Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

The door opened and two guys came in wearing just boxer shorts. From behind the mirror the voice said.
‘Please do not speak to each other. Just follow the instructions, and if anything feels wrong to you, just let us know and we can stop the experiment.’
The two guys were nice looking, tall and muscular, rower’s builds. In fact she thought she recognised one of them from the calendar the university rowing team put out each year.
They took up a position either side of the bench and stared straight ahead into the mirror.
Esther did the same.
A moment later a new voice, with the unnatural tone of having been pre- recorded said, ‘One A, please take the prophylaxis off the table and put it on the other subjects. Other subjects please remain as still as possible while this occurs.’
Esther looked around. There was a table next to the bed on which a box of condoms lay. She picked the box up and pulled the roll out.
Tearing one condom off she looked at the two guys and chose the guy on the left. She hopped off the bed and delicately pulled his boxers down. His cock hung straight down, weighty even though it was flaccid.
She tore open the condom wrapper and delicately lifted the end of the penis up.
It wouldn’t go on. The soft cock and the soft latex wouldn’t hold, the former kept slipping away. She looked at the mirror as if hoping for some advice.
No advice came.
‘Very well,’ she said aloud and looked up at the guy’s face. He was a rock, staring straight ahead at the mirror.
With some caution, Esther peeled back the foreskin as far as it would go, watching the thick, meaty worm writhe as she moved it. Then she slid the whole lot back down until the hood moved over the bulbous purple head.
It twitched, lifting a little and thickening.
It was fascinating to watch. Esther had never seen a cock in real life before and playing with it like this had a feeling of discovery. Of science even.
She gave it another stroke, then another. It was really starting to firm up now. It pointed out at a curved 45 degree angle instead of straight down. And it was gaining length by the second.
It was already a good inch and half longer than before and a lot girthier.
The voice behind the mirror remained silent for a while as she worked. There was something almost zen like in the repeated action of her hand and wrist. It was repetitive but changed enough with each stroke as the member swelled and its owner shifted a little.
It was clear the guy was trying not to, but he couldn’t stop the odd moan escape his lips, the odd shift of his weight in such a way as to push his cock out a little, extending her stroke.
Esther took the movements as feedback lengthening her stroke.
She was beginning to enjoy it when the voice on the speaker repeated the request to put the condom on.
It certainly seemed hard enough now, so she took the condom, and remembering her Personal Health classes at school pinched the little bullet like tip of the condom to keep any bubbles from forming. Then she placed the little ring of rubber over the bulging purple head of the cock and rolled it down.
It was a bit of a struggle. The guy’s cock was clearly bigger than the condom was designed for and it took both hands to really get the rubber down the shaft. It hugged the cock so tight, smoothing out the veins and folds of skin into something much smoother and more uniform. Much less animal or masculine.
She was now staring at the cock of a robot.
When she stood up to go to the other guy, the first subject pulled a pained face and did his best not to touch the jutting erection in front of him.
With a little practice in hand Esther now felt more confident and took the second condom with her.
This cock was already half way there. He must have had a good view in the mirror of the first guy’s handjob, and clearly had enjoyed it.
Esther gave him a few more strokes with her hand to finish the job.
The voice repeated the instructions again, clearly on an automated loop until she sorted them both out. The voice cut through to her this time though. It occurred to her that her fumbling was happening on view of Theo. Dishy Theo, whose cock she was imagining was in her hand right now as she stroked back and forth.
She remembered something else from the Personal Health class, one of her girlfriends had mentioned a trick she liked to use on her boyfriend when it came time to wrap up.
The cock was good and hard.
An idea came to Esther. She pulled her hair back with one hand and pinched the end of the condom with the other.
Behind the glass the camera’s red light blinked on and off. A hand adjusted the lens and pressed the zoom button closing in on subject 1A.
1A had adjusted her hair and pulled the cock of subject 1C to one side to give the camera a better view. With one hand she started the process of rolling the condom on, then with an expert bob of her head she smoothly slipped her mouth over the head and began to work the condom down using her lips and teeth.
The camera was at full zoom. All it could see was the pink bow of her lips wrapped neatly about the cock. The head was the hard part, she had beaten that, but now the issue was not the condom’s elasticity but the length of the cock.
The cock disappeared inch by inch into the mouth the lips and teeth continuing to move delicately to push the condom further and further down the shaft.
Off camera Theo’s hand moved to the bulge in his jeans.
Esther took a deep breath. Any further and the cock would shut her breathing off. She hoped Theo was watching. This was what her girlfriend had said, but the cock that bitch must have dealt with couldn’t have been as big, cus Esther was having to fight her gag reflex every inch of the way.
Her eye’s watered and her mouth and nose were filled with the smell and taste of latex and lube. But she persisted, because she knew Theo was watching.
She steeled herself, took a deep breath and with one long stroke finished the job. She felt her throat bulge and the latex unroll ahead of her lips. Then she was done and she pulled back letting the whole slobbery mess slide out of her mouth.
She gasped and almost choked on her own spit.
Her eyes and nose were running but a few blinks cleared them and she could admire her handiwork, a rock hard cock in a glistening latex wrapper.
The voice on the speaker intoned: ‘The next thing we would like you to do is this….’