Sophia’s POV: Learning the truth
“What the fuck was that?” I muttered to myself, staring blankly at the door where the rude brunette had just left.
I need to call Harry, first I need a damn phone. My phone actually. Storming out of the toilet, I met Daisy in the lobby.
She walked toward me. “You”
“I need my phone. Now!” I said firmly, cutting her off. “I won’t listen to any more lies or excuses!”
Her face scrunched up with confusion. “Whatever are you talking about?” She asks. “And I don’t have your damn phone.”
Ignoring her question, I stretched out my right hand. “Give yours then, I need to make a call.”
Her face paled like she had just seen a ghost.
Refusing to back down. “I’m waiting, Daisy.”
She won’t meet my eyes. “W-who d-do you want to call?”
Without missing a beat. “Harry,” I replied.
Panic flashed across her face but she schooled it quickly, turning away from me. “No, Sophia. You’re not calling that bastard. Not with what he put you through.”
I grabbed her shoulders, spinning her to face me. “I can handle him myself! Why are you acting like I’m made of glass? I need to speak to Harry, there is no changing that”
By now we were already attracting attention to ourselves, there were whispers and judging stares. On a normal day, I would care about our situation but I’m frustrated and angry at this point.
Daisy clears her throat. “We are making a scene, Soph. Please let’s go home.”
Letting go of her shoulders, I crossed my arms. “Is there something you’re hiding from me?” I asked, not taking my eyes off her as I watched her struggle to not squirm under my gaze.
She chuckled nervously. “No.” She is lying to me, Daisy has never done that and her doing so now hurts.
Shaking my head, I scoffed angrily. “Bollocks!”
She glanced around the hall quickly before pinning me with a glare. “Why are you behaving this way!” She whisper-shout. “What has gotten into you?” This time she grabs my arm, dragging me outside and I let her do it. The logical part of me knew we needed privacy, but that didn’t stop me from angry at her for lying to me.
Once we were outside the building, I snatched my arm away from her grip. “How can you lie to me and be upset about me being angry? That’s messed up Dais! When we walked in here today, I thought I had gone crazy. Hell, you said I was ridiculous. But when I got to the toilet, I realised that I wasn’t imagining the disgusting look I got from people because the woman I met said something about me hurting Harry and being shameless!”
Tears glistened in her eyes as her shoulders slumped in defeat.
“How” My voice breaks. “How could you keep me in the dark? I thought we were best friends.”
“Babes…” She tried to reach for me but I moved back.
Fighting back tears so I’d appear tough. “No more lies. Tell me the truth.”
She sniffs. “Not here please, let’s talk at home.”
“Please, Sophia. I’ll tell you everything, let us get back first. Our ride is here already, please.” Her voice breaks on the last word.
The elevator doors opened, ushering us into Ivan’s penthouse. Earlier, on our way back, I had told her I wanted to go back home but she’d insisted that it was better to hear the whole story at Ivan’s place. I don’t think I will ever get used to the fact that she trusts Ivan now, like what the hell?
“Hey!” Nick walked up to us as soon as we got in. “I’ve been bored out of my mind waiting for you guys.”
I don’t know what is more surprising, Nick being comfortable enough to come here whenever he likes or the fact that Ivan is perfectly okay with my friends invading his space.
He hugged us both.
“When did you get here?” Daisy asked.
If I’m guessing correctly, I think Daisy is stalling. She had promised to tell me everything when we got here and now she’s hell-bent on initiating small talks with Nick. That makes me even more upset.
“Over an hour ago. I What’s wrong Sophia?”
I inhaled deeply. “You all lied to me,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.
Confusion was etched on his features. “Lied? About what?” His eyes met Daisy’s and I saw the moment everything clicked for him.
“Harry,” I supplied regardless.
At least he had the decency to look guilty. “Oh… Sophia, look”
I raised my right hand, cutting him off. “I just want to know what’s happening, stop treating me like I’m too weak or made of glass! It hurts even more than you both, who I consider my family, keep lying to me.”
He took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. “I’m sorry, Soph. We didn’t mean to hurt you, we thought we were protecting you.”
I nod because I get it, I really do. But that doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“We would need beer for this,” Daisy said from beside me, before heading to get them.
Minutes later, we were seated in the living room-Ivan, Sid and Sasha weren’t here yet so we had the whole place to ourselves.
“So…?” I probed when no one spoke up within a few minutes.
Daisy clears her throat. “While you were unconscious in the hospital…”
She goes on, telling me everything Harry had done and said about me. How the company has been suffering and now Ivan and Sasha are trying to save it.
Hurt, rage, and regret, warred inside of me as hot tears sprung to my eyes. I never thought Harry could hurt a person this way, not only did he attempt to rape me but he’s gone ahead to make himself the victim.
I had been a bad judge of character and I had no one but myself to blame for this. Maybe my father was right all those years ago… It’s always my fault.
“… I think Ivan’s working on striking a deal with Harry to clear your name. But I’m not sure, no one knows anything,” Nick says.
Blinking back tears. “How do you know that? I”
The sound of the elevator interrupts me as seconds later, Ivan, Sasha and Sid walk in.
Holding Ivan’s gaze. “Ivan, we need to talk,” I said firmly, not waiting for any of them to speak.