They started for the mines. While Danika walked in her usual steady, elegant
steps, Sally skidded her way forward, grinning and smiling at everything and
She’s like a fount of sunshine in an evil world, Danika thought.
Although she didn’t show it, Danika was the happiest she’d been in a long time. As
they walked, Danika discovered everyone loved Sally. Everyone.
The people of Salem grinned at her and waved in greeting. Some of them would
even greet Sally, and she’d eagerly reply to them.
They came across an old woman who was struggling to lift a heavy bag on her
“Let me help you, Mama!” Sally rushed towards the woman and helped her place
the sack on her head.
“Thank you so much, my daughter,” the woman said with a grateful smile.
Sally waved her down. “Think nothing of it.”
As always, the woman stared behind Sally to see Danika, who was stepping closer
to them, and she frowned, her eyes filled with hatred.
While they all smiled at seeing Sally, they frowned with loathing whenever they
saw Danika. Some would even snarl, “The monster’s daughter!” at her.
Danika, already used to the looks and comments, just bowed a bit in greeting and
continued down the path in her measured steps, her head held high.
“Have a nice day, Mama!” Sally said to the woman as she skidded away happily in
front of her princess.
When Sally was way ahead of Danika, she turned back. “The day is looking so
bright, my princess!” she called out happily.
Danika faltered in her steps because she remembered Sally used to tell her that.
This is what it was like back in their kingdom whenever she sneaked them past the
guards and go for a walk.
Sally, dancing and skidding around in front of her. Telling her stories and making
her laugh. She’d always go ahead of her, turn back, and shout, “The day is looking so
bright, my princess!”
The memories and the present made Danika smile. She answered the same way she
always answered. “The only person brightening the day is you, Sally.”
Sally grinned and slid down the path again. Danika followed her, and the smile
remained on her face.
Vetta stood at the top of the building ahead of them, staring at the pair with hatred
and anger. What was Danika’s personal maid doing here? And how the hell did she
get in?
Sally and Danika arrived at the mines, and the other slaves were happy to see
Sally. Danika didn’t know how her former personal maid established such a good
relationship with these people. She seemed to be the only slave the people of Salem
loved wholeheartedly.
“Let’s not stand around looking like lazy as dummies! Come on, everyone! Get
back to work!” Karandy ordered as he came into view. Everyone went right back to
work. His eyes darted to Danika. “You. Follow me! We’re going to have a
conversation privately!”
Danika’s heart skipped three beats. She didn’t need this now. She was barely
recovered from the things the king had done to her five moon-nights ago.
Karandy was still waiting for her to give him permission so that he could use her
body for his carnal satisfaction whenever or however he wanted.
“But I have to work the mines,” Danika tried to protest. She didn’t want to be
alone with him.
“Oh, you’ll still work the mines. Make no mistake about that, Priiiiincess!” His
hand shot out, and he took her arm forcefully. “But first, we’re going to have that
conversation!” As he dragged her forward, Danika shrugged her arm away from his
grip, then walked right behind him in defeat. Karandy faced forward and breathed out
triumphantly. He needed five minutes with her, just for now.
The chief maid, Baski, had brought orders from the king that no one should disturb
his slave several days ago, and because of that, the former princess hadn’t worked the
mines and he hadn’t seen her in five days. But now she was there, and he longed for a
bit of privacy. The kings can’t be the only person sampling such beauty. He could get
a taste and the king wouldn’t know.
Karandy was surprised when he turned behind him to see another slave following
closely beside Danika. The new slave was walking with them. Karandy stopped short.
“Who are you!? Get back to the working site!” he snarled.
The slave blinked in confusion. “But you just said you needed to talk with us.”
“Us!? I never said anything about us!” he barked angrily. “I need to speak with this
slave.” He pointed at Danika.
Sally truly looked confused. “But the princess and I are a pack… pack-” She was
thinking hard on the word. She was very sure her princess had taught her about it, but
she had forgotten.
“Package deal.” Danika provided the words for her, grateful that Sally was coming
through for her. But she was scared because Sally might get in trouble with the cruel
slave trainer.
Sally nodded with a smile. “Oh, yes. The princess and I are a package deal.”
Karandy turned and glared at the new slave. “Get back and go work with the
others! Now!”
“But surely, I’m n-not going to cause any trouble. You can always say anything
you want-”
“Now!” he barked again.
Danika turned to an obviously flustered Sally. Her eyes pleaded with her former
personal maid. She didn’t want Karandy to hurt her. Sally didn’t like how the man
was staring at her princess’s body so hungrily. She had been a slave long enough to
know that look well.
Instead of listening to Danika’s unspoken pleas, Sally lifted her chin towards
Karandy. “I’m her personal slave, and the king said I should report her every
movement to him,” she lied.
Karandy arched his brow. “Who made you her personal slave!?”
“The king. That’s why he made me a new slave. You know that she’s the king’s
slave, and the special ones sometimes get a personal slave.”
Karandy gritted his teeth in anger. The brat is her personal slave? This will make it
difficult to get time alone with her, dammit.
He thought of his options for a moment and dismissed them both begrudgingly,
glaring at the princess’s back as she walked away with her personal slave. The wait
made him furious.
Then he smiled. He’d just have to bombard the brat with loads and loads of work
and send her on a lot of errands, too.