Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

CONTENT: Oral, fingering, jerk off, titty sucking, pussy licking, blow jobs.
Shane really wasn’t sure why he’d agreed to do this. He could have been spending his evening sitting at home, playing video games, or doing literally anything else. Yet here he was, driving through the rain to Lucy’s school.
But Carrie, his sister must have known that Lucy, his niece, was his one weak spot. He’d do anything he could for her. So when Carrie had come to him earlier that day, flustered and needing help, he knew that he wouldn’t have much say in the matter.
Carrie was a single mother and sometimes she struggled to make ends meet. She worked at a restaurant as a waitress and she took whatever shifts she could. Her boss had called her up that morning and told her that he needed her to come and work that evening. Ordinarily, she would have jumped at the chance for a few more hours at work, but this time was different. She had a parent-teacher conference for Lucy and she was desperate not to let her down. She had been caught in an impossible situation and – not for the first time – she had called on her kid brother, Shane.
Shane was always happy to help out, especially where Lucy was concerned, but he felt as though he had almost reached his limit here. The reason for this was his overwhelming shyness. He was a tall, handsome young man and people often took his quietness for brooding, but in truth, he just felt awkward trying to make conversation, especially with strangers. Some girls at school had tried talking to him and had gone away thinking that he was arrogant or aloof. In reality, the encounters had made him squirm and then, afterward, left him feeling angry and frustrated. He did, in fact, want to talk to them. He wanted to be charming and win them over.
It had never happened for him, however, and now, at 19-years-old he was still a virgin with no signs of anything improving. Sometimes he’d walk past the local swimming pool and see girls his age sunbathing in their tiny little bikinis and he’d feel a stirring in his pants and a yearning in his heart, a longing for something that he had somehow never managed to get and he felt the old frustration growing and growing within him.
He’d go home on those hot summer days and close his curtains. In the darkened room he’d imagine one of those girls just walking into his room in their little bikinis, barely anything covering their modesty. They’d smile at him and he’d stand up and walk to them. He imagined how it would feel to touch them – their smooth, soft skin, their taut little bodies – and how he’d pull them towards him. He’d kiss them and they’d be completely his.
His hand would slide up, below their bikini top, and take hold of one of their full, juicy breasts. His other hand would slip into her panties. What would that feel like? He didn’t know. He could only speculate. But he was sure that it would feel good, so good.
And then she’d get hold of his cock and begin playing with it. How long would he last? He didn’t think he’d be able to last very long, not if she really knew what she was doing – this naughty girl he was dreaming of would know exactly how to get him off, he thought.
He imagined himself cumming, hard, as she pulled at his cock. It would be all over her hands, a mess everywhere. She’d lick it off. Then she’d strip off in front of him and put on a show all for him – playing with herself while he watched till his cock stiffened again and he was ready to go.
He’d push her back onto his bed and he’d have her then, have her in every single position he could imagine. She’d be willing, she’d do absolutely anything that he wanted her to do. He’d bend her hot, tight little body into whatever positions he wanted and he’d fuck her however he wanted. He’d build into a frenzy before he’d shoot yet another load, this time right into her ripe little pussy.
He’d lie there on his bed, alone, jerking himself off as he imagined just how good it would be, and all of the things that he’d do to her once he had her in his bed. He’d want to get up good and close to her pussy – see what the mystery was really all about, taste it, smell it, take it all in. He’d get her to suck his cock and he’d cum in her mouth, or he’d pull out and cum on her perfect tits. She’d then use her finger to scoop up some of it and lick it while he watched.
Lying on his bed, he’d feel himself getting closer and closer, and then, at last, it would be over, and in those moments afterward, he’d lie there, panting, feeling all o the frustration returning to him. He felt angry with himself, sometimes. “You can fantasize about it all you like,” he’d tell himself, “it’s never going to happen if you carry on like this.”
In fact, he had been thinking about a particular girl he’d seen around when his sister had knocked on his door and let herself in. His cock had been
starting to stiffen in his pants but luckily he hadn’t got it out yet to start playing with it, although he did blush slightly when Carrie just burst in.
She had told him her problem and he had agreed to go to the parent-teacher conference in her place. As the hour had drawn closer though he had felt the nerves getting worse and worse and he’d been desperate to find some way out of it. Their parents were away, however, so it really did come down to him. There was simply no way out of it.
Arriving at the school brought back memories of when he had been a little kid, walking these same corridors. Things had been so much simpler back then. He hadn’t had to worry about being so shy and awkward, he hadn’t felt under any pressure to get with a girl.
It felt strange walking around inside the building after dark, it always had done. Somehow it felt as though he was doing something illicit. He had to be honest, he kind of liked it.
There were a few parents around, mostly couples walking to or from their meetings. A few of them gave him funny looks. Of course, he looked too young to be a parent of one of the children, so they were probably wondering just what it was that he was doing there. He had worn a shirt and tie to come to the meeting, telling himself that it was important to make a good impression, so they must have been quite confused at the sight of him.
He got lost trying to find where he was meant to be – he had thought that the old layout had all come back to him but evidently it hadn’t come back quite as well as he had thought.
He checked his watch and frowned, seeing that he was going to be late.
At last, however, he found the room. He was about to knock on the door when he heard voices inside and realized that the meetings must be running late. That, at least, was some relief to him.
He sat outside, his heart pounding as the moment drew nearer. Ms. Barlow, that was her name. He said it over and over again in his head. She hadn’t been a teacher when he had been there, but that was hardly surprising. That had been a long, long time ago now.
The time stretched on and on. It was probably only a few minutes, but in his heightened state of anxiety, the time seemed to have slowed to a crawl.
At last, he heard the voices coming closer to the door.
He looked up as the door opened and a couple in their mid-thirties stepped out.
“Thank you so much,” the woman said to someone behind them.
“It was great to meet you, really,” he heard another woman’s voice. It had a certain huskiness to it that set his mind racing, wondering what the woman it belonged to would be like. He had been imagining an old, frumpy woman with gray hair up in a bun. He couldn’t put that voice and that image together, however.
The couple walked down the corridor. He looked after them and then turned back to the door as a head popped out. He felt his jaw drop slightly. This woman did not look like any teacher he had ever seen before. She looked as though she was roughly in her mid-thirties. She had delicate features with light, flawless porcelain skin. Her hair was thick and black, rolling down in
curls onto her shoulders. She had bright red lipstick that contrasted with her pale skin and big green eyes.
He could only see her face at this point but he wanted to see more. “Ah…” she said, looking confused, “I don’t think…”
“Oh, I’m Carrie’s brother. Lucy’s uncle. Carrie got called into work and couldn’t make it so I’ve kind of stepped in. I’m Shane, by the way.”
She smiled and that was that. He was completely lost, lost to her.
“Ah, I see!” She said, “Well, I’m Pam, Lucy’s teacher. Why don’t you come on in then.”
Pam. So that was her name. This was certainly Pam and not the Frumpy Ms. Barlow, the spinster teacher of his imagination.
He stood up and walked into the room. Pam was already walking back to her desk. This was when he got his first proper look at her body. And what a body it was.
She was wearing a dress that clung to her curves, and she had plenty of them. He looked at her round ass, the way her waist curved inwards, and for a moment he wanted nothing so much as to reach out with his hands and take hold of her, pull her to him and rub his cock against that great ass of hers.