The world tilted, Meilei’s breath became shallower and labored, and spots appeared. She was clammy suddenly, with hot and cold chills spreading through her body like wildfire, and she had no idea what this was. It felt like a panic attack, only with an intensity she hadn’t experienced for a long time. Her legs turned to jello, her limbs loosened, and the last thing she was aware of was how Kai’s eyes widened in alarm as he dropped the cell and lurched at her before everything went black.
“You’re okay, baby. Just relax and stay put. Take some time to come around fully.” Kai’s warm, soothing voice brought Meilei back to reality, and she blinked awake, realizing she was in a small medical room on a sterile white bed in a pretty empty white space.
She was overly warm and groggy and not quite aware of what was happening. Disoriented as she gazed around her to try and get her bearings.
There were only some steel cabinets to one side and a window with the shade pulled down, hinting this was not an actual hospital. Other than that, it was a tiny, bare space, and Yuelin was sitting on a chair beside the bed, holding her hand. She looked like a child who wanted to cry but was dry-eyed. She pensively watched while Kai stroked Meilei’s hair back from her face on the seat beside her and patted her forehead with a cool, damp cloth.
“What happened? Where am I?” Meilei croaked, feeling like she had been out for hours and completely disorientated. She could only remember being outside while Kai shouted at his mother.
He knew it had been a panic attack as her breathing had been hellish right before she almost faceplanted the grass. Kai had quick reflexes and caught her in time before scooping her up in his arms. The suited asshole retrieved his cell as soon as Kai dropped it, tossed Kai an apology, and got out of there pronto, taking his unended call to his mother with him. Not that Kai cared anymore, she had heard him loud and clear. He had been more focused on Meilei crumpling like an empty paper bag right before his eyes.
“Are you okay now, Mommy? Daddy said it would be okay, and you were sleepy from the sun.” Yue’s little whimper and obvious despair tore at Meilei’s heart, and she immediately struggled to sit up, clutching her little hand to pull her closer. The sudden upright jerk made her sway, and Kai shot up beside her to support her and plump the pillows to help her sit. Attentive and fully focused on caring for her.
Kai was fussing around her, adjusting the cushions, tugging the sheet, and then holding a glass of water right in front of her face as though he had produced it from thin air. She accepted it for a mouthful and then returned it to be laid down. Still not quite herself and needing some time to catch up.
“Do you want to come out and have an ice cream, little one?” The door was open, and the nearby staff member popped her head in, beckoning Yuelin and feeling like giving the couple some room was probably best. She could tell the husband was trying to appear calm for the sake of their kid, but he seemed rattled. She had seen heatstroke fainters a lot, and this woman seemed fine; she probably just needed some space to perk up so they could leave the park.
“It’s okay, go, I will be fine. I just need a few minutes.” Meilei prompted Yue, seeing her eyes widen with the thought of a treat, but her worry was etching over in the form of a frown on her little forehead. She was glad her mommy was awake but afraid to leave her even though ice cream was one of her favorite things.
“It’s strawberry.” The woman offered with a smile, knowing a lot of kids preferred that flavor, and this little pink princess looked like a strawberry lover.
“It’s okay. We will go home as soon as mommy feels a little better. I promise you she is fine. Go enjoy your treat. I’ll look after her.” Kai soothed, smiling brightly and hiding the churning anxiety in his belly as he could not shake the image of how easily Meilei went down. As strong and stubborn as she could seem, he was reminded that she was a fragile soul, still in so many ways, and had a lot of scars. She hid them well, but she required gentle handling.
Her fainting had terrified him, and even though he kept his shit together to help her, he was a mess inside. He knew now that he truly loved her if he had doubted his feelings before this. Just seeing her pass out was more stress than he had felt in years.
“It’s okay. We will be right here outside the door. You can sit at the table with a nice ice cream and sauce bowl. I have sprinkles, too.” The pretty young staff member slid in and beckoned Yue with a hand wiggle, smoothly taking the little hand in hers before leading her out to give them some space. Kai nodded a thank you before slumping into the seat again and scooping up Meilei’s fingers. He was now able to show his concern with Yue being distracted.
“Let’s give Mommy time to wake up and cool down.” The voice drifted down the corridor and out to another room.
As soon as they left, Kai lowered his voice because the door was still open and shifted right against the bed to lock eyes with Meilei.
“Baby?” Was the only word she could force out, and then her face blushed with heat and shyness at how stupid she sounded. That was what stood out to her instead of everything else he was saying, and she felt immature. Like a naive teen with her first boyfriend, which he had been, and now here she was being a weird virgin type idiot five years later.
Meilei stared at him, pale-faced and mute, her breathing a little shallower as chaos ensued, only with less intensity once again. She was plagued with doubt and insecurity and couldn’t take his words at face value.
Meilei’s hand began to tremble in his, and she only now realized she was still allowing him to hold her. The touch between them was so familiar and safe that she hadn’t even noticed how he had interwoven their fingers. Clinging to one another. It felt like it did back then. Normal and yet needed. His touch soothed the hurt inside her soul.
Kai shifted in his seat and whipped out his cell as he felt it vibrate, assuming his mother was returning for a second offensive. He then sighed and furrowed his brow at seeing Anna’s name. He tossed the phone down on the bed in agitation, not needing any more bullshit, and saw the way Meilei side-eyed the girl’s name on the screen.
Meilei had a pang of pain and jealousy seeing that woman’s name there. The mild heartbreak she had felt and thinking Kai had once replaced her even though she now knew he never did. Hating how insecure and worthless her presence around Kai had made her from day one. She couldn’t deny how she had disliked her because she thought Kai loved her, and it only brought more questions into her muddled head.
Meilei shook her head, dismissing the offer and believing him. She felt like she was having an out-of-body experience and not herself at all. Her brain, mouth, and heart were not in sync, and she had no control over her emotions. He was acting like her boyfriend from before, and here she was, dazed and unable to compute it. He did not have to explain or show her anything.
Kai was way too welcoming and endearing like this. Intensely focusing on her, making her feel once again like she was the only person that mattered in his world. This is how he had caught her once before. Cutting out all the uncertainty in life and the games men played with girl’s hearts. Kai had sliced through the bullshit and romanced her, making her feel like she could rely on him and found that safe place she had longed for her entire life. He was doing it again, and it ached in her chest like a suffocating expanding balloon of pressure.
Kai’s heart soared, and his adrenaline spiked with the sheer joy that maybe, just maybe, he had a shot with her if he took this slowly and gently and helped her learn to trust in him again. He wanted to jump up and air punch in happiness or squeeze her, but he had to remain restrained. Not scare her off.