Harley’s POV
“Don’t look at him. Don’t talk to him, and don’t smile at him,” Jade warned when Glen walked past the company’s entrance.
I wanted to comply, but I just couldn’t. My hand stiffened on the mop as I took a deep breath and looked at him. He was reading a newspaper while walking towards the stairs. He was perfect in every way and looked more handsome each time I saw him. How was that even possible?
I wished with all my heart that he could look up and gaze into my eyes with each step he took. It was crazy, but I just wanted his eyes to meet mine.
“Why is he looking at the newspaper even today?” I asked seriously, then I dropped the mop in disappointment.
“Don’t you find it weird?” Molly whispered beside me.
“What do you mean?” I asked softly.
“Since the day before yesterday, Mr. Brown has been walking into the company reading a newspaper. But immediately after he walks past us, he throws the newspaper away,” she answered.
I frowned and thought back to all the times he had walked by us, and she was right. He started doing that after talking to me that time and asking me a weird question as if I smelled. But then again, perhaps it was just us thinking funny.
“Well, maybe he has his reasons,” I said softly, and then I noticed him frown deeply as if he was listening to our conversation.
“Damn it,” he whispered under his breath. At that moment, it became clear to me how he was avoiding us on purpose for some reason.
“Well, I think it’s stupid for a grown-ass man to hide behind a piece of paper just so he can avoid seeing any of the cleaners, isn’t it?” I blurted out the words loudly, then gasped when he immediately halted his movements and looked up, meeting my eyes.
Molly quickly held my hand tightly and whispered something I couldn’t quite hear.
All I could see was Glen’s shocked facial expression.
He chuckled softly, then dropped the newspaper on the ground and approached us.
I bit my lower lip and tried hard to keep myself calm, but sadly, I couldn’t. I felt very nervous and somehow scared. My entire body was telling me to run away and never look at him again, but my heart and Jade were against it. Jade chose to hold her ground and face him head-on.
Such times were when she scared me the most. She had no fear, respect, or remorse. All she showed was pure dominance and strength-the very opposite of me.
He stood in front of us and brushed his hand through his hair with a low sigh. I watched as he dropped his eyes from my own and shifted his focus to my lips.
My heart was beating rapidly, and my breath was slowly becoming labored. He swallowed hard, then raised his brow as his gaze shifted to my neck.
I couldn’t understand what he was doing, but his gaze on my body was so intense that my cheeks began to heat up.
His eyes trailed lower to my breasts as I bit my lower lip hard and tried not to make any weird sounds.
“What the hell is he doing?” I asked myself silently.
I was very conscious of his gaze on me despite being in a bulky work suit.
“Sir, she really didn’t mean what she said; I apologize on her behalf. Please don’t fire us,” Molly said loudly.
He quickly cleared his throat and then looked at her coldly.
I was very upset with Molly for some reason. She was trying to help me; that I knew, yet I felt anger towards her.
“So is this how you represent my company?” he asked huskily as I frowned.
“Pardon?” Molly asked in a whisper.
“By gossiping? Is that how you represent my company? Oh wait, did you honestly think I didn’t hear what your discussion was all about?” he asked seriously as I quickly lowered my gaze to the floor.
Was he going to fire us? No, that wasn’t something I wanted for Molly; she was very kind to me.
“It was all my fault, sir. Please forgive me. If you are going to fire someone, it really should be me, not Molly,” I answered sadly.
It really was my fault; I made Molly say all that. For six years, she had worked hard in the company to keep her job; she didn’t deserve to be fired. But on the other hand, I deserved it.
A part of me wanted him to just do that because I was getting tired of wanting someone who couldn’t even look at me without showing anger or disgust. For a year, he was all I could think about, yet he was unaffected by me. Why was that? Jade had no say in that, and it was weird because she usually interfered in almost everything that involved us.
At first, I had convinced myself that it was all because I was a virgin and he was the only handsome guy I had ever met, so it was normal to feel that way towards him. But as I worked here, I began seeing a lot of handsome men. That’s when it all became clear to me! It wasn’t that I had never seen a handsome guy before; it was all because he was what I chose to see and want. Despite being a total jerk and cold towards us, he was what my thoughts and body longed for. If it wasn’t Glen, then no one was good enough for me.
“Disgusting,” he whispered, with disgust in his tone.
“What?” I asked in a low voice.
“You are disgusting,” he said, this time louder.
I blinked a few times to hold back the forming tears. Every time he said bad words and called me names, it hurt so badly. I wasn’t stupid enough to not figure out why; I definitely liked him a lot.
“Last time I checked, dogs that lay in dirt held in their damn barks and swallowed their pride. Next time I hear you say a word… no, next time I hear you dare to even breathe, I won’t hesitate to have you thrown out of my company together with your so-called Molly, am I clear?” he asked coldly.
“Yes, sir,” Molly answered quickly.
“I hate repeating myself, cleaner,” I said. “Am I clear?” he asked with emphasis as Molly tightened her grip on me.
“Don’t you dare bow or answer this asshole back,” Jade warned furiously.
I took a deep breath and then released it. I wasn’t going to let her stand up to him, no matter what.
“Yes, sir, I understand. Your words are very clear,” I answered as Jade sneered.
“Let’s burn his whole company down,” she said in a rumble.
“Stop it,” I silently yelled at her.
She wasn’t going to hurt him, no matter how badly he treated us. I wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Now get back to work,” he ordered, then turned and walked away.
Molly sighed softly and then dropped her hand.
“Why do you do this to yourself?” she asked softly.
I faced her and held her hands in mine.
“I don’t know, Molly. I just find myself wanting him,” I answered honestly.
“He is out of your league; you need to let go,” she said as I smiled and then nodded.
Everything was easier said than done.
“The party is in three days, so please be cautious with how you approach him. As it is right now, he seems to be on the edge of snapping, so stay away from him,” she said as she picked up the mop.
“I have heard you; I will stay away from him,” I answered and then went on to mop.