The door opened, and Vetta walked into the king’s chambers. The personal slave
she saw with Danika still troubled her.
Why would the king allow the girl in? Surely, it wasn’t because he wanted to do
that monster’s daughter a favor!
King Lucien wasn’t within sight, but Vetta saw the adjoining door of his room was
open, so she knew he must be in his library.
Even as a slave, the king loved to read a lot and write, too. Vetta had tried learning
the previous, but it was too difficult.
Slaves had no business reading and writing, but now that she was a mistress-the
only mistress who owned a king-she should be able to do so.
Unfortunately, it was not so easy.
Vetta entered the adjoining room, and there the king sat in a chair, reading a book.
The book was about plantations and how to keep a land flourishing.
“You didn’t announce your presence,” the king said without taking his eyes away
from the book.
“I’m so sorry about that, my king,” she drawled, coming towards him. She rounded
his back and caressed his cheek.
King Lucien had never been the touchy-feely type. He pulled his cheek away from
her seeking hand, even as he flipped the page of the book. “What brings you here,
Vetta? I didn’t summon you.”
“I know you didn’t. I just wanted to spend some time with my king,” she drawled,
running her arm down his chest.
He said nothing, his eyes still on the page.
“I saw a new slave at the palace,” she whined.
“What about her?”
“She’s the former princess’s personal maid.”
“So?” He flipped another page.
“She shouldn’t be here in the palace, my king.” She did her best to keep from
getting angry. Anger didn’t get anywhere with Lucien.
“You should concentrate on other things, Vetta. The slaves are my problem to
worry about.”
Vetta knew when to drop a subject. She also knew when to use another strategy.
One thing was for sure, she was the only person who understood the king’s
demons. The only person who could take them when he unleashed them. The only
person who could soothe them.
Vetta and the king knew that well, and that was why she had the greatest edge over
anything and anybody. Danika could never give him that… ever.
Danika would have to break to give him that. And knowing the proud princess-
knowing royalty-Vetta knew that the woman would keep fighting. She would never
want to break.
Lucien never broke. Even after ten years.
“Do you remember that day at the mines? Back then?” She paused. “You had to
dig a whole tunnel alone?”
The sudden change of subject made Lucien stiffen. He didn’t say anything for a
while, and then, “There are some things a person doesn’t ever forget, Vetta,” he
Vetta nodded and ran her hands down his stomach and back to his chest again.
“You dug for hours. I disobeyed orders and went to help you. Me and Chad. Do you
remember what happened next?”
“They whipped you both. Twenty lashes. They took Chad and I back to his cell and
kept us without food and water for two days. And you,” he trailed off and his eyes
“The king set the guards on me, and they raped me. I lost my baby then.” Vetta
closed her eyes in pain. She could still remember the agony of what she went through
on that very day, but her pain wasn’t because of the baby she lost. She was relieved to
lose the baby. The only child she wanted to give birth to was the child of Lucien. No
other child was welcome to her.
Lucien remembered that day vividly, and it erased most of the coldness from his
eyes. Only to be replaced by pain and pity for her. He dropped the book and gave her
his full attention.
“I am sorry you had to go through that because of me, Vetta. You and Chad and
many others went through so much.”
Tears filled Vetta’s eyes as she stared at him. Now she had his attention and the
softness in his eyes that was rare to see. She lowered herself in front of him, pushing
his muscular legs apart to get in between them.
“It’s not your fault, my king. It was never your fault. We would go through the
valley of shadows for you and with you. That’s how much we care about you.” Her
voice turned to a whisper. “That’s how much I care.”
Her eyes held his as she raised his garment and unbuckled the leather pants
underneath it. She freed his phallus and ran her fingers through the smooth and rough
“I want the pain and the pleasure only you can give. Right here, right now, my
king.” With those whispered words, she lowered her head and took him deep inside
her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.
With his dick in her mouth, she sucked him hard, down to the back of her throat,
and he moaned.
She held him there and sucked him repeatedly. Her mouth couldn’t cover every
inch of him, so she used her hand to stroke the parts her mouth couldn’t touch. The
king moaned, his eyes staring at her. She was kneeling in between his legs as she
sucked him off. She bobbed her head up and down, her tongue trailing his scars and
licking them. The sensation made Lucien moan again, and he pulled away from her
completely and got up.
He held her mouth and shoved himself deep into it until she took a mouthful of
him in and gagged her. He held himself there and started fucking her mouth roughly.
Vetta relaxed underneath, her mouth taking him while he snaked his hand to her
breast and found her nipple. He held onto the nub and pulled to its limit. The pain of it
went straight to her clit, and she moaned openly.
Suddenly, he pulled away completely. “Get up and face the shelf; give me your