stretched out.
“Tell me. How much did the entire land cost again?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I never asked.”
It’s official. I’m a certified nature lover.
I stalked towards them and dumped myself in front of him ungracefully.
Forget looking pretty; this was a lot! I’m allowed to be surprised.
“So if I decide to divorce you now, how much alimony would I get?”
Adonis boomed with laughter. “You’re with me for my money?”
“Of course. Do you think it’s for the sex?” I joked with a straight face, and he laughed again.
“I’ll willingly give it all to you, Bellissima (gorgeous). All. You’ve given me more than wealth. You gave me a sound mind.”
My heart squeezed at his words again. It may be a joke, but it was actually true at first. Waiting wasn’t right; I needed to tell him.
“Uhm… Adonis?” I called softly.
“Yeah… oh. Hold on. I had a maid drop off a picnic basket here.” He went behind a neatly pruned shrub and came back with a small wooden basket.
“Your favourites are in here.”
I gave him a small smile in reply as he sat down again and began to bring out the packed meals.
“So, you wanted to say something?”
My heart wavered. I thought of brushing it off and telling him later. I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but he deserved better. It wouldn’t be fair if, after he’d said to me, I broke his heart again.
Taking a deep breath, I parted my lips. “You know how-
The shrill sound of his phone cut me off. Adonis checked the caller and tossed it to the ground.
“It’s Luca, but I promised my undivided attention, so go on.”
I looked at the phone that was still vibrating relentlessly, and a bitter smile dressed my face. I was reminded of another reason why this man deserved the world and more.
He never goes back on his words.
“You know how I told you about the men who killed my father?”
“I wasn’t completely honest. I-
His watch began to beep this time, and though he ignored it, I knew it had to be something important.
“Go on. Pick it up.” I encouraged, and his eyes thanked me as he connected the call to his phone, placing it on the loudspeaker.
“Adonis! Why aren’t you picking up?” Luca’s anxious voice filled the air.
“I just got a call that the Grecos got a large shipment. They’re almost here!”
No way… I haven’t missed my timing, right?