She got to the desk and sat down behind it. For a moment he froze as he looked at her front. As she sat down she leaned forward. Her breasts were huge – big, white, and inviting. The dress was low cut – surely too low cut for an evening like this, he thought to himself. But maybe she liked that sort of thing. Maybe she liked putting on a show and letting all those men who came in to see her get a good look at her like this.
He imagined what it would be like to get his hands on them. God, he wanted them so damn bad.
He told himself not to stare. But it was easier said than done. He tried to tear his eyes away and look back at her face. He managed it at last and was dismayed to see that she was looking at him, intently, with a little smile on her lips – those cherry red lips. It was a half-knowing, half-mocking smile that seemed to say to him that she knew exactly what it was that he had been doing, and what he had been thinking.
He felt as though he was blushing, hard. His face felt hot and flushed. But the knowledge only seemed to make it worse. He felt as though he was squirming on the spot.
“Please, take a seat,” Pam said. He did as he was told and sat down facing her. He felt in some way that she had the upper hand and was in full control of the situation. He was in her world now.
She began talking but he barely heard the words. He kept telling himself to concentrate but it was a real struggle for him. He had to fight to keep his eyes from straying to her breasts. But when he managed that he’d see those beautiful big eyes or he would find himself looking at those full red lips. He’d wonder what it would be like to kiss them. He wondered what else she could do with them. What would it be like to have them wrapped around his cock? But he told himself that he had to snap out of it. He was fantasizing about stupid things that could never happen and there was no point torturing himself.
After a while, he realized that Pam had stopped speaking. He shook his head slightly, trying to clear it.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I was just asking if you’re OK? You seem a little bit distracted.”
He wanted to tell her the truth then. He wanted to tell her that he was distracted. He was distracted by her hot body and all the thoughts of what he wanted to do with it. But he knew that he could never do something like that. She would just laugh at him, if he was lucky, or throw him out and tell his sister if he was unlucky.
“Yeah,” he said, trying to hold her gaze, “just a little tired, that’s all.”
“Oh, dear, too many late nights, is that it? Or is it maybe your girlfriend keeping you up all night, eh?”
This wasn’t what he had expected. He should have come out with something smooth at this point but that wasn’t exactly his forte.
“No,” he mumbled, “just… work. Working late.”
She got a look of concern on her face then, but there seemed to be something mocking about it, as though she didn’t really mean it.
“Oh dear,” she said, and he could sense the mocking tone. Although there didn’t seem to be any real malice in it. It sounded, in fact, as though she was simply having fun with him, “That’s no good, is it? We need you to be on your best form.”
“We do?” he felt as though he was answering like an idiot, but there was just something about her that stopped his brain from working the way it should. He didn’t think that he had ever felt like this. Even his most awkward moments with girls his own age weren’t like this. What was she doing to him? He couldn’t even really work out how he really felt about it. In so many ways it was excruciating and awkward but then, at the same time, whenever she looked at him or whenever she smiled at him his heart did a little somersault that was far from unpleasant.
He continued trying to hold her gaze. It was hard, but he was determined. Their eyes stayed like that, locked. She narrowed hers slightly as though she was trying to puzzle something out or as though she was trying to come to a decision.
And then she seemed to decide. She stood up, slowly. She leaned forward as she pushed her chair back and once again he got an incredible view down her top, showing him once again all of what he wanted. He could feel a stirring in his pants and he told himself to get a grip.
She walked around the desk and walked over to him. She leaned down in front of him He did his absolute best not to look down her top. Her eyes managed to hold him though, but all the same, he was all too aware of those magnificent breasts right there, right at the periphery of his vision.
He could feel her breath on his face, smell it. Things suddenly seemed very real, more than real somehow.
“Well,” she said, and that husky voice of hers seemed to have dropped a few notes making it sound somehow even sexier, “we can’t have that now, can we? Maybe we need to find you a way to unwind.”
“I…” in his mind, he was saying something like “well, what do you have in mind?” with a slight grin on his face. But in reality, he couldn’t get the words out.
“Yes,” she said, looking at him closely, “I can see that you really are too stressed out. It’s no good for you, you know that.”
He opened his mouth to reply but no words would come out. It didn’t matter, however. She didn’t need an answer. She stood up and walked around him. He turned his head slightly to watch her go, watching the way her ass moved as she walked, wondering at it once again. But then she was behind him. He didn’t want to turn all the way around and make it obvious that he was staring at her. He could hear her feet clicking. He hadn’t even noticed the heels that she was wearing but now he could hear them.
She must have leaned down because suddenly he could feel her breath in his ear – tickling it and making it tingle. The tingle seemed to spread out through his head, down through his body to the tips of his fingers.
“OK, sweetie,” she whispered in his ear, and once again he could feel the tickling sensation of her breath, “how about we see what we can do about that.”
And then her hands were on his shoulders. She massaged him. It felt good. He could feel the tension starting to evaporate already.
There was something else though. Although he told himself that this was nothing intimate – that while it was maybe a little strange and maybe even somewhat inappropriate, it would be wrong to draw too many conclusions from it – there was still a part of it that felt as though it was something else. No woman had ever done this to him. He’d seen the ways girls touched guys elsewhere, how casually intimate they could be, and he had always felt jealous of it. But now he had this incredible woman massaging his shoulders like it was the most natural thing in the world.
He could feel her fingers digging into his flesh. She was firm but not to the point of causing pain.
He let out an involuntary sigh. It felt so good to be touched like this. He wondered to himself how else she might touch him, and whether it would feel as good. Surely if she did the things that he really wanted her to do it would feel even better? But he didn’t dare to even think about those things.
He felt her breath in his ear once more.
“How does that feel sweetie?” she murmured. “Good,” he replied, almost in a sigh, “so good.” “I’m glad.”
And she leaned down further so that he felt something push at his back. It took him a moment to realize just what it was. It was her breasts. He
thought about it – how they would be squished up against him, how there was only some material keeping him and them apart.
He thought about how it would be if he just spun his chair around now and buried his face in them. What would she say to that? He was starting to think that maybe she wouldn’t mind it at all. Not one bit. Yet still, something prevented him from doing it.