“I have to call Christian” I said nervously.
“The phone night have a password” Blue said.
“It doesn’t” I told her.
Lucky for me, I memorized Christian’s number some time ago.
I tried it a couple of times but there was no reply.
“He’s not answering”
“Maybe he’s not with his phone. Try Ryan’s”
“Call the number out to me”
I typed the number in and called. I put it on loud speaker, waiting for someone to answer.
“Hello…” It was Christian.
“Oh god, Christian…” I said crying.
Hearing his voice was like a rainbow after the storm. Fresh tears fell from my eyes and I could not stop myself from shaking.
“Jenna, tell me where you are Baby” I could hear fear in his voice and a lot of other emotions.
“I don’t know where we are but we’re heading to the highway..”
“That’s Mr Greene’s following us”
Blue said distracting me.
I turned to see that Mr Greene’s white car was actually following us.
“Drive to a police station Blue” Ryan’s voice interjected, they must have put us on loud speaker.
“Do you need directions!” Kylee shouted, I could hear her perfectly to though even if she didn’t shout.
I turned to Blue.
“Yes!” She yelled.
The white car bumped into us from behind, pushing us aside.
“What was that?’ Christian asked.
“Mr Greene is bumping into our car…” Blue cried.
“We’re driving to your direction ” Klyee shouted. For an unknown reason, Christian was awfully quiet.
“Directions, Kylee please ”
She directed us to the police station, as we drove to the station, we stayed in the car.
I watched the white car drive past the building in fear, then suddenly it halted and Mr Harrison claimbed down. Then Mr Greene followed behind him.
It was like a Divine intervention, the white Rolls Royce. Christian climbed down first. He went straight to the where Harrison and Greene were standing, shock and fear tied them to their spots.
He pushed them into the car and drove off. I climbed down from the car, Ryan hugged Blue tight and Kylee came to give me a hug.
“He’ll be back when he’s done” Kylee said rubbing my arm.
“Thank God you’re alive!” Ryan shouted combing his fingers through his sister’s hair, his cheeks were stained with tears.
“It was all my fault” Blue cried.
Ryan had to go back and close the party, while Kylee drove us to the safehouse. There was a doctor waiting when we got there.
The doctor was a female. She was formal and sympathetic. After about two hours, Ryan came to the safehouse.
“You scared the crap out of me. And you took Jenna with you!’
“I’m sorry, it wouldn’t happen again ‘
“Don’t scold her Ryan, at least not today” Klyee said weakly.
Those were the last words I heard before I drifted off in sleep.
I had a nightmare, the most eerie I ever experienced.
I was tied on the bed and Harrison was standing at the edge of the bed, taking photos of my naked body. He too was naked, his small cock was erect and stretching towards my direction.
I tried to struggle and scream but he had gagged me and the ropes were fastened expertly.
He dropped the camera and pounced on me. I jumped from the sleep and screamed when I saw a figure sitting on the arm chair in front of me. There was darkness through out the room.
“It’s fine, it’s me..” it was Christian.
I fell on the bed weakly and cried, Christian came forward and held me while I cried.
“I’m sorry” he apologized to me, what was he apologizing for.
The next time I woke up the bed was empty and cold, as if no one but me had slept on it.
The curtains were drawn and the blinds were down.
I walked to the living room and it was empty but the television was on. And the channel was a news channel.
The headline was interesting and it was like a nightmare. Harrison and Greene’s photo was on the screen.
Two Millionaires were found burnt to ashes in a car. They were set on fire but the police are ruling it as an accident since they had crashed into a wall. Accordingly to them the car had caught on fire due to the crash.
“Hey” the deep baritone broke into the silence, making me jump.
I turned around to see Christian holding two cups of chocolate.
He stretched one cup to me while he took a sip. I took the cup from him and sipped it.
“They’re dead” I said after I swallowed.
He nodded once in his usual style.
“You’re hurt, badly. You need to go back to bed” he said.
His tone was not in any way pleasant, he sounded angry at himself. I took another big sip of the hot chocolate. I closed my eyes and savoured the taste.
“I’m sorry for leaving without telling you” I apologized.
“Now is not the time” he said simply. His flat tone had not changed at all, it only took on a more bitter volume.
I took another sip.
“Go to your room”
“I thought it was our room”
“You know what I meant Jenna” he said dropping his mug on the table. “Do what I tell you, at least for once”
“Of course” I said and I turned around to leave. I wanted to say something to him but taking his current mood, I thought better of it and I turned around and just decided to go back to my room.
I bumped into Blue when she was coming out of her room.
“Good morning” she said softly.
I smiled at her.
I turned back to see Christian leaning against the door of the hallway, watching me.
“Wanna come in too?’ I asked her and she nodded.
We both went into the bedroom and stared at the ceiling for almost an eternity.
“Harrison and Greene are dead” I said after a while.
Blue turned to me.
“Christian?” She asked.
I nodded my head.
“If Christian didn’t do then I’m sure my dad or Ryan would have” Blue said with a sigh.
“Who were you going to meet yesterday” I asked her.
“Carlos and Vincent, hottest twins I ever saw” she said and after a while, we couldn’t stop laughing at the irony.
“We almost lost our live because you wanted some fun” I amused.
“Don’t worry Jenna, I’ll make it up to you” she said and pressed my hand reassuringly.