“I’m fine” I said with a smile but I knew I looked ridiculous, crying and smiling.
“Talk to me”
I bursted out on tears and hugged him tight.
“Any of my friends that finds out about us, they always say the same thing. They hate me afterwards”
I knew that he understood, he was quiet. He held me there till I was done with crying and I cleaned my tears with the back of my hand.
“You’re naked” I said looking down.
He laughed and looked down as if he was just seeing himself for the first time.
I nodded him towards the shower and I left. I heard Kylee’s voice, she was ordering someone to calm someone else and she was talking about a boat.
Then she knocked on the door. I opened it and she smiled a half smile. I remembered how angry she was last night and seeing her now made me happy, because she was no longer angry at me, it seems.
“Hi” I said.
“I heard you had a small word with Jay” she said.
I looked behind her to see the man that had followed me there.
He had told her.
I felt so embarrassed.
“How are you honey?” She asked holding my shoulders.
“I’m fine” I said shaking my head.
“You want to watch Collins over here beat him up?” She asked with a mischievous grin.
“Uh no” I said and I watched her mischievous smile disappointed and she scowled.
“Are you sure, he’ll pay for what he said”
“I’m sure. It was just his opinion ”
At first she seemed as if she was going to convince me but after some seconds she sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Such a softie ” she said under her breath.
“I heard you ” I told her.
“Get dressed ” she ordered with a playful smile and closed the door.
I went through my things and saw that in a rush, I had packed the entire revealing clothes in my closet. The short skirt was the longest piece of clothing I packed.
“Good god, please help me” I said knowing what would follow after this.
I put on a crop top and a short. I put my hair into a ponytail and I put on some makeup
Christian came out of the bathroom, as naked as the day he was born and I knew that there were towels in the bathroom. He just chose to grace my eyes with his awesomeness.
I turned away as if I had never seen him naked before.
“What are you wearing?” He asked me calmly, as if he was trying to keep his voice down.
“What?” I asked closing my luggage.
“You can’t wear that, there is a dozen security guards outside and we are leaving the ship and going to an island. Do you know how many people are there, how many men, even lesbians… You can’t be dressed like that. I can see your legs and your boobs…”
I laughed as I watched him rant but he was not even smiling.
“Why is the short cut so low, I can see your v-line”..”it’s the trend. I can’t wear anything else, I packed just bikinis and clothes that are worst than this”
He went quiet.
I could almost tell what he was thinking.
“Were you trying to seduce Jay?”
“No… No.. I was in a hurry to pack. I brought just one dress..”
Someone knocked on the door.
“It’s Kylee, are you guys ready… The boat is here”
“What boat?” I asked him.
“My boat. We’re leaving this ship”
He walked over to a bag and pulled out a t-shirt, he handed it to me.
“What?” I asked looking at it.
“You know what it’s for. Wear it. I can’t have other men drinking you up”
“You have gone mad” I said wearing the t-shirt because I didn’t want a fight.
I went outside, Kylee scanned and she smiled.
“I heard everything, I had intervene” she said giving me a wink.
“Thank you, he would have gone one and on forever ” I said with a sigh.
“It’s okay, he’s just a jealous man”
I had a question at the tip of my tongue but I just chose to keep quiet about it. I wanted to ask if he was this overprotective over his subs.
Did he tell them what to wear, how to wear it, did he get angry when they wore revealing clothes?
I would eventually have to ask him by myself.
“I can’t even wear what I like anymore” I muttered.
“You look pretty in the oversized top” she said with a laugh.
“Not funny. Not funny at all, Bo was wearing a bikini”
They led me down, to the base of the ship. There was a majestic boat waiting. It was beautiful and big.
“Let me help you” a blonde haired man said.
I remembered him.
“Wayne” he said with a smirk.
He was attractive in a way you’d think he was an actor, but his hands were too callous and rough, like that of a man that did too much hard work with his hands. His grip was tight and I felt secure even when the boat seemed like it was gently swaying.
“Thank you” I told him and he gave a very short smile and he released my hand.
“”Mr Christian ” he said looking behind my shoulder and giving me distance. I went into the boat and I gasped when I saw the interior.
“Beautiful, ain’t it?” Kylee asked.
It was.
I looked out of the big window to see people on deck watching us.
Christian disappeared and after a moment, the boat started moving.
“Where is Christian?”
“Steering the boat” Kylee said.
Where are we going, I’m tired of being on the sea”
“You’ll see” she said with a yawn.
“Before I forget, Christian got you a new phone. While we were still on land of course ” she said with a laugh.
She pulled out a black box from her bag and handed it to me.
“How did he know I wanted this one?” I asked her staring at it.
“The trend… I asked Blue”
I heard Christian’s footsteps before I saw him. Kylee yawned again.
“At least the both of you can manage to be quiet this time?” Kylee asked with a childlike chuckle and before any of us could react, she ran off.
They heard me!