Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

She wanted a man to show her the way – a real man, not a boy. A man who knew his way around a woman’s body knew how to make it sing.
She wondered who this man would be. She thought that surely the time must be coming soon for her to really find out how it felt. She had left it too late already. She didn’t want to wait too much longer. But how would she find this man?
Reality came crashing back. She was still single. Still alone. Still as far away as ever from getting what she wanted.
She pulled her fingers back and scowled slightly at herself in the mirror.
Now that she had come back to the real world she got dressed. She pulled on a pair of cotton panties and some denim hotpants that showed off her great legs. Then she pulled on a tight tank-top. It showed off her midriff and clung to her breasts. She had decided not to wear a bra – she liked the way it felt when the material rubbed against her sensitive nipples.
She inspected herself in the mirror. She could see her nipples pushing at the top. She’d have to remember to put a bra on before her father got home. In fact, it was probably best to change outfit completely.
She headed downstairs and got herself some breakfast. She was just trying to decide what she should do next when there was a knock at the door. She rolled her eyes, slightly irritated. Who could this be, disturbing her day? She didn’t want to have to deal with anyone. That was the whole point. Why couldn’t they just leave her be? She went to the door, ready to tell whoever it was that whatever they were selling, whatever they wanted from her, she wasn’t interested.
She opened the door and stopped in her tracks.
This was not what she had expected. It was a friend of her father’s. His name was Craig. She could hardly forget that. After all, she had been carrying a bit of a torch for him since she had first met him. He was younger than her father – somewhere around his mid-thirties, she would guess. And he looked good. Really good. He had chiseled good looks, a strong jawline, deep blue eyes, and a strong, powerful physique. He was over six feet tall and seemed to dominate any room that he walked into.
Anna was about five and a half feet tall and when he stood next to her she wanted him to dominate her. Completely.
He was a doctor, so was clearly a successful man. She sometimes found herself wondering about him – he didn’t wear a wedding ring, but he must surely have a girlfriend, at least. She wondered what it would be like to be his girlfriend – to have him come home from work and take her in those strong arms of his, stroke her face with his strong hands, kiss her hard, take her to bed. She imagined what that would be like – having him take her to bed every single night, wake up with him every single morning, have him there for her whenever she wanted him, being there for him whenever he wanted her, whatever he wanted to do to her.
And what would he do to her? What would he show her? He must know so much, she thought to herself. He could show her all the secrets that she had wondered about so much. He could educate her.
But now here he was on her doorstep in a shirt and smart trousers. The shirt was short-sleeved and she could see how it clung to his powerful biceps.
“Hi,” she said.
“Anna,” he smiled at her, “good to see you.” “My dad isn’t here, I’m afraid.”
She felt as though she must be blushing by this point. She wondered if he could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She wanted to look down and see just how prominent her nipples looked but she knew that she couldn’t do that. Suddenly she was very self-conscious. She felt as though he realized how uncomfortable she felt, that he somehow relished the fact.
“It’s fine,” he said, smiling at her, “It’s not him who I’ve come to see.”
Anna felt the hairs on her arms prickle. She could feel his gaze as though it was something physical on her skin, all over her body.
“Oh?” she said, unsure what else she was supposed to say.
“Yes. You see, I got a call from him just now. He told me that you were ill. Or, rather, he told me that you’d told him that you were ill. He’s not so convinced.”
“Oh, is that right?” She couldn’t help but smile. The way he was looking at her, it was as though he saw straight through her but there was no judgment.
“Yes, it is. So he asked me to come and check up on you. I think he’s hoping that I’ll catch you out.”
“Catch me out?”
“Yes. He wants me to use all of my expert medical knowledge to find out if you really are ill… or if you’re being a bad, bad girl.”
She was sure that she sensed a note of flirtation in the way that he said that. But she told herself that maybe it was nothing more than wishful thinking. How would she really know, anyway? She was used to guys her own age who flirted or tried to get her attention in such clumsy, over-the-top ways. How would she be able to tell when a real man was doing it?
“Anyway,” he continued, “I guess you’d better let me in. I can’t perform a proper medical examination on the porch, can I?”
Anna tried to suppress her smile. She turned and led him into the house. For just a moment a thought flashed across her mind – was he looking at her ass the way that she wanted it to be looked at? Were her hot pants clinging to her ass the way that she thought they were? Maybe – just maybe – was one cheek peeking out just slightly from the bottom of her shorts? Was he enjoying the view?
She led him through to the main room of the house. She sat down on the couch and he pulled an armchair over so that he was facing her. They say like that, with him looking intently at her, for some time. Enough time passed that she started to feel slightly uncomfortable under his gaze. She looked away, feeling herself blushing once more.
“OK, then,” he said, eventually, “I guess that we’d better get this started.” “And how do you propose that we do that?”
“Well, your father wants me to determine whether or not you’re ill. I’ll be honest, you don’t look ill to me.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. In fact, I think you look pretty damned incredible.”
She knew that she was blushing now. She couldn’t look at him. She looked away, then looked back at him for just a moment and saw just how intently he was watching her. Was this just professional? Or was it something else?
There was another pause. Anna felt that this was starting to get awkward now.
“Anyway, I’ll just get your temperature, that sort of thing.”
She didn’t know if she should protest. She felt as though she was trapped, as though he could do whatever he wanted with her.
He walked over to her. She stayed sat where she was, looking up at him.
He reached out one of his hands – it was large but he moved it gently, touched her gently. He placed the hand on her forehead. It felt almost like a caress.
“Well,” he said, “You don’t feel hot.”
“I never said I had a temperature,” she said, softly. “I’ll just check your pulse now, what do you say?”
“You’re the boss, I guess,” it came out as almost a whisper. She was sure that there was a tenseness in the air, similar to the electricity in the air just before a big storm.
His hand moved to her wrist. He held it firmly.
“Hmm,” he said. She didn’t reply, just kept looking at him, watching what he was doing.
And then, things started moving at a different pace altogether. His hand moved to her hand, took hold of it, pulled her to her feet.
“Any dizziness?” he asked, smiling at her.
“I…” but then he had pulled her closer, all the way to him, and his mouth was on her mouth. The kiss was firm, insistent. She couldn’t have resisted it even if she had wanted to. But the fact was that she didn’t want to. She had looked up to and admired this man for so long and now she was discovering that he wanted her.
His hand slid from her hand, ran up her forearm, took hold of her upper arm.
His other hand moved to the small of her back. She allowed herself to be pulled closer to him, their bodies touching now, in full contact with one another.