CONTENT: Oral, titty sucking, cock sucking, pussy licking, 69
And then… there was silence. Anna lay back in her bed and smiled to herself. It was all working out perfectly.
Since her father had forced her to get a job things had been less than ideal in her opinion. He had told her that if she was going to stay living in his house then she was going to have to go out and earn her own money. He had told her that at nineteen she was old enough to do that, at least. She, however, saw things differently and was firmly of the opinion that nineteen was far too young to be thrust out into the world of work. And besides, she had argued, her father was rich enough that she shouldn’t have to worry about money.
But these arguments had fallen on deaf ears. She had found herself a job but the simple fact of the matter was that she hated it and her life had become focused on finding a way out of it – whatever it took.
The job that she had found was working in a clothes store in the local mall. They had hired her on the spot, based on her looks. And it was true that she
was a striking young woman. Long black hair, alabaster skin, high cheekbones, light green eyes, red, red lips, and an incredible figure. The manager of the store had looked her up and down – at her long, long legs and her curvy figure – and told her that she would be a great advertisement for the store.
This had only served to make Anna feel somewhat awkward and embarrassed. And therein lay the problem – she might look the part but she was still quite a shy girl. It had been the same at high school and that had been the reason why whenever she was asked out on a date she had always said no. And that had meant that now, at nineteen years old she was still a virgin, still yet to have a boyfriend.
And that thought, just as much as the thought of going to work while all the other people she went to school with were off partying at college, made her want to scream that life was just so unfair.
So it had become her mission in life to do all that she could to get out of going to work, get out of having to deal with people, get out of the constant, agonizing sense of awkwardness at having to stand there on display and talk to customers.
Her father had come to get her up that morning. “Come on, Anna!” He’d said, “It’s time for work!” “Urgh. No.”
“No? What do you mean no?”
“No work today. I’m ill.”
“Oh really? Well, you don’t exactly look ill.”
“How am I supposed to look? I’m telling you I’m ill.”
“So, what then? You want to just stay at home and laze about all day?”
“No, I want to stay in bed because I’m ill!” she’d almost shouted this but remembered that, as an ill person, she had to at least pretend to be weak and shouting would not help her cause.
“It seems as though you’ve had more than a few sick days recently.”
“What can I say? I have a delicate constitution.”
“Or an overwhelming aversion to work.”
“Thanks a lot, dad. That’s very supportive of you. I got a job, didn’t I? What more do you want me to do?”
“What I want you to do, young lady is actually show up to the job that you have. Put in the work and do what you’re supposed to do. What are they going to say when I phone them up and tell them that you’re too sick to work yet again? Don’t you understand that people are relying on you and you’re letting them down?”
Anna was getting sick of this lecture and sick of being made to feel guilty.
“Dad, what do you want me to do? Go to work when I’m ill? Risk making myself worse? Or making everyone else there ill as well?”
Her father sighed. She could tell that he still wasn’t convinced but that he had given up. She knew that he would eventually. She just had to ride out the storm.
“OK, then,” he said, “I’ll call them up for you I suppose. But I can tell you right now that they will not be very impressed with all this.”
Anna decided not to even answer this. She had won, that was enough. She rolled over in bed and closed her eyes. All that she had to do next was wait for him to leave for work.
And, at last, he did. She lay in bed trying to decide how to spend her day. TV? Sunbathing? Swimming? A combination of all three or just nothing at all?
She decided that the first thing to do was to get up out of bed, anyway. No use wasting the day lying in bed if she wasn’t really ill, after all.
So she got up out of bed and began to get dressed. She stood in front of the mirror naked and inspected herself. She had to admit that she thought that she was looking pretty damned good. She didn’t think that it was arrogance to say so. She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet and watched her breasts bounce, bounce, and then settle back in place. She knew that as time went by they wouldn’t stay in place so well – but while she was young she should enjoy their gravity-defying abilities. She inspected her large, dark nipples contrasting with the pale, flawless skin.
She ran her hands down to her flat stomach. Her abs were in great shape – she poked her fingers into her belly feeling the resistance there. She thought that you could bounce pennies off those abs if you wanted to – and if she could ever find someone to do it for her.
She turned round to inspect her ass in the mirror. She clenched her buttocks, unclenched. She gave it a light slap and saw it quiver slightly. It was round and pert. Although she felt shy and awkward under other people’s gaze she did like the idea of men looking at her ass in motion as she sashayed away from them. It was fine to imagine it, it was just the reality that she struggled with.
She thought about it, as she looked at herself in the mirror. She thought about men looking at her, wanting her. She thought about them seeing her like this, completely naked. She wondered how they would react. She could see the look in their eyes, the desire there.
She thought about a man – some imaginary man – stepping close to her naked body, his hands coming out and touching her smooth, perfect skin. His hand running up and down her body. His hand moving between her legs…
And she found that his fingers had gone there already. Her mouth opened as though in surprise as she began to touch herself. She had done this before – many, many nights lying in bed exploring her body, wondering what it would be like to have a man doing it to her – a real man, not the silly boys that she had known at high school. But now she was looking at herself intently in the mirror as she played with herself. She wondered to herself if this would be what the guy fucking her would see, her cheeks flushing slightly, the color rising in her skin, her nipples starting to harden, her pussy glistening.