“Land!” I screamed and I rand into the white sand, it was hard to run and exhausting so I stopped. There were people on the beach.
Most of them women here topless and just look at me, I was wearing an oversized t-shirt to cover my clothes, I should protest.
“Baby, come over here” Christian said holding out his hand. I could see sleek black cars waiting afar and I knew that they must belong to him.
The sun was hot, in dry and light way. Christian led me to a car while Kylee and Wayne took another car..
“Jenna, I have to tell you something” he said as the driver started taking us out of the beach.
“Yes?” I asked seeing the serious expression on his face.
“Marcellino knows” he simply said.
And he watched my expression.
“Marcellino knows about us?” I asked feeling my scalp prickle. As my mind started diluting it, my heart started playing my fears.
“No” I said.
I was in denial.
“He can’t know”
“But he does, he just found out” Christian said.
“How?” I asked him.
“The media” he said.
I rested my head in the headrest.
“Baby it’s okay”
“It’s not!” I snapped.
He was quiet.
“I’m sorry” I said cleaning my tears.
“You know that you don’t have to apologize”
“Does my mum know?” I asked him and hew as reluctant to reply.
“Does she know?” I urged.
“I’m not certain but I’ll call Marcellino and ask him to keep shut about it”
I didn’t even know the time the car stopped moving, but it did.
“We are here ” the driver announced
“You can leave, I’ll park properly ” Christian said.
“Okay sir” the driver said and left the car.
“If she knows… My friends have left me. My parents…”
“Your mum can’t leave you”
“You don’t know that. I’ll be like a shame to her, an embarrassment”
“Elisa is not like that and Baby, don’t say things like that”
“I wish it wasn’t true” I said.
He got down from the car and I thought he was going to leave me there because I was constantly bringing up this topic. I forgot that he was supposed to park the car in the right spot.
He got into the driver seat and he drove.
“Anything that happens, I’ll be there” he said after he had parked in the right place. “I’ll be there Jenna and we can live without them”
“You might be an introvert but I’m not. I need my family to function, I need my friends”
He was quiet once again. What was I doing with my life.
I haven’t even gone to work for a day.
“I’m here on an island and I’m supposed to be preparing for Milan. What the fuck am I doing?”
I used to be determined and hardworking.. I was so hardworking that the story of my life would have started with something along the lines of my career meant everything to me and whatever I wanted I got.
True, I wanted to work for Andreas and I got it but I was not a model, not anymore, not while I was here acting like a spoilt sugar baby.
“You know that you don’t need to work a day in your life again” Christian said and I rolled my eyes at him. Things like that made me feel too comfortable and it was a curse.
“Can we just go inside?” I asked with tears in my eyes.
He wouldn’t understand.
I didn’t have to work a day with in my life and yet I would have to depend on him for anything. I was grateful for the fact that he was bloody rich but I needed my own money.
I hate being dependent.
The house was beautiful.
“You own it?” I asked him a Nd he shook his head.
“I rented it”
“Where is Kylee, I need to talk with her”
“She’s in the other house ”
“Why did you rent two separate houses?”
“Privacy, I thought we’d have to stay here for about a week or something ”
I turned away from him and I stopped, I was always running away. Like o couldn’t stand 1 him whenever we were having a fight.
Kylee’s words came back to me so instead of leaving the house in search for a distraction, I fell on the couch and cried.
“It’s going to be okay” he said smoothing my hair.
“He must be calling my phone, he must have told my mum”
“I’m sorry, I should have been more discreet” he apologized when u knew that that none of it was his fault and yet I was blaming him.
I turned to look at him, he looked so worried and sadness was etched on his face.
I kissed him, passionately.
Not like I wanted to get laid but, I wanted him to know that I wasn’t blaming him. I kissed him hard and deep, his hands went under my shirt and I was already sore down there.
I pulled away sharply.
“What?” He asked in a out of breath manner.
“I’m still sore” I said shyly.
He half smile, at least it was a relief because he was frowning so hard.
“Sorry, you need some aspirin”
“Did I ever tell you why my dad died?” I asked him.
“Marcellino told me” he said holding me and pulling me so that I was straddling him.
“What did he tell you?”
“That he was a victim of a gang shoot out”
“Well, that was the story my mum fabricated, she made me answer swear I wouldn’t say anything else”
“There is more?” He asked knowingly.
“There is” I said sadly.
I still had nightmares of it till today.
“I have still nightmares about that night”
“Tell me, what happened?” He asked.
“My mum, she’s addicted to gambling” I said and he frowned. I was sure he didn’t know.
“She told me how she went to casinos… Gambling away anything she owned. There was a time when she was at the lowest point of her life and she still couldn’t stop, she gave away her last penny and then she won about a grand”
I laughed at the memory.
“She was so happy and proud but it was short lived because she gambled away that one thousand dollars and she was dead broke, then she met my dad”