Leaving Hiram isn’t easy-I never thought it would be, but it is worse than I imagined. Each day I wake up feels like a chore to drag myself out of bed. Sometimes I try to check on him, but then I remember I have him blocked on everything.
“Juniper, answer the question.” Miss. Tatiana’s voice cuts through the haze in my head, and I look up to see the entire class staring at me.
I have no clue what she asked, and to add to it, I have been declining in school over the past few weeks.
“Get on your feet, young woman!” Miss. Tatiana has been extra cold to me too, ever since Hiram left the school.
I get to my feet, then I try to keep my eyes on her.
“Please, can you repeat your question, ma’am?” I ask in a low tone, and I watch her face contort in disgust.
“What were you up to that my question wasn’t audible enough for you?” I fiddle with the ends of my gown, and she scoffs. “I am not a male lecturer, Juniper, so you do not get to seduce me, emotionally blackmail me and get me sacked.” My eyes widen as she says this, and I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out.
Her words send multiple jabs to my chest, and I feel tears threatening to crawl down.
“Get out of my class if you won’t pay attention!” She yells, and I reach for my bag at once, grabbing it. “And from today, you cease being the class rep for my course.” She says, but I do not care.
I open the door and slam it, walking down the hall directionless. I haven’t gone far when I hear Rhea call out from behind.
“Wait up!” She yells, and I pause, then I look to see the door of the class open again with students trooping out.
“What’s going on?” I ask, and she grabs my hand.
“Everyone cares about you, and since the school termed it sexual assault, they can’t stand that bitch,” she whispers the last part. “I’m sorry that happened, and you might be right. I think she did have a crush on Hiram.”
His name brings another wave of sadness through my chest. A girl from class walks up to me.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” She throws her arms around me in a hug, and then others apologize before leaving-not everyone, but a good number of people.
“Please, let’s get out of here before they make a line for apologies,” I say, and Rhea chuckles, taking my hands and walking me out of the school building.
I haven’t been able to drive for a while, so we make our way to Rhea’s car. Halfway there, my phone beeps, and I look down at it to see Troy’s name on display. He has been checking on me since everything went down, and I appreciate how much he cares, but I do not think I want to start something romantic.
“Troy is calling again,” I say as I get into Rhea’s car.
“I know it is your choice, but you literally have to move on. Hiram’s back home in whatever land it is he’s from, and he might never come back. Do you want to live forever as the widow of a wolf man?” She asks, and I shake my head. “Then go out. Give Troy a chance. You do not have to rush things, just one hangout won’t hurt.”
Her words make sense to me, and I have to admit I need to get out more.
“Just one date,” I say, then I call Troy back.
“Hey, June. I’m just checking in for the day, and I hope you’re good?” He asks, and I mutter a yes.
The line goes silent for a moment.
“I know your answer will probably be a no, but if you do not mind, I would really love to take you out today to ease your mind.”
I inhale deeply when he says this.
“That is a good idea. I think I need a break,” I say, and I hear his voice bubble with excitement.
“You do?” He asks. “I mean, where do I pick you up?”
“School was rough, and I am heading back to Rhea’s apartment so you can find me there.”
“I get off work at five, so see you at six.”
Just as Troy said, at six, his car pulls up in the driveway. I give myself one last look in the mirror, then I walk out to see him dressed in a suit. I can tell he is just coming straight from work.
“You look breathtaking,” he says, and I force a smile, trying to push away the thoughts of those words coming from Hiram’s mouth.
Troy plants a kiss on both my cheeks, then he takes my hands in his.
“God, people might talk about seeing us together. You are so beautiful to walk with a man like me.”
“Stop.” I tap his shoulder gently as my cheeks redden.
Then he turns to Rhea.
“I’ll try to return her back to you,” he says, and Rhea shakes her head.
“You do not have to. She is all yours.” She winks at him while I roll my eyes.
Troy takes me to his car, then he holds the door for me. He comes after me, then his driver drives off.
Shortly, we make it to a five-star restaurant. It is beautifully decorated, and I can tell that everything costs a lot by how professional and neat the servers look.
Troy takes me to a table he reserved for us. He pulls out my chair and helps me sit before he sits opposite me.
“Thank you,” I say to him, and he flashes me a smile.
We make our order, and Troy tries to keep me lively by indulging in random conversations with me. We talk at length about politics, education, and even entertainment. I get to know his favorite singer is Eminem. His openness is amazing, and I almost forget my problems.
Soon, the server arrives with our food. We have seafood and some Chinese noodles. I take my chopsticks and dig in at once, slurping the noodles in an appropriate manner. Halfway through the meal, I notice Troy is watching me, which makes me stop eating as I swallow the string of noodles in my mouth.
“What?” I ask, and he shakes his head with a smile on his lips.
“It’s… it’s just that I cannot believe we are actually doing this,” he says, and I raise a brow. “I got one date with you, June. I have never sat with you for about an hour, and doing that makes me wish this can last forever.”
Forever. Hiram was supposed to be my forever, but nothing lasts forever.
“Nothing lasts forever,” I say to him, and he sighs sharply.
“Let’s eat,” he says, and I focus on my food, wishing it can end so I can go home.
I pray he doesn’t want to start anything serious because truly I may not be ready. When we finish eating, Troy takes care of the bill, then he helps me up, walking me out the door. We get into his car, heading home.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Troy asks, breaking the silence as we get closer to the house. Then I give him a nod.
“The food was nice, and I think I needed actual food, and a break from all the junk. Thanks.”
“You do not have to thank me. I’d do anything for you, June.” He holds my gaze when he says this.
“That’s really nice of you, and I appreciate it.”
His driver comes to a halt, and I reach for the door handle.
“Goodnight, Troy,” I mutter, trying to leave, but he keeps his gaze on me. “Is there a problem?” I ask, and he exhales sharply.
“If it is not a lot to ask, can I kiss you? It will be…” he stops. “Never mind.”
I should leave as he says this, but something in me just wants him to have this one kiss. He has been there for me, and a kiss is no big deal.
“You can kiss me,” I say, then he leans in, cupping my face with his left hand.
His hand is gentle, but not as gentle as his lips on mine. The warmth draws me in and just like a magic spell; it breaks the coldness in my chest, but fear takes over, and I pull away at once, opening the door and walking away.
I rush back to the apartment with my heart hammering in my chest.
“What happened?” Rhea asks the moment I walk in and lock the door with my back against it.
“Troy and I kissed,” I say, and she moves in to hold me.
“I’m sorry if you weren’t ready for it. He should have waited for…”
“That’s not the problem.” I say, maintaining eye contact. “I think I want more of him.”