I was free to do or say anything I wanted. No one could see in and the doors were locked. I was breathing faster now. I looked around the room and moaned out “Ohhhhh, I wish someone was here to see me cum!” A new rush of excitement came over me as I said those naughty words. My fantasy turned
back to Blake and I on the blanket in the maple grove. How he pounded into my virgin pussy again and again! I looked at his picture and put direct pressure on my hard clit. I was so close now. “Ohhh! Yes Blake! Love me! I’m cummmmmmiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!” I cried out as the orgasm exploded deep within me. I felt it from my curling toes to the fingertips that were furiously working my clit. I kept going, feeling two more smaller orgasms fill my senses.
It was so sweet. I don’t know how long I had laid there. Imagining Blake’s arms wrapped around me. It was a bit painful getting up since I had slouched down in the chair. I still had a warm feeling all over as I gathered up my clothes and headed downstairs for a quick shower and a bit to eat.
I spent the rest of the afternoon in the attic. I was pleased with my progress. Just a few more boxes and I was done. Yay! The last few boxes were the oldest ones up here. They were put up here when we moved in, just after we were married. I pulled the tape off of a box that I didn’t recognize and looked inside. This was clearly one of Jeff’s boxes. His high school diploma, some trophies, and a bunch of loose pictures. Had to keep this one I thought. Looking a bit further, I found an old videotape. It was smaller than the VHS tapes we have now. I had no idea what kind it was, but with a husband growing up around a television station it wasn’t surprising. What a nice surprise it would be! I’ll see if I can get it converted to play in the VCR we have!
I was pleased with my accomplishment. The Salvation Army came and picked up the donations. All the junk we put on the curb was hauled off as scheduled. I went shopping the following Monday and stopped off at specialty film store and inquired about the tape. The man at the counter said it was a BETA tape (what ever that meant) and wasn’t really that
uncommon. He said that it would be no problem to transfer it to VHS if the tape quality was good. I thanked him and left the store.
Later that week, I was out shopping and stopped by the film store. The same man that waited on me Monday was there behind the counter. He told me that he was unable to transfer the tape. “Thank you for trying. I have no idea what was on the tape, but I thought it would be a nice surprise for my husband.” I told the man. He blushed a bit and said, “There wasn’t a problem with the tape, b-but it’s against store policy to process tapes like that.” I guess I wasn’t on the same page as he was and I asked, “What do you mean?” His voice lowered to almost a whisper “we cannot process tapes of an adult nature”. I felt the blood rush to my face! The realization hit me hard. All I wanted to do is run from the store and hide! I don’t remember what I said and awkwardly made my way for the door mumbling an apology. “Wait, your tape!” He came around the end of the counter and handed me an envelope with the tape in it. I took it from him and quickly left the store. I was in such a hurry to leave that I backed up over a curb trying to make my way out of the parking lot.
I was embarrassed beyond words! I would never guess it would have been an old porn movie! I just drove around for about 30 minutes trying to make sense of the situation. I guess Jeff has always been a voyeur and we have watched our share of adult movies over the years. Working for a television station he has brought home some high tech gadgets and filmed us during some of our sexual endeavors. I had calmed down and decided to head home. We needed milk and a few other groceries so I pulled in to the store just down the street from our house.
As I passed by the film processing booth a cold shiver caught me as I remembered the embarrassment from the film store. I was looking through the produce and I couldn’t get the tape off my mind. I went back to the film
developing counter, but I didn’t see a clerk. I picked up a brochure that contained their processing services and pricing. I felt so guilty, almost dirty. I found a deserted aisle and opened the brochure. It was hard to read because I kept looking around to see if anyone was watching me. WHY??? It felt like I had this terrible secret and it might be discovered at any minute! Then I saw it. “Convert your favorite family BETA movies to VHS and enjoy them tonight! Our high speed dubbing machines can convert them while you shop! Just $9. 95 plus the cost of a new tape. I slid the brochure into my purse and finished my shopping and quickly left the store.
After I finished putting away the groceries, I picked up the envelope with the tape in it and thought about what I was going to do with it. Why bother with an old porn movie? If I wanted to watch one, I can go to our local video store and rent one. I tossed it into the trashcan. I returned a bit later and hid it under the empty donut box (I promised myself that I would work out twice as long tomorrow!). Why did I do that? After all it’s in an envelope.