Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

It w true. Th thught of bng wthd lw turned me n, and Tm knew it. The good thng w tht we shared th fantasy. I turd Dave nd Jhn. I wndrd hw they’d react. Wuld th ull out their cocks nd trt jkng off? I’v nl wthd Tm Jk off. I wndrd wht thr cocks looked like.
Th ln of thught, lu Tom’s k pounding m frm behind! W bringing m l to ummng. .
“Fuck !” I rd. “Tht’ t, fuk m, oh god, yes.”
Tm kd u th pace nd started t drive his cock into m. Fuk, t flt gd. I uld feel th orgasm rng inside f me.
“Mmmmmm, Fuk yes, so gd,” I mnd I came. Th rgm whng over m bd. Ohhhhh fukkk. I ghd.
Tm continued t um m u. I was kd. I wntd t fl h hot um fll m u.
“Cm n bb,” I coaxed. “That’s it, fuk m, fuk ur u, um in m. Fill m u. God tht fl gd, fuk , yes, oh fuck, ..”
I flt my bd r t nthr orgasm. A I came Tm m t. I uld fl th hot cum fllng m u. It flt lk h’d had a gallon vd u. As he pumped m a few mr times I flt the um uzd ut of my u nd nt m thgh.
I lnd forward so h cock ld out f m. I laid down n my bll on the bd.
“Gd you’re a grt fuck,” I ghd.
“You’re nt bd urlf,” he grinned.
H lay dwn nxt t me nd ut n rm vr me.
I l thr thinking.
“Wuld u really?” I kd.
“Rll wht?” he nwrd.
“Really want to wth m get fukd,” I replied.
“I thnk u’d look ht,” he d.
“Would you just wth? Or jn n?” I asked.
“Y,” h smirked.
I gggld.
“But uld you rll do t? Would u be jlu? How would it affect u gng frwrd?” I mud.
“I lv you now, I’d love u thn,” h kd my head. “I lv u t,” I replied.
“Lt’ gt drd for the rtn,” Tom rmndd m.
I jumped up and hd in th shower. A I did I started t thnk f what it wuld be lk t fuk mn wth Tm watching. I w still hrn frm jut bng fukd. A I whd m brt my hands lngrd a bt lngr on m brt nd nl.
I rhd down t caress m lt, I wndrd hw Dv and Jhn wuld rt f th could m in the shower. I ld my eyes and tltd my hd back. I felt th wtr cascade vr my nl and vr m hnd. I felt th wrmth dng vr m and grwng nd m. I ulld t my nl I mgd my clit. A I came I ut m hnd out t steady myself gnt th hwr wll.
As m rgm ubdd I nd my . I rlzd Tom was tndng n the thr d f th urtn.
“Wht? Fukng wasn’t nugh?” h td. “Mb I d nd hl.”
“I wish,” I quipped I turnd off th water and grabbed a twl.
I drd off as Tm jumped n the hwr. I decided wht to wr. W wr nl gn fr two nght I ddn’t bring a lt with m. Tnght w a vr casual nght. N n drd u. I ulld ut a r of shorts and a tnk t. Th hrt sat lw on m h nd hwd a lot of lg. There was a bt f belly hwng between th hrt and th t. If u’r uru I pulled n a wht l thng nd br first over th whl nmbl I put n a flnnl shirt tht I left unbuttoned.
Tm got ut f th shower.
“Cut.” H d, Alw n with a compliment.
He was rght. I did look ut. I pulled m hair bk n a ponytail, hkd th mrrr, thn lt it down again. A I fussed with t Tm got dressed. I decided to lv m hr dwn. One lt hk n th mrrr nfrmd I looked cute.
Tm got dressed nd we headed t th rtn. It was t the gun lub. A w rrvd Dv nd Jhn w u enter. Th m vr.
“Thnk god u’r here,” d Dave.
“Why that?” I kd.
“Bu there are no other hot hk here t hang out wth,” h lughd.
“Oh?” I lughd. “Hot hk?”
Dave kind f bk dld. “Umm.. rtt grl?” he offered. “Nhhh,” I lughd. “I like hot chick.”
“Hot chick t ,” xlmd Dv.
W ll lughd.
“Would the hot hk lk some fd?” Dv kd, ffrng m his rm.
I tk h rm. I looked back and flashed a ml at my husband. H mld bk.
“Th ht chick wuld b dlghtd,” I said, and w hdd ff to gt some fd.
It w a fun vnng. W grtd people w knw, Dave kt flrtng with me, I flrtd back. Evn Jhn ffrd me a mlmnt.
I w tndng thr with an mt lt. Jhn tk t frm m nd ffrd to dum t.
“I n do tht,” I ffrd.
“It’ m lur,” he said. “Anthng fr a butful woman,” h ddd. “Oh,” I flrtd. “Yu thnk I’m butful.”
“Very,” he replied.
“You’re just ng that because thr are fw wmn here,” I teased. “N, n,” he rttd. “I rll thnk you’re butful.”
Then h looked t Tom. You uld tll he w wrrd h wnt t fr. “Dn’t lk t m,” said Tm. “I think h’ beautiful t.”
You could Jhn vbl rlx.
“I thnk u’r butful t,” chimed Dv.
“Wll, if u’r all n grmnt,” I quipped. “I mut be beautiful.”
We ll laughed.
We td and httd fr a whl. Finally t was tm t hd bk t th hotel. We d ur gdb nd gt in the r.
“Qut a fn club you hv,” Tm lughd.
“Oh? Yu don’t thnk I drv it?” I td.
“Yu dfntl drv it,” he nwrd. “Thr wr lt f gu hkng u ut,” he added.
“Yh?” I asked wth a grn.
“Oh yeah,” h responded. “I bt hlf th ld mn are gng to hv wt drm but u tnght,” h lughd.
“Wt drm,” I said with a laugh.
“Yu bet,” h said.
“Hmmm, u thnk a bunch f mn r jkng off thinking but m?” I td.
“Mt dfntl,” h d. “Hell, I lk jkng ff thinking f u.”
I lughd, “h, but I lk wthng you, you n jk ff fr m anytime u wnt. In fact, u n jk ff n me.”
H already knw th, he’d um n m mn tm. I lvd it, I loved cum, I lvd it n m, in m, and I lvd th w it ttd. H knw that.
“You’re saying u wuldn’t like wthng mn else jk ff?” he kd.
I thught about t. Truth w, the d trtd mkng me wt. I answered Tom truthfully.
“Ok, I d lk the d. Do you?” I kd.
“Love t,” he laughed as w pulled nt th hotel parking lot.
“Wll,” I said. “Yu don’t hv t jack ff tonight. I’m going to fuk you.”
“I lk tht t,” h smiled.
W hdd to th rm. A n as we wr n I trtd trng off m lth. H td nd wthd m.
“Ar u gng t gt undrd?” I kd wth a fk ut.
“I was njng watching u,” he d.
“Yh? I d I stepped ut f m shorts.
“Yh, it’s fun,” he said. Thn he added, “I think Dave nd Jhn wuld die f th could see u nw.”
I lughd, “Stll thnkng f thm? Maybe I huld undr for thm.”
“Sund fun to me,” h td bk.
A I tk ff my shirt I got dwn n m kn n frnt f him. In my bra and nt I wnt to unzip his nt. Evn as I w unzng thm I uld tll h w hrd.
“I this fr me,” I urrd. “Yu bet,” he rld.
“Oh? I t bu u have a nkd wife kneeling in frnt f you but t suck ur k, r are you mgnng Dave nd Jhn wthng me?”
“Yes,” he said.
I ulld ut h k and started ukng n it. I lvd th w a k flt n m muth. I dn’t knw wh, but I’d always lvd gvng blw jb. It was a mbntn f the wr t had t drive mn wld nd th ubmvn f bng n m knees ukng k.
“Mmmmmm,” I urrd rund t. “I lv ukng ur cock.”
“Just mn?” H td.
He knw I’d always liked ukng cock.
“Well, ur is th nl n I’v ukd n a whl,” I d I wrd my l rund his k.
“Wll,” h replied. “Yu lk lk you blng wth a k n ur mouth.”
“Mmmm,” I rtd I wrkd n his cock.
He rhd bhnd me nd undd m br. I lt t ld dwn m arms. I always flt vulnrbl when I was naked nd h was mtl dressed. Th feeling w making m vr wt.
H rhd dwn and ulld m t my ft.
“Gt ut of th nt,” he commanded.
I hkd m thumbs in thm nd pushed thm to th flr he wthd m.
H uhd m t th bd. I fell back n t. “Ar you going to gt undrd,” I kd.
“Mb,” he nwrd. “But frt, I wnt to fuk u.”
“Antm,” I replied.
I rd m lg h gt on t f m. I rhd down nd guided his k nt me.
“Y,” I xlmd h cock entered me. “Fuk I lv th way u fl.”
He trtd sliding h k n nd out f m. I mnd.
“Yu lk that?” He teased.
“Fuk yes,” I ghd.
H started fucking me hrdr. I thrut m hips u to mt vr trk. “You lk x whn u’r being fukd,” h tld me.
“I love bng fukd,” I rld I thrut twrd him.
“That’s it baby, fuk me,” h coaxed.
H rhd dwn nd ld wth m lt h pumped me wth his cock. I kt uhng m pussy twrd hm. A h ld wth my lt I flt my rgm trt t r. I m wth , “fuck .”
H ntnud t fuk m.
“You lk tht bb?” H kd
“Fuk yes,” I replied.
“Yu look so ht being fukd,” h answered.
He tk his finger and ut t in my muth. It was wet frm playing with m clit. I sucked n t. I loved the tt f m u n his fingers r n his cock. I lmt lw ukd hm ln ftr h fucked m.
“That’s t baby, uk t,” he coaxed. “Tt gd?” “Mmmmmm,” I mnd rund his finger. “Imgn it bng a bg cock,” h prodded.
“Y,” I exclaimed he ntnud t fuck m.
I imagined h fngr w a k. Unfrtuntl I uldn’t imagine a faceless cock. I didn’t hv to.
“You’d lk good sucking k whl bng fukd,” h tld me.
“Mmmmmm.,” I rtd.
“I bet Dv r Jhn would lv t have their k in ur mouth,” h d.
M mnd flhd t Dave nd Jhn with their k ut. Holding thm n front f m face. I ddn’t say nthng, but I flt a gush f wrmth around h k.
“Oh? You like tht d?” He urud it.
“Fuk m,” I grunted.
H ntnud t fuk m.
“Yu lk th idea f ukng a cock while bng fukd?” H ntd. “Shut up,” I brthd.
He trtd pumping m hrdr. I uldn’t hl it, I trtd ukng h fngr harder.
“That’s t bb,” h said. “Suk t, uk tht k.”
I mnd gn. I flt the rgm rng nd f me