CONTENT: Sex, lab rat, sexual experiment, virgin, gagging, big dick, blowjob, turns, sucking, cumming, cumshot.
Esther Eades stood for a while in front of the boards in the Student Union building. The campus pub was looking for bartenders, the Biology labs wanted post-grad volunteers to help with supervising practical exams, but nothing appealed.
Esther was in her first year at the university and was still finding her place. She knew she wanted some sort of income, if only to keep herself well stocked in the universities signature drink: purple, a mix of cider, beer and blackcurrant cordial that was the go to form of getting shit-faced at her uni.
One poster on the wall of the Student Union building promised 15 for participants in a psychological study. It wasn’t much, just a few pints worth of cash. But she figured it could be an interesting life experience and a way to meet new people in another department.
She was a history student but was auditing a few modules in psychology and this seemed like an interesting way to pursue that interest outside the classroom. Besides, she recognised one of the names on the poster from her class: Theo Carter.
Theo was cute, a third year student, who helped out the professor in the psych module. And he was listed as part of the team doing this research. If he was running the experiment, it could be a fun way to get to know him and maybe give herself an opportunity to ask him out for a drink or two.
The Psychology department was on the second floor of the humanities building, and finding the lab involved following the somewhat cryptic wall signs that finally led her to room 2. 069, the site of the fabled experiment.
Esther opened the door and found herself in a room with a dozen other students milling around. Some were in groups, others clearly alone, all looking slightly lost in the way eighteen to twenty-one year olds always look in new environments and with new people.
Esther found a seat and people watched for a bit.
A few minutes later Theo came in and asked them all to line up against the back wall.
‘First up,’ he said. ‘Thank you for coming. There’s a tenner in it for your trouble, but I appreciate you taking a couple hours out of your day to help with these observations.
‘You should all be aware of a few things. This study is about aspects of human sexuality. There will be some skin to skin contact, some nudity, we will have detailed questions about your experiences here for you afterwards and you will need to talk about aspects of your own sex life, sexual history, and sexual fantasies in a questionnaire before hand.
‘Because of this, consent is an even higher priority than it is in most experiments. If anything feels wrong to you, please feel free to leave now. If at any point in the experiment something happens you’re not happy with, let us know, we’ll pull you out. You need only participate as far as you are willing.
A chorus of yes-es ran round the room. Esther felt the mood change. Sex was on the table, the men all looked a little more eager, a little more nervous. The women seemed a little more reluctant, a look of careful assessment in their eyes as they looked round and round the table.
A glance around the room showed that the crowd were mostly attractive, and Esther didn’t have too many worries about her own looks. She wondered exactly what was required.
Theo moved along the group handing out pieces of paper. She took hers and looked at it. 1A it read.
‘One A,’ Theo called.
‘Over here,’ she said.
‘Through that door there.’
She walked over and entered the door.
Behind her she heard him call out ‘One B and One C, follow me, you will join her in a moment…’
A shiver of excitement ran up her spine. She wondered which two guys in the waiting room had just been called up and what they had thought when
they heard their number called and realised they would be sharing intimate space with her.
She imagined their eyes assessing her arse, her waist, the fall of her hair from behind as she opened the door and moved through into the next room.
On the other side of the door was a small room with walls painted black. A large mirror and a set of speakers set into one of the walls reflecting the contents of the room. It looked like the interrogation room set of a TV police procedural.
Right in front of the mirror was one of those medical examination tables, a sharp spotlight shone on the bed from above plunging the rest of the room into darkness, except for the mirror image in which Esther watched herself approach the medical table.
From a speaker by the mirror Theo’s voice came through:
‘This is Theo. I can see you from behind the mirror and will be observing the entire matter. A camera in this room is also recording what occurs. Is that okay with you?’
Esther blushed a little. It felt odd being watched by someone you couldn’t see. Odder still to be on camera.
‘Yes,’ she said, pleased by how well her voice hid her nerves. ‘What would you like me to do?’
‘Please disrobe and climb onto the examination table, I’ll fetch the other participants and go through the consent with them.’
‘Yes, please undress, just to your underwear, and climb up onto the medical table.’
Esther paused for a moment, considering what to do. The voice from behind the mirror sounded so authoritative, and so she began to undo the buttons on her top.
The camera behind the mirror watched with its blank eye as the girl slowly
picked the buttons of her top undone. She wore a plain white blouse and as it came off it the camera found she wore a red bra.
Her movements were cautious, like a frightened wild animal, and she looked up at the mirror often as if hoping for validation from behind the glass.
The camera did not judge, but simply took in the view of her warm, tanned skin. The dark circle of her areola peeked out from one cup of her bra.
She awkwardly pulled her jeans down, they were tight skinny jeans that clung to her skin like a wetsuit. The camera took in the large round buttocks and the legs of smooth alabaster. The ass was divided in two by the downstroke of a T formed by a blue thong.
She kicked the jeans off, and hopped up onto the table lying back and looking at the ceiling.
She shifted nervously a few times, looking up at the ceiling and licking her lips. When her legs fell apart the camera could see the beginnings of a wet spot forming in the dark blue scrap of cloth that covered 1A’s cunt.
Esther could feel some sort of gaze on her as she lay there on the table looking up into the bright light. She couldn’t quite get comfortable. The paper covering of the table felt light on her skin, easily tearable.
It felt very flimsy and sterile for such an experience, her first serious sexual encounter. Certainly her first act of public nudity.
She had only ever fooled around with boys before this, and now she seemed to be in some sort of striptease-for-science sort of situation.
It seemed odd to her that this would be the way her first time would play out.
Adrenaline was pumping through her, she had never been so naked in front of another person, and she still didn’t know what was in store for her.
And all this was happening under Theo’s watchful eye. Theo, who was so cute, so very much the kind of person she would like to have undressed for…