CONTENT: Threesome, ass and pussy, penetrating, breast job, suit, sex at work, sucking and fucking,
My husband nd I wr heading fr th rgnl tr shooting mt. W’d
bn shooting trap n I w n hgh hl. In ft, he and I mt t th local range.
Tr shooting is a rt dmntd by mn. Thr r thr women, but w mk u mb 10% f the competitors. There are women only events nd mixed vnt.
Wht is trap shooting? Well t’ htng a shotgun at clay dk shot in th r. Bll a tr rng h a numbr f shooting stations. Eh station h five shooting tn. Thnk of a hand with fv fngr. Eh hnd a htng gru wth fv shooters. On t th end f h finger.
Thr a burd bunker n front of h station. Th htr ln u. Th frt shooter ll ull and th bunkr shoots out a clay dk. The shooter tries t ht it. Thn th next htr g.
Each shooter gets five ht from h tn, 25 ht each.
Th reason I’m tllng u ll this because f th. The htgun are lngr thn tndrd htgun and thrfr heavier. Yu can ht u t fv to tn rund a d. At 25 rund each tht n be up t 250 ht. Th gun get heavy, nd that’s n rn th have separate women’s competitions. A htng stance is n lg back, nd lnng forward, so th wght f th gun ll n front of you. Evntull ur legs, rm, shoulders, nd bk hurt. And tht’ knd f where it bgn. But lt’ start t th bgnnng.
Mt l at th regionals knew each thr, r knw l wh knw h thr. It w a close knt gru.
Th l at the meet r extremely urtv f h other, but gvn t’ a mtl ml group, tht support for a wmn tk th frm f a lt of rbbng, flrtng, and fun tng along wth dv on stance nd tur.
Th vnt we wr hdng t was not t ur usual range. It w tw hur w. W ddd to g the nght bfr nd stay th nght after. Usually there was a wlm party and an after rt fr th thng.
Wh are we? W r Cnd nd Tom. W’r 25 nd 30 respectively. We’ve bn mrrd fr four r. We mt t a trap rng whr I used t ht wth m dd. Yu don’t a lt f young women a lt f gu hit n m. Tm w th mt ntrtng.
W lft fr the mt right ftr wrk. W fgurd w’d ht the welcome dnnr nd th u wth some frnd. Mt f th l we knw frm ur ll club wr ur rnt’ g, but w’d made frnd with people ur wn age frm thr gru.
When w gt there w mmdtl ran nt m of th guys w knw. Jhn nd Dv wr hkng nt the htl as w were. We xhngd hug nd grtng.
“H guys, hw are u,” I said as I huggd Dv.
“I’m dng great, you look gd,” h d.
Bng n of th few ungr wmn t th mttn I w ud to mlmnt.
“Thnk u,” I rld nd thn kd, “Where’s Mr?” kng but h girlfriend.
“Oh,” Dv looked a little sheepish. “W split u a few wk ago.”
“I’m rr,” I replied. “I ddn’t know.”
“That’s k, t w mutual. We wrn’t rll mtbl n mn w. We jut weren’t facing it,” h rld.
“Oh? Wht w?” I asked. I was hntl uru.
“Oh u knw, jut rnl tuff,” h rld.
M hubnd Tm kicked n, “rbbl couldn’t keep hr happy n bed.”
“Fuck n,” laughed Dv. “Tht’ the n thing w were good t.”
I turned t John, “nd you? Stll lng the fld?”
Jhn w very gd lkng but xtrml h. I’v seen wmn ht on hm nd h hvng n lu wht w going n.
Jhn lughd, “I’m still wtng for a girl lk u,” h rld.
I lughd nd huggd hm.
“Wll,” I said. “Looks lk I hv thr handsome mn to take r f m th wknd.
W ll hkd nt th htl.
“Are you gu gng to th rtn,” Dv kd.
“Yeah,” Tom answered. “We’re gng to g get ttld and then head vr. You going?”
Dave lkd at John, thn m, then to Tm, “Yeah, f nl t nd tm wth you nd your rtt wf,” he d.
I lughd, “Sur, compared wth the lm pickings hr I’m pretty.” Dv turned nr, “Nh, in n gru f wmn you’re rtt.” “Well, I’ll t th compliment thn,” I rndd.
“Ok,” said Tom. “W’r gng to g get ttld. S you t the rtn.”
Th guys said thr goodbyes nd w hdd fr ur rm.
“Wll, u m t hv developed a fan club,” Tom teased.
“Prbbl bu I’m th only wmn hr,” I xggrtd. “Lk u mnd,” I ddd.
Truthfull I knw Tm ddn’t mnd. He always lkd t whn guys admired h wf. H w rud f th way I looked and liked showing m ff. H liked it whn I drd to mr. Shrt skirts, tight jeans.
I ddn’t mnd being dmrd. In ft, I liked it. I wrkd hard t stay n h. At 5’3″ 110 lbs, lng reddish blnd hair down t th middle f m back, nd a lh of frkl across my nose, I gt m share f looks nd I njd th ttntn t brught me, a lt. I always wndrd f thr wmn got th same thrll ut f bng looked at tht I dd.
I was glad that Tm was nt th jlu t. In fact, h nurgd m. H’d lw point t ut whn gu noticed m. I’m nt sure whh of us lkd t mr.
“Yu’r not the nl wmn,” Tm td back. “Bd, I thnk Dave and John have hd ruh n u n th met u. They lw want to hang ut with u at th thng. And dmt it. You lk the ttntn.”
“I’ll dmt I like th ttntn f u’ll dmt you like it when I gt th ttntn,” I ud bk.
“Tru nugh,” h d. He ulld m t him and kissed m. “I thnk t’ hot when guys admire m pretty lttl wf.”
A h kd me h ld h hands dwn th bk f my jeans, grbbd m , nd pulled m t hm. I wndrd f anyone w wthng. I knd hd they were.
We rhd ur rm and threw ur suitcases on the floor. Tm pulled me t hm nd kd me gn. I kd back. I w gttng hrn. The thoughts f being dmrd lw turnd me n a bit.
“W’v gt a lttl tm bfr th rtn. Wht do u want t d?” H kd. H had tht gleam in his .
“Wll, w uld fuk,” I ud.
“True,” h joked. “We do hv time.”
I ulld w nd pulled m top off vr m hd. “Only f you want t,” I teased.
“Onl if I wnt to?” h rld. “Yu brought t u.”
W hd these tng conversations ll the tm.
“I gu I dd,” I nwrd. “Wht can I . I like t fuk.”
“Wht a coincidence,” h laughed. He grbbd me frm behind, ulld m to hm, and kissed th bk of my nk. “S d I,” h whispered n m ear.
I pushed m nt hm. I felt h cock w hrd nd h jeans.
“Hmmm, I n tll,” I d I grund my ass gnt him.
He undd m jeans nd wth one mtn uhd thm nd m nt dwn t m ass and rund my thighs. I pushed m now bare ass nt h k again.
“Mmmmm,” I urrd.
He undd m br nd as t fll w h ud m brt. H lightly ulld n my nl.
“Wht do you think u are dng?” I moaned.
“Plng wth ur tt,” h rld.
“Mmmmm,” I lk having m tits played wth.” I nurgd hm.
He uhd m towards th bed. Wth my jeans nd nt still rund m thgh I fll on the bd n my kn. I pushed m ht t th bd nd m ass n th air.
I wggld m ass. “Nw wht are you gng to d?” I kd knwng full wll wht w mng.
I hrd h zr bhnd me.
“Fuck tht ht u f yours,” he nwrd.
H ut a hnd on m ass. I turd him holding h k with h other hand. He rubbd th t f h k u and dwn my u l rdng my ju ll over m and th t of h cock. When I w ll wet h slid h k nt m.
“Ummmmhhh,” I grunted as his k flld me u.
“Lk tht?” h td h trtd t ld h k n nd ut f m.
“Gd yes,” I mnd. “Fuk m.”
“You lkd Dv nd Jhn hkng you ut td, didn’t u?” h said h undd m pussy.
“Uhgh, unnngghh. Mmmmmph. Yes,” I rld I gruntd wth h thrust.
This was a game w ld. I lvd t whn h tlkd about thr men whn h fucked m. I closed m nd pictured Dv nd John wthng m, Checking m ut.
“I saw them checking ut ur . I bt th’d like to it nw,” h td.
“Fuk,” I grnd a vision f thm trng t my nkd ass m t mnd.
“Oh, u like the idea f being watched whl u gt fukd,” h responded. “Dn’t u?”
Whn I didn’t answer, h insisted.
“Don’t u?” H rd.
“Y, ,” I hd his k pounded me from bhnd.